(ns metabase.channel.render.body (:require [clojure.string :as str] [hiccup.core :refer [h]] [medley.core :as m] [metabase.channel.render.image-bundle :as image-bundle] [metabase.channel.render.js.color :as js.color] [metabase.channel.render.js.svg :as js.svg] [metabase.channel.render.style :as style] [metabase.channel.render.table :as table] [metabase.formatter :as formatter] [metabase.models.visualization-settings :as mb.viz] [metabase.public-settings :as public-settings] [metabase.query-processor.streaming :as qp.streaming] [metabase.query-processor.streaming.common :as common] [metabase.timeline.core :as timeline] [metabase.types :as types] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-trs trs tru]] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr] [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms]) (:import (java.net URL) (java.text DecimalFormat DecimalFormatSymbols))) | |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
Default rendered-info map when there is an error running a card on the card run.
Is a delay due to the call to | (def ^:private card-error-rendered-info (delay {:attachments nil :content [:div {:style (style/style (style/font-style) {:color style/color-error :font-weight 700 :padding :16px})} (trs "There was a problem with this question.")]})) |
(def ^:private error-rendered-message (deferred-trs "An error occurred while displaying this card.")) | |
Default rendered-info map when there is an error displaying a card on the static viz side.
Is a delay due to the call to | (def ^:private error-rendered-info (delay {:attachments nil :content [:div {:style (style/style (style/font-style) {:color style/color-error :font-weight 700 :padding :16px})} error-rendered-message]})) |
NOTE: hiccup does not escape content by default so be sure to use "h" to escape any user-controlled content :-/ | |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Helper Fns | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
Should this column be shown in a rendered table in a Pulse? | (defn show-in-table? [{:keys [visibility_type] :as _column}] (not (contains? #{:details-only :retired :sensitive} visibility_type))) |
--------------------------------------------------- Formatting --------------------------------------------------- | |
(mu/defn- format-cell [timezone-id :- [:maybe :string] value col visualization-settings] (cond (types/temporal-field? col) ((formatter/make-temporal-str-formatter timezone-id col {}) value) (number? value) (formatter/format-number value col visualization-settings) :else (str value))) | |
--------------------------------------------------- Rendering ---------------------------------------------------- | |
Creates a map with from column names to a column index. This is used to figure out what a given column name or value should be replaced with | (defn- create-remapping-lookup [cols] (into {} (for [[col-idx {:keys [remapped_from]}] (map vector (range) cols) :when remapped_from] [remapped_from col-idx]))) |
Returns first column name from a hierarchy of possible column names | (defn- column-name [card col] (let [col-settings (-> (mb.viz/db->norm (:visualization_settings card)) ::mb.viz/column-settings ;; field-ref keys can come in with additional stuff like :meta-data or unit maps, ;; so we select only those keys we CAN use to match with by using select-keys (update-keys #(select-keys % [::mb.viz/column-name ::mb.viz/field-id])))] (name (or (when-let [[_ id] (:field_ref col)] (get-in col-settings [{::mb.viz/field-id id} ::mb.viz/column-title])) (get-in col-settings [{::mb.viz/column-name (:name col)} ::mb.viz/column-title]) (:display_name col) (:name col))))) |
Returns a row structure with header info from | (defn- query-results->header-row [remapping-lookup card cols include-bar?] {:row (for [maybe-remapped-col cols :when (show-in-table? maybe-remapped-col) :let [col (if (:remapped_to maybe-remapped-col) (nth cols (get remapping-lookup (:name maybe-remapped-col))) maybe-remapped-col) col-name (column-name card col)] ;; If this column is remapped from another, it's already ;; in the output and should be skipped :when (not (:remapped_from maybe-remapped-col))] (if (isa? ((some-fn :effective_type :base_type) col) :type/Number) (formatter/map->NumericWrapper {:num-str col-name :num-value col-name}) col-name)) :bar-width (when include-bar? 99)}) |
