(ns metabase.channel.render.body
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [hiccup.core :refer [h]]
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.channel.render.image-bundle :as image-bundle]
   [metabase.channel.render.js.color :as js.color]
   [metabase.channel.render.js.svg :as js.svg]
   [metabase.channel.render.style :as style]
   [metabase.channel.render.table :as table]
   [metabase.formatter :as formatter]
   [metabase.models.visualization-settings :as mb.viz]
   [metabase.public-settings :as public-settings]
   [metabase.query-processor.streaming :as qp.streaming]
   [metabase.query-processor.streaming.common :as common]
   [metabase.timeline.core :as timeline]
   [metabase.types :as types]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-trs trs tru]]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]
   [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms])
   (java.net URL)
   (java.text DecimalFormat DecimalFormatSymbols)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

Default rendered-info map when there is an error running a card on the card run. Is a delay due to the call to trs.

(def ^:private card-error-rendered-info
  (delay {:attachments
          [:div {:style (style/style
                         {:color       style/color-error
                          :font-weight 700
                          :padding     :16px})}
           (trs "There was a problem with this question.")]}))
(def ^:private error-rendered-message (deferred-trs "An error occurred while displaying this card."))

Default rendered-info map when there is an error displaying a card on the static viz side. Is a delay due to the call to trs.

(def ^:private error-rendered-info
  (delay {:attachments
          [:div {:style (style/style
                         {:color       style/color-error
                          :font-weight 700
                          :padding     :16px})}

NOTE: hiccup does not escape content by default so be sure to use "h" to escape any user-controlled content :-/

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Helper Fns | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Should this column be shown in a rendered table in a Pulse?

(defn show-in-table?
  [{:keys [visibility_type] :as _column}]
  (not (contains? #{:details-only :retired :sensitive} visibility_type)))

--------------------------------------------------- Formatting ---------------------------------------------------

(mu/defn- format-cell
  [timezone-id :- [:maybe :string] value col visualization-settings]
    (types/temporal-field? col)
    ((formatter/make-temporal-str-formatter timezone-id col {}) value)
    (number? value)
    (formatter/format-number value col visualization-settings)
    (str value)))

--------------------------------------------------- Rendering ----------------------------------------------------

Creates a map with from column names to a column index. This is used to figure out what a given column name or value should be replaced with

(defn- create-remapping-lookup
  (into {}
        (for [[col-idx {:keys [remapped_from]}] (map vector (range) cols)
              :when remapped_from]
          [remapped_from col-idx])))

Returns first column name from a hierarchy of possible column names

(defn- column-name
  [card col]
  (let [col-settings (-> (mb.viz/db->norm (:visualization_settings card))
                         ;; field-ref keys can come in with additional stuff like :meta-data or unit maps,
                         ;; so we select only those keys we CAN use to match with by using select-keys
                         (update-keys #(select-keys % [::mb.viz/column-name ::mb.viz/field-id])))]
    (name (or (when-let [[_ id] (:field_ref col)]
                (get-in col-settings [{::mb.viz/field-id id} ::mb.viz/column-title]))
              (get-in col-settings [{::mb.viz/column-name (:name col)} ::mb.viz/column-title])
              (:display_name col)
              (:name col)))))

Returns a row structure with header info from cols. These values are strings that are ready to be rendered as HTML

(defn- query-results->header-row
  [remapping-lookup card cols include-bar?]
  {:row       (for [maybe-remapped-col cols
                    :when              (show-in-table? maybe-remapped-col)
                    :let               [col (if (:remapped_to maybe-remapped-col)
                                              (nth cols (get remapping-lookup (:name maybe-remapped-col)))
                                        col-name (column-name card col)]
                    ;; If this column is remapped from another, it's already
                    ;; in the output and should be skipped
                    :when              (not (:remapped_from maybe-remapped-col))]
                (if (isa? ((some-fn :effective_type :base_type) col) :type/Number)
                  (formatter/map->NumericWrapper {:num-str col-name :num-value col-name})
   :bar-width (when include-bar? 99)})

