(ns metabase.channel.render.card (:require [hiccup.core :refer [h]] [metabase.channel.render.body :as body] [metabase.channel.render.image-bundle :as image-bundle] [metabase.channel.render.png :as png] [metabase.channel.render.style :as style] [metabase.models.dashboard-card :as dashboard-card] [metabase.query-processor.timezone :as qp.timezone] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr] [metabase.util.markdown :as markdown] [metabase.util.urls :as urls] [toucan2.core :as t2])) | |
I gave these keys below namespaces to make them easier to find usages for but didn't use | (mr/def ::options "Options for Pulse (i.e. Alert/Dashboard Subscription) rendering." [:map [:channel.render/include-buttons? {:description "default: false", :optional true} :boolean] [:channel.render/include-title? {:description "default: false", :optional true} :boolean] [:channel.render/include-description? {:description "default: false", :optional true} :boolean]]) |
(defn- card-href [card] (h (urls/card-url (u/the-id card)))) | |
(mu/defn- make-title-if-needed :- [:maybe ::body/RenderedPartCard] [render-type card dashcard options :- [:maybe ::options]] (when (:channel.render/include-title? options) (let [card-name (or (-> dashcard :visualization_settings :card.title) (-> card :name)) image-bundle (when (:channel.render/include-buttons? options) (image-bundle/external-link-image-bundle render-type))] {:attachments (when image-bundle (image-bundle/image-bundle->attachment image-bundle)) :content [:table {:style (style/style {:margin-bottom :2px :border-collapse :collapse :width :100%})} [:tbody [:tr [:td {:style (style/style {:padding :0 :margin :0})} [:a {:style (style/style (style/header-style)) :href (card-href card) :target "_blank" :rel "noopener noreferrer"} (h card-name)]] [:td {:style (style/style {:text-align :right})} (when (:channel.render/include-buttons? options) [:img {:style (style/style {:width :16px}) :width 16 :src (:image-src image-bundle)}])]]]]}))) | |
(mu/defn- make-description-if-needed :- [:maybe ::body/RenderedPartCard] [dashcard card options :- [:maybe ::options]] (when (:channel.render/include-description? options) (when-let [description (or (get-in dashcard [:visualization_settings :card.description]) (:description card))] {:attachments {} :content [:div {:style (style/style {:color style/color-text-medium :font-size :12px :margin-bottom :8px})} (markdown/process-markdown description :html)]}))) | |
Determine the pulse (visualization) type of a | (defn detect-pulse-chart-type [{display-type :display card-name :name} maybe-dashcard {:keys [cols rows] :as data}] (let [col-sample-count (delay (count (take 3 cols))) row-sample-count (delay (count (take 2 rows)))] (letfn [(chart-type [tyype reason & args] (log/tracef "Detected chart type %s for Card %s because %s" tyype (pr-str card-name) (apply format reason args)) tyype)] (cond (or (empty? rows) ;; Many aggregations result in [[nil]] if there are no rows to aggregate after filters (= [[nil]] (-> data :rows))) (chart-type :empty "there are no rows in results") (#{:pin_map :state :country} display-type) (chart-type nil "display-type is %s" display-type) (and (some? maybe-dashcard) (pos? (count (dashboard-card/dashcard->multi-cards maybe-dashcard)))) (chart-type :javascript_visualization "result has multiple card semantics, a multiple chart") ;; for scalar/smartscalar, the display-type might actually be :line, so we can't have line above (and (not (contains? #{:progress :gauge} display-type)) (= @col-sample-count @row-sample-count 1)) (chart-type :scalar "result has one row and one column") (#{:scalar :row :progress :gauge :table :funnel} display-type) (chart-type display-type "display-type is %s" display-type) (#{:smartscalar :sankey :scalar :pie :scatter :waterfall :line :area :bar :combo} display-type) (chart-type :javascript_visualization "display-type is javascript_visualization") :else (chart-type :table "no other chart types match"))))) |
(defn- is-attached? [card] ((some-fn :include_csv :include_xls) card)) | |