Normalizes bar-value into a value between 0 and 100, where 0 corresponds to | (defn- normalize-bar-value [bar-value min-value max-value] (float (/ (* (- (double bar-value) min-value) 100) (- max-value min-value)))) |
Returns a seq of stringified formatted rows that can be rendered into HTML | (mu/defn- query-results->row-seq [timezone-id :- [:maybe :string] remapping-lookup cols rows viz-settings {:keys [bar-column min-value max-value]}] (let [formatters (into [] (map #(formatter/create-formatter timezone-id % viz-settings)) cols)] (for [row rows] {:bar-width (some-> (and bar-column (bar-column row)) (normalize-bar-value min-value max-value)) :row (for [[maybe-remapped-col maybe-remapped-row-cell fmt-fn] (map vector cols row formatters) :when (and (not (:remapped_from maybe-remapped-col)) (show-in-table? maybe-remapped-col)) :let [[_formatter row-cell] (if (:remapped_to maybe-remapped-col) (let [remapped-index (get remapping-lookup (:name maybe-remapped-col))] [(nth formatters remapped-index) (nth row remapped-index)]) [fmt-fn maybe-remapped-row-cell])]] (fmt-fn row-cell))}))) |
Convert the query results ( | (mu/defn- prep-for-html-rendering ([timezone-id :- [:maybe :string] card data] (prep-for-html-rendering timezone-id card data {})) ([timezone-id :- [:maybe :string] card {:keys [cols rows viz-settings], :as _data} {:keys [bar-column] :as data-attributes}] (let [remapping-lookup (create-remapping-lookup cols)] (cons (query-results->header-row remapping-lookup card cols bar-column) (query-results->row-seq timezone-id remapping-lookup cols (take (min (public-settings/attachment-table-row-limit) 100) rows) viz-settings data-attributes))))) |
(defn- strong-limit-text [number] [:strong {:style (style/style {:color style/color-gray-3})} (h (formatter/format-number number))]) | |
(defn- render-truncation-warning [row-limit row-count] (let [over-row-limit (> row-count row-limit)] (when over-row-limit [:div {:style (style/style {:padding-top :16px})} [:div {:style (style/style {:color style/color-gray-2 :padding-bottom :10px})} "Showing " (strong-limit-text row-limit) " of " (strong-limit-text row-count) " rows."]]))) | |
Returns hiccup structures to indicate truncated results are available as an attachment | (defn attached-results-text [render-type {:keys [include_csv include_xls]}] (when (and (not= :inline render-type) (or include_csv include_xls)) [:div {:style (style/style {:color style/color-gray-2 :margin-bottom :16px})} (trs "Results have been included as a file attachment")])) |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | render | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
(mr/def ::RenderedPartCard "Schema used for functions that operate on pulse card contents and their attachments" [:map [:attachments [:maybe [:map-of :string (ms/InstanceOfClass URL)]]] [:content [:sequential :any]] [:render/text {:optional true} [:maybe :string]]]) | |
Render a Part as | (defmulti render {:arglists '([chart-type render-type timezone-id card dashcard data])} (fn [chart-type _render-type _timezone-id _card _dashcard _data] chart-type)) |
(defn- order-data [data viz-settings] (if (some? (::mb.viz/table-columns viz-settings)) (let [[ordered-cols output-order] (qp.streaming/order-cols (:cols data) viz-settings) keep-filtered-idx (fn [row] (if output-order (let [row-v (into [] row)] (for [i output-order] (row-v i))) row)) ordered-rows (map keep-filtered-idx (:rows data))] [ordered-cols ordered-rows]) [(:cols data) (:rows data)])) | |
(mu/defmethod render :table :- ::RenderedPartCard [_chart-type _render-type timezone-id :- [:maybe :string] card _dashcard {:keys [rows viz-settings format-rows?] :as unordered-data}] (let [[ordered-cols ordered-rows] (order-data unordered-data viz-settings) data (-> unordered-data (assoc :rows ordered-rows) (assoc :cols ordered-cols)) filtered-cols (filter show-in-table? ordered-cols) table-body [:div (table/render-table (js.color/make-color-selector unordered-data viz-settings) {:cols-for-color-lookup (mapv :name filtered-cols) :col-names (common/column-titles filtered-cols (::mb.viz/column-settings viz-settings) format-rows?)} (prep-for-html-rendering timezone-id card data)) (render-truncation-warning (public-settings/attachment-table-row-limit) (count rows))]] {:attachments nil :content table-body})) | |