Normalizes bar-value into a value between 0 and 100, where 0 corresponds to min-value and 100 to max-value

(defn- normalize-bar-value
  [bar-value min-value max-value]
    (* (- (double bar-value) min-value)
    (- max-value min-value))))

Returns a seq of stringified formatted rows that can be rendered into HTML

(mu/defn- query-results->row-seq
  [timezone-id :- [:maybe :string]
   {:keys [bar-column min-value max-value]}]
  (let [formatters (into []
                         (map #(formatter/create-formatter timezone-id % viz-settings))
    (for [row rows]
      {:bar-width (some-> (and bar-column (bar-column row))
                          (normalize-bar-value min-value max-value))
       :row (for [[maybe-remapped-col maybe-remapped-row-cell fmt-fn] (map vector cols row formatters)
                  :when (and (not (:remapped_from maybe-remapped-col))
                             (show-in-table? maybe-remapped-col))
                  :let [[_formatter row-cell] (if (:remapped_to maybe-remapped-col)
                                                (let [remapped-index (get remapping-lookup (:name maybe-remapped-col))]
                                                  [(nth formatters remapped-index)
                                                   (nth row remapped-index)])
                                                [fmt-fn maybe-remapped-row-cell])]]
              (fmt-fn row-cell))})))

Convert the query results (cols and rows) into a formatted seq of rows (list of strings) that can be rendered as HTML

(mu/defn- prep-for-html-rendering
  ([timezone-id :- [:maybe :string]
   (prep-for-html-rendering timezone-id card data {}))
  ([timezone-id :- [:maybe :string]
    {:keys [cols rows viz-settings], :as _data}
    {:keys [bar-column] :as data-attributes}]
   (let [remapping-lookup (create-remapping-lookup cols)]
      (query-results->header-row remapping-lookup card cols bar-column)
       (take (min (public-settings/attachment-table-row-limit) 100) rows)
(defn- strong-limit-text [number]
  [:strong {:style (style/style {:color style/color-gray-3})} (h (formatter/format-number number))])
(defn- render-truncation-warning
  [row-limit row-count]
  (let [over-row-limit (> row-count row-limit)]
    (when over-row-limit
      [:div {:style (style/style {:padding-top :16px})}
       [:div {:style (style/style {:color          style/color-gray-2
                                   :padding-bottom :10px})}
        "Showing " (strong-limit-text row-limit)
        " of "     (strong-limit-text row-count)
        " rows."]])))

Returns hiccup structures to indicate truncated results are available as an attachment

(defn attached-results-text
  [render-type {:keys [include_csv include_xls]}]
  (when (and (not= :inline render-type)
             (or include_csv include_xls))
    [:div {:style (style/style {:color         style/color-gray-2
                                :margin-bottom :16px})}
     (trs "Results have been included as a file attachment")]))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | render | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

(mr/def ::RenderedPartCard
  "Schema used for functions that operate on pulse card contents and their attachments"
   [:attachments                  [:maybe [:map-of :string (ms/InstanceOfClass URL)]]]
   [:content                      [:sequential :any]]
   [:render/text {:optional true} [:maybe :string]]])

Render a Part as chart-type (e.g. :bar, :scalar, etc.) and render-type (either :inline or :attachment).

