(ns metabase.channel.render.card
   [hiccup.core :refer [h]]
   [metabase.channel.render.body :as body]
   [metabase.channel.render.image-bundle :as image-bundle]
   [metabase.channel.render.png :as png]
   [metabase.channel.render.style :as style]
   [metabase.models.dashboard-card :as dashboard-card]
   [metabase.query-processor.timezone :as qp.timezone]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]
   [metabase.util.markdown :as markdown]
   [metabase.util.urls :as urls]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))

I gave these keys below namespaces to make them easier to find usages for but didn't use metabase.channel.render so we can keep this as an internal namespace you don't need to know about outside of the module.

(mr/def ::options
  "Options for Pulse (i.e. Alert/Dashboard Subscription) rendering."
   [:channel.render/include-buttons?     {:description "default: false", :optional true} :boolean]
   [:channel.render/include-title?       {:description "default: false", :optional true} :boolean]
   [:channel.render/include-description? {:description "default: false", :optional true} :boolean]])
(defn- card-href
  (h (urls/card-url (u/the-id card))))
(mu/defn- make-title-if-needed :- [:maybe ::body/RenderedPartCard]
  [render-type card dashcard options :- [:maybe ::options]]
  (when (:channel.render/include-title? options)
    (let [card-name    (or (-> dashcard :visualization_settings :card.title)
                           (-> card :name))
          image-bundle (when (:channel.render/include-buttons? options)
                         (image-bundle/external-link-image-bundle render-type))]
      {:attachments (when image-bundle
                      (image-bundle/image-bundle->attachment image-bundle))
       :content     [:table {:style (style/style {:margin-bottom   :2px
                                                  :border-collapse :collapse
                                                  :width           :100%})}
                       [:td {:style (style/style {:padding :0
                                                  :margin  :0})}
                        [:a {:style  (style/style (style/header-style))
                             :href   (card-href card)
                             :target "_blank"
                             :rel    "noopener noreferrer"}
                         (h card-name)]]
                       [:td {:style (style/style {:text-align :right})}
                        (when (:channel.render/include-buttons? options)
                          [:img {:style (style/style {:width :16px})
                                 :width 16
                                 :src   (:image-src image-bundle)}])]]]]})))
(mu/defn- make-description-if-needed :- [:maybe ::body/RenderedPartCard]
  [dashcard card options :- [:maybe ::options]]
  (when (:channel.render/include-description? options)
    (when-let [description (or (get-in dashcard [:visualization_settings :card.description])
                               (:description card))]
      {:attachments {}
       :content [:div {:style (style/style {:color style/color-text-medium
                                            :font-size :12px
                                            :margin-bottom :8px})}
                 (markdown/process-markdown description :html)]})))

Determine the pulse (visualization) type of a card, e.g. :scalar or :bar.

