Namespaces that uses the Nashorn javascript engine to invoke some shared javascript code that we use to determine the background color of pulse table cells

   [ :as io]
   [ :as js.engine]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [trs]]
   [metabase.util.json :as json]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu])
   (metabase.formatter NumericWrapper)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(def ^:private js-file-path "frontend_shared/color_selector.js")
(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([])} js-engine
  ;; As of 2024/05/13, a single color selector js engine takes 3.5 MiB of memory
   (fn []
     (let [file-url (io/resource js-file-path)]
       (assert file-url (trs "Can''t find JS color selector at ''{0}''" js-file-path))
       (doto (js.engine/context)
         (js.engine/load-resource  js-file-path))))

This is a pretty loose schema, more as a safety net as we have a long feedback loop for this being broken as it's being handed to the JS color picking code. Currently it just needs column names from :cols, and the query results from :rows

(def ^:private QueryResults
   [:cols [:sequential [:map
                        [:name :string]]]]
   [:rows [:sequential [:sequential :any]]]])

Returns a curried javascript function (object) that can be used with get-background-color for delegating to JS code to pick out the correct color for a given cell in a pulse table. The logic for picking a color is somewhat complex, but defined in a set of rules in viz-settings. There are some colors that are picked based on a particular cell value, others affect the row, so it's necessary to call this once for the resultset and then get-background-color on each cell.

(mu/defn make-color-selector
  [{:keys [cols rows]} :- QueryResults
  ;; Ideally we'd convert everything to JS data before invoking the function below, but converting rows would be
  ;; expensive. The JS code is written to deal with `rows` in it's native Nashorn format but since `cols` and
  ;; `viz-settings` are small, pass those as JSON so that they can be deserialized to pure JS objects once in JS
  ;; code
  (js.engine/execute-fn-name (js-engine) "makeCellBackgroundGetter"
                             (json/encode cols)
                             (json/encode viz-settings)))

Get the correct color for a cell in a pulse table. Returns color as string suitable for use CSS, e.g. a hex string or rgba() string. This is intended to be invoked on each cell of every row in the table. See make-color-selector for more info.

(defn get-background-color
  ^String [color-selector cell-value column-name row-index]
  (let [cell-value (if (instance? NumericWrapper cell-value)
                     (:num-value cell-value)
    (.asString (js.engine/execute-fn color-selector cell-value row-index column-name))))