(defmulti render
  {:arglists '([chart-type render-type timezone-id card dashcard data])}
  (fn [chart-type _render-type _timezone-id _card _dashcard _data]
(defn- order-data [data viz-settings]
  (if (some? (::mb.viz/table-columns viz-settings))
    (let [[ordered-cols output-order] (qp.streaming/order-cols (:cols data) viz-settings)
          keep-filtered-idx           (fn [row] (if output-order
                                                  (let [row-v (into [] row)]
                                                    (for [i output-order] (row-v i)))
          ordered-rows                (map keep-filtered-idx (:rows data))]
      [ordered-cols ordered-rows])
    [(:cols data) (:rows data)]))
(mu/defmethod render :table :- ::RenderedPartCard
   timezone-id :- [:maybe :string]
   {:keys [rows viz-settings format-rows?] :as unordered-data}]
  (let [[ordered-cols ordered-rows] (order-data unordered-data viz-settings)
        data                        (-> unordered-data
                                        (assoc :rows ordered-rows)
                                        (assoc :cols ordered-cols))
        filtered-cols               (filter show-in-table? ordered-cols)
        table-body                  [:div
                                      (js.color/make-color-selector unordered-data viz-settings)
                                      {:cols-for-color-lookup (mapv :name filtered-cols)
                                       :col-names             (common/column-titles filtered-cols (::mb.viz/column-settings viz-settings) format-rows?)}
                                      (prep-for-html-rendering timezone-id card data))
                                     (render-truncation-warning (public-settings/attachment-table-row-limit) (count rows))]]
(def ^:private default-date-styles
  {:year "YYYY"
   :quarter "[Q]Q - YYYY"
   :minute-of-hour "m"
   :day-of-week "dddd"
   :day-of-month "d"
   :day-of-year "DDD"
   :week-of-year "wo"
   :month-of-year "MMMM"
   :quarter-of-year "[Q]Q"})
(def ^:private override-date-styles
  {"M/D/YYYY" {:month "M/YYYY"}
   "D/M/YYYY" {:month "M/YYYY"}
   "YYYY/M/D" {:month "YYYY/M"
               :quarter "YYYY - [Q]Q"}
   "MMMM D, YYYY" {:month "MMMM, YYYY"}
   "D MMMM, YYYY" {:month "MMMM, YYYY"}
   "dddd, MMMM D, YYYY" {:day "EEEE, MMMM d, YYYY"
                         :week "MMMM d, YYYY"
                         :month "MMMM, YYYY"}})
(defn- update-date-style
  [date-style unit {::mb.viz/keys [date-abbreviate date-separator]}]
  (let [unit (or unit :default)]
    (cond-> (or (get-in override-date-styles [date-style unit])
                (get default-date-styles unit)
      (str/replace #"/" date-separator)
      (-> (str/replace #"MMMM" "MMM")
          (str/replace #"EEEE" "E")))))
(defn- backfill-currency
  [{:keys [number_style currency] :as settings}]
  (cond-> settings
    (and (= number_style "currency") (nil? currency))
    (assoc :currency "USD")))
(defn- update-col-for-js
  [col-settings col]
  (-> (m/map-keys (fn [k] (-> k name (str/replace #"-" "_") keyword)) col-settings)
      (u/update-if-exists :date_style update-date-style (:unit col) col-settings)))
(defn- settings-from-column
  [col column-settings]
  (-> (or (get column-settings {::mb.viz/field-id (:id col)})
          (get column-settings {::mb.viz/column-name (:name col)}))
      (update-col-for-js col)))

Include viz settings for js.

  • there are some date overrides done from lib/formatting.js
  • chop off and underscore the nasty keys in our map
  • backfill currency to the default of USD if not present
(defn- ->js-viz
  [x-col y-col {::mb.viz/keys [column-settings] :as viz-settings}]
  (let [x-col-settings (settings-from-column x-col column-settings)
        y-col-settings (settings-from-column y-col column-settings)]
    (cond-> {:colors (public-settings/application-colors)
             :visualization_settings (or viz-settings {})}
      (assoc :x x-col-settings)
      (assoc :y y-col-settings))))

Format a percentage which includes site settings for locale. The first arg is a numeric value to format. The second is an optional string of decimal and grouping symbols to be used, ie ".,". There will soon be a values.clj file that will handle this but this is here in the meantime.