(def ^:private default-date-styles {:year "YYYY" :quarter "[Q]Q - YYYY" :minute-of-hour "m" :day-of-week "dddd" :day-of-month "d" :day-of-year "DDD" :week-of-year "wo" :month-of-year "MMMM" :quarter-of-year "[Q]Q"}) | |
(def ^:private override-date-styles {"M/D/YYYY" {:month "M/YYYY"} "D/M/YYYY" {:month "M/YYYY"} "YYYY/M/D" {:month "YYYY/M" :quarter "YYYY - [Q]Q"} "MMMM D, YYYY" {:month "MMMM, YYYY"} "D MMMM, YYYY" {:month "MMMM, YYYY"} "dddd, MMMM D, YYYY" {:day "EEEE, MMMM d, YYYY" :week "MMMM d, YYYY" :month "MMMM, YYYY"}}) | |
(defn- update-date-style [date-style unit {::mb.viz/keys [date-abbreviate date-separator]}] (let [unit (or unit :default)] (cond-> (or (get-in override-date-styles [date-style unit]) (get default-date-styles unit) date-style) date-separator (str/replace #"/" date-separator) date-abbreviate (-> (str/replace #"MMMM" "MMM") (str/replace #"EEEE" "E"))))) | |
(defn- backfill-currency [{:keys [number_style currency] :as settings}] (cond-> settings (and (= number_style "currency") (nil? currency)) (assoc :currency "USD"))) | |
(defn- update-col-for-js [col-settings col] (-> (m/map-keys (fn [k] (-> k name (str/replace #"-" "_") keyword)) col-settings) (backfill-currency) (u/update-if-exists :date_style update-date-style (:unit col) col-settings))) | |
(defn- settings-from-column [col column-settings] (-> (or (get column-settings {::mb.viz/field-id (:id col)}) (get column-settings {::mb.viz/column-name (:name col)})) (update-col-for-js col))) | |
Include viz settings for js.
| (defn- ->js-viz [x-col y-col {::mb.viz/keys [column-settings] :as viz-settings}] (let [x-col-settings (settings-from-column x-col column-settings) y-col-settings (settings-from-column y-col column-settings)] (cond-> {:colors (public-settings/application-colors) :visualization_settings (or viz-settings {})} x-col-settings (assoc :x x-col-settings) y-col-settings (assoc :y y-col-settings)))) |
Format a percentage which includes site settings for locale. The first arg is a numeric value to format. The second is an optional string of decimal and grouping symbols to be used, ie ".,". There will soon be a values.clj file that will handle this but this is here in the meantime. | (defn format-percentage ([value] (format-percentage value (get-in (public-settings/custom-formatting) [:type/Number :number_separators]))) ([value [decimal grouping]] (let [base "#,###.##%" fmt (if (or decimal grouping) (DecimalFormat. base (doto (DecimalFormatSymbols.) (cond-> decimal (.setDecimalSeparator decimal)) (cond-> grouping (.setGroupingSeparator grouping)))) (DecimalFormat. base))] (.format fmt value)))) |
(mu/defmethod render :progress :- ::RenderedPartCard [_chart-type render-type _timezone-id _card _dashcard {:keys [cols rows viz-settings] :as _data}] (let [value (ffirst rows) goal (:progress.goal viz-settings) color (:progress.color viz-settings) settings (assoc (->js-viz (first cols) (first cols) viz-settings) :color color) ;; ->js-viz fills in our :x but we actually want that under :format key settings (assoc settings :format (:x settings)) image-bundle (image-bundle/make-image-bundle render-type (js.svg/progress value goal settings))] {:attachments (when image-bundle (image-bundle/image-bundle->attachment image-bundle)) :content [:div [:img {:style (style/style {:display :block :width :100%}) :src (:image-src image-bundle)}]]})) | |
If there's a timeline associated with this card, add its events in. | (defn- add-dashcard-timeline-events [card-with-data] (if-some [timeline-events (seq (timeline/dashcard-timeline-events card-with-data))] (assoc card-with-data :timeline_events timeline-events) card-with-data)) |
(mu/defmethod render :gauge :- ::RenderedPartCard [_chart-type render-type _timezone-id :- [:maybe :string] card _dashcard data] (let [image-bundle (image-bundle/make-image-bundle render-type (js.svg/gauge card data))] {:attachments (when image-bundle (image-bundle/image-bundle->attachment image-bundle)) :content [:div [:img {:style (style/style {:display :block :width :100%}) :src (:image-src image-bundle)}]]})) | |