(defn detect-pulse-chart-type
  [{display-type :display card-name :name} maybe-dashcard {:keys [cols rows] :as data}]
  (let [col-sample-count          (delay (count (take 3 cols)))
        row-sample-count          (delay (count (take 2 rows)))]
    (letfn [(chart-type [tyype reason & args]
              (log/tracef "Detected chart type %s for Card %s because %s"
                          tyype (pr-str card-name) (apply format reason args))
        (or (empty? rows)
            ;; Many aggregations result in [[nil]] if there are no rows to aggregate after filters
            (= [[nil]] (-> data :rows)))
        (chart-type :empty "there are no rows in results")
        (#{:pin_map :state :country} display-type)
        (chart-type nil "display-type is %s" display-type)
        (and (some? maybe-dashcard)
             (pos? (count (dashboard-card/dashcard->multi-cards maybe-dashcard))))
        (chart-type :javascript_visualization "result has multiple card semantics, a multiple chart")
        ;; for scalar/smartscalar, the display-type might actually be :line, so we can't have line above
        (and (not (contains? #{:progress :gauge} display-type))
             (= @col-sample-count @row-sample-count 1))
        (chart-type :scalar "result has one row and one column")
           :funnel} display-type)
        (chart-type display-type "display-type is %s" display-type)
           :combo} display-type)
        (chart-type :javascript_visualization "display-type is javascript_visualization")
        (chart-type :table "no other chart types match")))))
(defn- is-attached?
  ((some-fn :include_csv :include_xls) card))
(mu/defn- render-pulse-card-body :- ::body/RenderedPartCard
   timezone-id :- [:maybe :string]
   {:keys [data error] :as results}]
    (when error
      (throw (ex-info (tru "Card has errors: {0}" error) (assoc results :card-error true))))
    (let [chart-type (or (detect-pulse-chart-type card dashcard data)
                         (when (is-attached? card)
      (log/debugf "Rendering pulse card with chart-type %s and render-type %s" chart-type render-type)
      (body/render chart-type render-type timezone-id card dashcard data))
    (catch Throwable e
      (if (:card-error (ex-data e))
          (log/error e "Pulse card query error")
          (body/render :card-error nil nil nil nil nil))
          (log/error e "Pulse card render error")
          (body/render :render-error nil nil nil nil nil))))))
(mu/defn render-pulse-card :- ::body/RenderedPartCard
  "Render a single `card` for a `Pulse` to Hiccup HTML. `result` is the QP results. Returns a map with keys
  - attachments
  - content (a hiccup form suitable for rendering on rich clients or rendering into an image)
  - render/text : raw text suitable for substituting on clients when text is preferable. (Currently slack uses this for
    scalar results where text is preferable to an image of a div of a single result."
  ([render-type timezone-id  card dashcard results]
   (render-pulse-card render-type timezone-id  card dashcard results nil))
    timezone-id :- [:maybe :string]
    options     :- [:maybe ::options]]
   (let [{title             :content
          title-attachments :attachments} (make-title-if-needed render-type card dashcard options)
         {description :content}           (make-description-if-needed dashcard card options)
         {pulse-body       :content
          body-attachments :attachments
          text             :render/text}  (render-pulse-card-body render-type timezone-id card dashcard results)]
     (cond-> {:attachments (merge title-attachments body-attachments)
              :content [:p
                        ;; Provide a horizontal scrollbar for tables that overflow container width.
                        ;; Surrounding <p> element prevents buggy behavior when dragging scrollbar.
                         [:a {:href        (card-href card)
                              :target      "_blank"
                              :rel         "noopener noreferrer"
                              :style       (style/style
                                            {:display         :block
                                             :text-decoration :none})}
                          [:div {:class "pulse-body"
                                 :style (style/style {:overflow-x :auto ;; when content is wide enough, automatically show a horizontal scrollbar
                                                      :display :block
                                                      :margin  :16px})}
                           (if-let [more-results-message (body/attached-results-text render-type card)]
                             (conj more-results-message (list pulse-body))
       text (assoc :render/text text)))))

Same as render-pulse-card but isn't intended for an email, rather for previewing so there is no need for attachments

(mu/defn render-pulse-card-for-display
  ([timezone-id card results]
   (render-pulse-card-for-display timezone-id card results nil))
  ([timezone-id card results options :- [:maybe ::options]]
   (:content (render-pulse-card :inline timezone-id card nil results options))))
(mu/defn render-pulse-section :- ::body/RenderedPartCard
  "Render a single Card section of a Pulse to a Hiccup form (representating HTML)."
  ([timezone-id part]
   (render-pulse-section timezone-id part {}))
    {card :card, dashcard :dashcard, result :result, :as _part}
    options :- [:maybe ::options]]
   (let [options                       (merge {:channel.render/include-title?       true
                                               :channel.render/include-description? true}
         {:keys [attachments content]} (render-pulse-card :attachment timezone-id card dashcard result options)]
     {:attachments attachments
      :content     [:div {:style (style/style {:margin-top    :20px
                                               :margin-bottom :20px})}
(mu/defn render-pulse-card-to-png :- bytes?
  "Render a `pulse-card` as a PNG. `data` is the `:data` from a QP result."
  (^bytes [timezone-id pulse-card result width]
   (render-pulse-card-to-png timezone-id pulse-card result width nil))
  (^bytes [timezone-id :- [:maybe :string]
           options :- [:maybe ::options]]
   (png/render-html-to-png (render-pulse-card :inline timezone-id pulse-card nil result options) width)))
(mu/defn render-pulse-card-to-base64 :- string?
  "Render a `pulse-card` as a PNG and return it as a base64 encoded string."
  ^String [timezone-id card dashcard result width]
  (-> (render-pulse-card :inline timezone-id card dashcard result)
      (png/render-html-to-png width)
(mu/defn png-from-render-info :- bytes?
  "Create a PNG file (as a byte array) from rendering info."
  ^bytes [rendered-info :- ::body/RenderedPartCard width]
  ;; TODO huh? why do we need this indirection?
  (png/render-html-to-png rendered-info width))
(mu/defn defaulted-timezone :- :string
  "Returns the timezone ID for the given `card`. Either the report timezone (if applicable) or the JVM timezone."
  (or (some->> card :database_id (t2/select-one :model/Database :id) qp.timezone/results-timezone-id)