(defn format-percentage
   (format-percentage value (get-in (public-settings/custom-formatting) [:type/Number :number_separators])))
  ([value [decimal grouping]]
   (let [base "#,###.##%"
         fmt (if (or decimal grouping)
               (DecimalFormat. base (doto (DecimalFormatSymbols.)
                                      (cond-> decimal (.setDecimalSeparator decimal))
                                      (cond-> grouping (.setGroupingSeparator grouping))))
               (DecimalFormat. base))]
     (.format fmt value))))
(mu/defmethod render :progress :- ::RenderedPartCard
   {:keys [cols rows viz-settings] :as _data}]
  (let [value        (ffirst rows)
        goal         (:progress.goal viz-settings)
        color        (:progress.color viz-settings)
        settings     (assoc
                      (->js-viz (first cols) (first cols) viz-settings)
                      :color color)
        ;; ->js-viz fills in our :x but we actually want that under :format key
        settings     (assoc settings :format (:x settings))
        image-bundle (image-bundle/make-image-bundle
                      (js.svg/progress value goal settings))]
     (when image-bundle
       (image-bundle/image-bundle->attachment image-bundle))
      [:img {:style (style/style {:display :block :width :100%})
             :src   (:image-src image-bundle)}]]}))

If there's a timeline associated with this card, add its events in.

(defn- add-dashcard-timeline-events
  (if-some [timeline-events (seq (timeline/dashcard-timeline-events card-with-data))]
    (assoc card-with-data :timeline_events timeline-events)
(mu/defmethod render :gauge :- ::RenderedPartCard
  [_chart-type render-type _timezone-id :- [:maybe :string] card _dashcard data]
  (let [image-bundle (image-bundle/make-image-bundle
                      (js.svg/gauge card data))]
     (when image-bundle
       (image-bundle/image-bundle->attachment image-bundle))
      [:img {:style (style/style {:display :block :width :100%})
             :src   (:image-src image-bundle)}]]}))
(mu/defmethod render :row :- ::RenderedPartCard
  [_chart-type render-type _timezone-id card _dashcard {:keys [rows cols] :as _data}]
  (let [viz-settings (get card :visualization_settings)
        data {:rows rows
              :cols cols}
        image-bundle   (image-bundle/make-image-bundle
                        (js.svg/row-chart viz-settings data))]
     (when image-bundle
       (image-bundle/image-bundle->attachment image-bundle))
      [:img {:style (style/style {:display :block :width :100%})
             :src   (:image-src image-bundle)}]]}))
(defn- get-col-by-name
  [cols col-name]
  (->> (map-indexed (fn [idx m] [idx m]) cols)
       (some (fn [[idx col]]
               (when (= col-name (:name col))
                 [idx col])))))
(mu/defmethod render :scalar :- ::RenderedPartCard
  [_chart-type _render-type timezone-id _card _dashcard {:keys [cols rows viz-settings]}]
  (let [field-name    (:scalar.field viz-settings)
        [row-idx col] (or (when field-name
                            (get-col-by-name cols field-name))
                          [0 (first cols)])
        row           (first rows)
        raw-value     (get row row-idx)
        value         (format-cell timezone-id raw-value col viz-settings)]
     [:div {:style (style/style (style/scalar-style))}
      (h value)]
     :render/text (str value)}))

Raise the :data key inside the given result map up to the top level. This is the expected shape of add-dashcard-timeline.

(defn- raise-data-one-level
  [{:keys [result] :as m}]
  (-> m
      (assoc :data (:data result))
      (dissoc :result)))

the :javascript_visualization render method is and will continue to handle more and more 'isomorphic' chart types. Isomorphic in this context just means the frontend Code is mostly shared between the app and the static-viz As of 2024-03-21, isomorphic chart types include: line, area, bar (LAB), and trend charts Because this effort began with LAB charts, this method is written to handle multi-series dashcards. Trend charts were added more recently and will not have multi-series.