(mu/defmethod render :row :- ::RenderedPartCard [_chart-type render-type _timezone-id card _dashcard {:keys [rows cols] :as _data}] (let [viz-settings (get card :visualization_settings) data {:rows rows :cols cols} image-bundle (image-bundle/make-image-bundle render-type (js.svg/row-chart viz-settings data))] {:attachments (when image-bundle (image-bundle/image-bundle->attachment image-bundle)) :content [:div [:img {:style (style/style {:display :block :width :100%}) :src (:image-src image-bundle)}]]})) | |
(defn- get-col-by-name [cols col-name] (->> (map-indexed (fn [idx m] [idx m]) cols) (some (fn [[idx col]] (when (= col-name (:name col)) [idx col]))))) | |
(mu/defmethod render :scalar :- ::RenderedPartCard [_chart-type _render-type timezone-id _card _dashcard {:keys [cols rows viz-settings]}] (let [field-name (:scalar.field viz-settings) [row-idx col] (or (when field-name (get-col-by-name cols field-name)) [0 (first cols)]) row (first rows) raw-value (get row row-idx) value (format-cell timezone-id raw-value col viz-settings)] {:attachments nil :content [:div {:style (style/style (style/scalar-style))} (h value)] :render/text (str value)})) | |
Raise the :data key inside the given result map up to the top level. This is the expected shape of | (defn- raise-data-one-level [{:keys [result] :as m}] (-> m (assoc :data (:data result)) (dissoc :result))) |
the | (mu/defmethod render :javascript_visualization :- ::RenderedPartCard [_chart-type render-type _timezone-id card dashcard data] (let [series-cards-results (:series-results dashcard) cards-with-data (->> series-cards-results (map raise-data-one-level) (cons {:card card :data data}) (map add-dashcard-timeline-events) (m/distinct-by #(get-in % [:card :id]))) viz-settings (or (get dashcard :visualization_settings) (get card :visualization_settings)) {rendered-type :type content :content} (js.svg/javascript-visualization cards-with-data viz-settings)] (case rendered-type :svg (let [image-bundle (image-bundle/make-image-bundle render-type (js.svg/svg-string->bytes content))] {:attachments (when image-bundle (image-bundle/image-bundle->attachment image-bundle)) :content [:div [:img {:style (style/style {:display :block :width :100%}) :src (:image-src image-bundle)}]]}) :html {:content [:div content] :attachments nil}))) |
(mu/defmethod render :smartscalar :- ::RenderedPartCard [_chart-type _render-type timezone-id _card _dashcard {:keys [cols insights viz-settings]}] (letfn [(col-of-type [t c] (or (isa? (:effective_type c) t) ;; computed and agg columns don't have an effective type (isa? (:base_type c) t))) (where [f coll] (some #(when (f %) %) coll)) (percentage [arg] (if (number? arg) (format-percentage arg) " - ")) (format-unit [unit] (str/replace (name unit) "-" " "))] (let [[_time-col metric-col] (if (col-of-type :type/Temporal (first cols)) cols (reverse cols)) {:keys [last-value previous-value unit last-change] :as _insight} (where (comp #{(:name metric-col)} :col) insights)] (if (and last-value previous-value unit last-change) (let [value (format-cell timezone-id last-value metric-col viz-settings) previous (format-cell timezone-id previous-value metric-col viz-settings) adj (if (pos? last-change) (tru "Up") (tru "Down")) delta-statement (if (= last-value previous-value) "No change" (str adj " " (percentage last-change))) comparison-statement (str " vs. previous " (format-unit unit) ": " previous)] {:attachments nil :content [:div [:div {:style (style/style (style/scalar-style))} (h value)] [:p {:style (style/style {:color style/color-text-medium :font-size :16px :font-weight 700 :padding-right :16px})} delta-statement comparison-statement]] :render/text (str value "\n" delta-statement comparison-statement)}) ;; In other words, defaults to plain scalar if we don't have actual changes {:attachments nil :content [:div [:div {:style (style/style (style/scalar-style))} (h last-value)] [:p {:style (style/style {:color style/color-text-medium :font-size :16px :font-weight 700 :padding-right :16px})} (trs "Nothing to compare to.")]] :render/text (str (format-cell timezone-id last-value metric-col viz-settings) "\n" (trs "Nothing to compare to."))})))) | |
(defn- all-unique? [funnel-rows] (let [ks (into #{} (map :key) funnel-rows)] (= (count ks) (count funnel-rows)))) | |