(mu/defn- render-pulse-card-body :- ::body/RenderedPartCard [render-type timezone-id :- [:maybe :string] card dashcard {:keys [data error] :as results}] (try (when error (throw (ex-info (tru "Card has errors: {0}" error) (assoc results :card-error true)))) (let [chart-type (or (detect-pulse-chart-type card dashcard data) (when (is-attached? card) :attached) :unknown)] (log/debugf "Rendering pulse card with chart-type %s and render-type %s" chart-type render-type) (body/render chart-type render-type timezone-id card dashcard data)) (catch Throwable e (if (:card-error (ex-data e)) (do (log/error e "Pulse card query error") (body/render :card-error nil nil nil nil nil)) (do (log/error e "Pulse card render error") (body/render :render-error nil nil nil nil nil)))))) | |
(mu/defn render-pulse-card :- ::body/RenderedPartCard "Render a single `card` for a `Pulse` to Hiccup HTML. `result` is the QP results. Returns a map with keys - attachments - content (a hiccup form suitable for rendering on rich clients or rendering into an image) - render/text : raw text suitable for substituting on clients when text is preferable. (Currently slack uses this for scalar results where text is preferable to an image of a div of a single result." ([render-type timezone-id card dashcard results] (render-pulse-card render-type timezone-id card dashcard results nil)) ([render-type timezone-id :- [:maybe :string] card dashcard results options :- [:maybe ::options]] (let [{title :content title-attachments :attachments} (make-title-if-needed render-type card dashcard options) {description :content} (make-description-if-needed dashcard card options) {pulse-body :content body-attachments :attachments text :render/text} (render-pulse-card-body render-type timezone-id card dashcard results)] (cond-> {:attachments (merge title-attachments body-attachments) :content [:p ;; Provide a horizontal scrollbar for tables that overflow container width. ;; Surrounding <p> element prevents buggy behavior when dragging scrollbar. [:div [:a {:href (card-href card) :target "_blank" :rel "noopener noreferrer" :style (style/style (style/section-style) {:display :block :text-decoration :none})} title description [:div {:class "pulse-body" :style (style/style {:overflow-x :auto ;; when content is wide enough, automatically show a horizontal scrollbar :display :block :margin :16px})} (if-let [more-results-message (body/attached-results-text render-type card)] (conj more-results-message (list pulse-body)) pulse-body)]]]]} text (assoc :render/text text))))) | |
Same as | (mu/defn render-pulse-card-for-display ([timezone-id card results] (render-pulse-card-for-display timezone-id card results nil)) ([timezone-id card results options :- [:maybe ::options]] (:content (render-pulse-card :inline timezone-id card nil results options)))) |
(mu/defn render-pulse-section :- ::body/RenderedPartCard "Render a single Card section of a Pulse to a Hiccup form (representating HTML)." ([timezone-id part] (render-pulse-section timezone-id part {})) ([timezone-id {card :card, dashcard :dashcard, result :result, :as _part} options :- [:maybe ::options]] (let [options (merge {:channel.render/include-title? true :channel.render/include-description? true} options) {:keys [attachments content]} (render-pulse-card :attachment timezone-id card dashcard result options)] {:attachments attachments :content [:div {:style (style/style {:margin-top :20px :margin-bottom :20px})} content]}))) | |
(mu/defn render-pulse-card-to-png :- bytes? "Render a `pulse-card` as a PNG. `data` is the `:data` from a QP result." (^bytes [timezone-id pulse-card result width] (render-pulse-card-to-png timezone-id pulse-card result width nil)) (^bytes [timezone-id :- [:maybe :string] pulse-card result width options :- [:maybe ::options]] (png/render-html-to-png (render-pulse-card :inline timezone-id pulse-card nil result options) width))) | |
(mu/defn render-pulse-card-to-base64 :- string? "Render a `pulse-card` as a PNG and return it as a base64 encoded string." ^String [timezone-id card dashcard result width] (-> (render-pulse-card :inline timezone-id card dashcard result) (png/render-html-to-png width) image-bundle/render-img-data-uri)) | |
(mu/defn png-from-render-info :- bytes? "Create a PNG file (as a byte array) from rendering info." ^bytes [rendered-info :- ::body/RenderedPartCard width] ;; TODO huh? why do we need this indirection? (png/render-html-to-png rendered-info width)) | |
(mu/defn defaulted-timezone :- :string "Returns the timezone ID for the given `card`. Either the report timezone (if applicable) or the JVM timezone." [card] (or (some->> card :database_id (t2/select-one :model/Database :id) qp.timezone/results-timezone-id) (qp.timezone/system-timezone-id))) | |