(mu/defmethod render :javascript_visualization :- ::RenderedPartCard
  [_chart-type render-type _timezone-id card dashcard data]
  (let [series-cards-results                   (:series-results dashcard)
        cards-with-data                        (->> series-cards-results
                                                    (map raise-data-one-level)
                                                    (cons {:card card :data data})
                                                    (map add-dashcard-timeline-events)
                                                    (m/distinct-by #(get-in % [:card :id])))
        viz-settings                           (or (get dashcard :visualization_settings)
                                                   (get card :visualization_settings))
        {rendered-type :type content :content} (js.svg/javascript-visualization cards-with-data viz-settings)]
    (case rendered-type
      (let [image-bundle (image-bundle/make-image-bundle
                          (js.svg/svg-string->bytes content))]
         (when image-bundle
           (image-bundle/image-bundle->attachment image-bundle))
          [:img {:style (style/style {:display :block :width :100%})
                 :src   (:image-src image-bundle)}]]})
      {:content [:div content] :attachments nil})))
(mu/defmethod render :smartscalar :- ::RenderedPartCard
  [_chart-type _render-type timezone-id _card _dashcard {:keys [cols insights viz-settings]}]
  (letfn [(col-of-type [t c] (or (isa? (:effective_type c) t)
                                 ;; computed and agg columns don't have an effective type
                                 (isa? (:base_type c) t)))
          (where [f coll] (some #(when (f %) %) coll))
          (percentage [arg] (if (number? arg)
                              (format-percentage arg)
                              " - "))
          (format-unit [unit] (str/replace (name unit) "-" " "))]
    (let [[_time-col metric-col] (if (col-of-type :type/Temporal (first cols)) cols (reverse cols))
          {:keys [last-value previous-value unit last-change] :as _insight}
          (where (comp #{(:name metric-col)} :col) insights)]
      (if (and last-value previous-value unit last-change)
        (let [value           (format-cell timezone-id last-value metric-col viz-settings)
              previous        (format-cell timezone-id previous-value metric-col viz-settings)
              adj             (if (pos? last-change) (tru "Up") (tru "Down"))
              delta-statement (if (= last-value previous-value)
                                "No change"
                                (str adj " " (percentage last-change)))
              comparison-statement (str " vs. previous " (format-unit unit) ": " previous)]
          {:attachments nil
           :content     [:div
                         [:div {:style (style/style (style/scalar-style))}
                          (h value)]
                         [:p {:style (style/style {:color         style/color-text-medium
                                                   :font-size     :16px
                                                   :font-weight   700
                                                   :padding-right :16px})}
           :render/text (str value "\n"
        ;; In other words, defaults to plain scalar if we don't have actual changes
        {:attachments nil
         :content     [:div
                       [:div {:style (style/style (style/scalar-style))}
                        (h last-value)]
                       [:p {:style (style/style {:color         style/color-text-medium
                                                 :font-size     :16px
                                                 :font-weight   700
                                                 :padding-right :16px})}
                        (trs "Nothing to compare to.")]]
         :render/text (str (format-cell timezone-id last-value metric-col viz-settings)
                           "\n" (trs "Nothing to compare to."))}))))
(defn- all-unique?
  (let [ks (into #{} (map :key) funnel-rows)]
    (= (count ks) (count funnel-rows))))

Creates the expected row form for the javascript side of our funnel rendering. If funnel-viz exists, we want to use the value in :key as the first elem in the row.

Eg. funnel-viz -> [{:key "asdf" :name "Asdf" :enabled true} {:key "wasd" :name "Wasd" :enabled true}] raw-rows -> [[1 234] [2 5678]]

Should become: [["asdf" 234] ["wasd" 5678]]

Additionally, raw-rows can come in with strings already. In this case we want simply to re-order The raw-rows based on the order of the funnel-rows.