Creates the expected row form for the javascript side of our funnel rendering. If funnel-viz exists, we want to use the value in :key as the first elem in the row. Eg. funnel-viz -> [{:key "asdf" :name "Asdf" :enabled true} {:key "wasd" :name "Wasd" :enabled true}] raw-rows -> [[1 234] [2 5678]] Should become: [["asdf" 234] ["wasd" 5678]] Additionally, raw-rows can come in with strings already. In this case we want simply to re-order The raw-rows based on the order of the funnel-rows. Eg. funnel-viz -> [{:key "wasd" :name "Wasd" :enabled true} {:key "asdf" :name "Asdf" :enabled true}] raw-rows -> [["asdf" 234] ["wasd" 5678]] Should become: [["wasd" 5678] ["asdf" 234]] | (defn- funnel-rows [funnel-viz raw-rows] (if (string? (ffirst raw-rows)) ;; re-create the rows with the order/visibility specified in the funnel-viz (let [rows (into {} (vec raw-rows))] (for [{k :key enabled? :enabled} funnel-viz :when enabled?] [k (get rows k)])) ;; re-create the rows with the label/visibilty specified in the funnel-viz (let [rows-data (map (fn [{k :key enabled? :enabled} [_ value]] (when enabled? [k value])) funnel-viz raw-rows)] (remove nil? rows-data)))) |
(mu/defmethod render :funnel_normal :- ::RenderedPartCard [_chart-type render-type _timezone-id card _dashcard {:keys [rows cols viz-settings] :as data}] (let [[x-axis-rowfn y-axis-rowfn] (formatter/graphing-column-row-fns card data) funnel-viz (:funnel.rows viz-settings) raw-rows (map (juxt x-axis-rowfn y-axis-rowfn) (formatter/row-preprocess x-axis-rowfn y-axis-rowfn rows)) rows (if (and funnel-viz (all-unique? funnel-viz)) (funnel-rows funnel-viz raw-rows) raw-rows) [x-col y-col] cols settings (as-> (->js-viz x-col y-col viz-settings) jsviz-settings (assoc jsviz-settings :step {:name (:display_name x-col) :format (:x jsviz-settings)} :measure {:format (:y jsviz-settings)})) svg (js.svg/funnel rows settings) image-bundle (image-bundle/make-image-bundle render-type svg)] {:attachments (image-bundle/image-bundle->attachment image-bundle) :content [:div [:img {:style (style/style {:display :block :width :100%}) :src (:image-src image-bundle)}]]})) | |
(mu/defmethod render :funnel :- ::RenderedPartCard [_chart-type render-type timezone-id card dashcard data] (let [viz-settings (get card :visualization_settings)] (if (= (get viz-settings :funnel.type) "bar") (render :javascript_visualization render-type timezone-id card dashcard data) (render :funnel_normal render-type timezone-id card dashcard data)))) | |
(mu/defmethod render :empty :- ::RenderedPartCard [_chart-type render-type _timezone-id _card _dashcard _data] (let [image-bundle (image-bundle/no-results-image-bundle render-type)] {:attachments (image-bundle/image-bundle->attachment image-bundle) :content [:div {:style (style/style {:text-align :center})} [:img {:style (style/style {:width :104px}) :src (:image-src image-bundle)}] [:div {:style (style/style (style/font-style) {:margin-top :8px :color style/color-text-light})} (trs "No results")]] :render/text (trs "No results")})) | |
(mu/defmethod render :attached :- ::RenderedPartCard [_chart-type render-type _timezone-id _card _dashcard _data] (let [image-bundle (image-bundle/attached-image-bundle render-type)] {:attachments (image-bundle/image-bundle->attachment image-bundle) :content [:div {:style (style/style {:text-align :center})} [:img {:style (style/style {:width :30px}) :src (:image-src image-bundle)}] [:div {:style (style/style (style/font-style) {:margin-top :8px :color style/color-gray-4})} (trs "This question has been included as a file attachment")]]})) | |
(mu/defmethod render :unknown :- ::RenderedPartCard [_chart-type _render-type _timezone-id _card _dashcard _data] {:attachments nil :content [:div {:style (style/style (style/font-style) {:color style/color-gold :font-weight 700})} (trs "We were unable to display this Pulse.") [:br] (trs "Please view this card in Metabase.")]}) | |
(mu/defmethod render :card-error :- ::RenderedPartCard [_chart-type _render-type _timezone-id _card _dashcard _data] @card-error-rendered-info) | |
(mu/defmethod render :render-error :- ::RenderedPartCard [_chart-type _render-type _timezone-id _card _dashcard _data] @error-rendered-info) | |