Eg. funnel-viz -> [{:key "wasd" :name "Wasd" :enabled true} {:key "asdf" :name "Asdf" :enabled true}] raw-rows -> [["asdf" 234] ["wasd" 5678]]

Should become: [["wasd" 5678] ["asdf" 234]]

(defn- funnel-rows
  [funnel-viz raw-rows]
  (if (string? (ffirst raw-rows))
    ;; re-create the rows with the order/visibility specified in the funnel-viz
    (let [rows (into {} (vec raw-rows))]
      (for [{k        :key
             enabled? :enabled} funnel-viz
            :when               enabled?]
        [k (get rows k)]))
    ;; re-create the rows with the label/visibilty specified in the funnel-viz
    (let [rows-data (map (fn [{k :key enabled? :enabled} [_ value]]
                           (when enabled?
                             [k value])) funnel-viz raw-rows)]
      (remove nil? rows-data))))
(mu/defmethod render :funnel_normal :- ::RenderedPartCard
  [_chart-type render-type _timezone-id card _dashcard {:keys [rows cols viz-settings] :as data}]
  (let [[x-axis-rowfn
         y-axis-rowfn] (formatter/graphing-column-row-fns card data)
        funnel-viz    (:funnel.rows viz-settings)
        raw-rows       (map (juxt x-axis-rowfn y-axis-rowfn)
                            (formatter/row-preprocess x-axis-rowfn y-axis-rowfn rows))
        rows          (if (and funnel-viz (all-unique? funnel-viz))
                        (funnel-rows funnel-viz raw-rows)
        [x-col y-col] cols
        settings      (as-> (->js-viz x-col y-col viz-settings) jsviz-settings
                        (assoc jsviz-settings :step    {:name   (:display_name x-col)
                                                        :format (:x jsviz-settings)}
                               :measure {:format (:y jsviz-settings)}))
        svg           (js.svg/funnel rows settings)
        image-bundle  (image-bundle/make-image-bundle render-type svg)]
     (image-bundle/image-bundle->attachment image-bundle)
      [:img {:style (style/style {:display :block :width :100%})
             :src   (:image-src image-bundle)}]]}))
(mu/defmethod render :funnel :- ::RenderedPartCard
  [_chart-type render-type timezone-id card dashcard data]
  (let [viz-settings (get card :visualization_settings)]
    (if (= (get viz-settings :funnel.type) "bar")
      (render :javascript_visualization render-type timezone-id card dashcard data)
      (render :funnel_normal render-type timezone-id card dashcard data))))
(mu/defmethod render :empty :- ::RenderedPartCard
  [_chart-type render-type _timezone-id _card _dashcard _data]
  (let [image-bundle (image-bundle/no-results-image-bundle render-type)]
     (image-bundle/image-bundle->attachment image-bundle)
     [:div {:style (style/style {:text-align :center})}
      [:img {:style (style/style {:width :104px})
             :src   (:image-src image-bundle)}]
      [:div {:style (style/style
                     {:margin-top :8px
                      :color      style/color-text-light})}
       (trs "No results")]]
     :render/text (trs "No results")}))
(mu/defmethod render :attached :- ::RenderedPartCard
  [_chart-type render-type _timezone-id _card _dashcard _data]
  (let [image-bundle (image-bundle/attached-image-bundle render-type)]
     (image-bundle/image-bundle->attachment image-bundle)
     [:div {:style (style/style {:text-align :center})}
      [:img {:style (style/style {:width :30px})
             :src   (:image-src image-bundle)}]
      [:div {:style (style/style
                     {:margin-top :8px
                      :color      style/color-gray-4})}
       (trs "This question has been included as a file attachment")]]}))
(mu/defmethod render :unknown :- ::RenderedPartCard
  [_chart-type _render-type _timezone-id _card _dashcard _data]
   [:div {:style (style/style
                  {:color       style/color-gold
                   :font-weight 700})}
    (trs "We were unable to display this Pulse.")
    (trs "Please view this card in Metabase.")]})
(mu/defmethod render :card-error :- ::RenderedPartCard
  [_chart-type _render-type _timezone-id _card _dashcard _data]
(mu/defmethod render :render-error :- ::RenderedPartCard
  [_chart-type _render-type _timezone-id _card _dashcard _data]