(ns metabase.channel.impl.slack (:require [clojure.string :as str] [metabase.channel.core :as channel] [metabase.channel.render.core :as channel.render] [metabase.channel.shared :as channel.shared] ;; TODO: integrations.slack should be migrated to channel.slack [metabase.integrations.slack :as slack] [metabase.models.params.shared :as shared.params] [metabase.public-settings :as public-settings] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.markdown :as markdown] [metabase.util.urls :as urls])) | |
(defn- notification-recipient->channel-id [notification-recipient] (when (= (:type notification-recipient) :notification-recipient/raw-value) (-> notification-recipient :details :value))) | |
If a mrkdwn string is greater than Slack's length limit, truncates it to fit the limit and adds an ellipsis character to the end. | (defn- truncate-mrkdwn [mrkdwn limit] (if (> (count mrkdwn) limit) (-> mrkdwn (subs 0 (dec limit)) (str "…")) mrkdwn)) |
(def ^:private block-text-length-limit 3000) (def ^:private attachment-text-length-limit 2000) | |
(defn- text->markdown-block [text] (let [mrkdwn (markdown/process-markdown text :slack)] (when (not (str/blank? mrkdwn)) {:blocks [{:type "section" :text {:type "mrkdwn" :text (truncate-mrkdwn mrkdwn block-text-length-limit)}}]}))) | |
(defn- part->attachment-data [part channel-id] (case (:type part) :card (let [{:keys [card dashcard result]} part {card-id :id card-name :name :as card} card] {:title (or (-> dashcard :visualization_settings :card.title) card-name) :rendered-info (channel.render/render-pulse-card :inline (channel.render/defaulted-timezone card) card dashcard result) :title_link (urls/card-url card-id) :attachment-name "image.png" :channel-id channel-id :fallback card-name}) :text (text->markdown-block (:text part)) :tab-title (text->markdown-block (format "# %s" (:text part))))) | |
Maximum width of the rendered PNG of HTML to be sent to Slack. Content that exceeds this width (e.g. a table with many columns) is truncated. | (def ^:private slack-width 1200) |
Create an attachment in Slack for a given Card by rendering its content into an image and uploading it. Slack-attachment-uploader is a function which takes image-bytes and an attachment name, uploads the file, and returns an image url, defaulting to slack/upload-file!. Nested | (defn- create-and-upload-slack-attachments! [attachments] (letfn [(f [a] (select-keys a [:title :title_link :fallback]))] (reduce (fn [processed {:keys [rendered-info attachment-name channel-id] :as attachment-data}] (conj processed (if (:blocks attachment-data) attachment-data (if (:render/text rendered-info) (-> (f attachment-data) (assoc :text (:render/text rendered-info))) (let [image-bytes (channel.render/png-from-render-info rendered-info slack-width) {:keys [url]} (slack/upload-file! image-bytes attachment-name channel-id)] (-> (f attachment-data) (assoc :image_url url))))))) [] attachments))) |
(def ^:private SlackMessage [:map {:closed true} [:channel-id :string] ;; TODO: tighten this attachments schema [:attachments :any] [:message {:optional true} [:maybe :string]]]) | |
(mu/defmethod channel/send! :channel/slack [_channel message :- SlackMessage] (let [{:keys [channel-id attachments]} message] (slack/post-chat-message! channel-id nil (create-and-upload-slack-attachments! attachments)))) | |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; Notification Card ;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; | |
(mu/defmethod channel/render-notification [:channel/slack :notification/card] :- [:sequential SlackMessage] [_channel-type {:keys [payload]} _template recipients] (let [attachments [{:blocks [{:type "header" :text {:type "plain_text" :text (str "🔔 " (-> payload :card :name)) :emoji true}}]} (part->attachment-data (:card_part payload) (slack/files-channel))]] (for [channel-id (map notification-recipient->channel-id recipients)] {:channel-id channel-id :attachments attachments}))) | |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; Dashboard Subscriptions ;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; | |
(defn- filter-text [filter] (truncate-mrkdwn (format "*%s*\n%s" (:name filter) (shared.params/value-string filter (public-settings/site-locale))) attachment-text-length-limit)) | |
Returns a block element that includes a dashboard's name, creator, and filters, for inclusion in a Slack dashboard subscription | (defn- slack-dashboard-header [dashboard creator-name parameters] (let [header-section {:type "header" :text {:type "plain_text" :text (:name dashboard) :emoji true}} link-section {:type "section" :fields [{:type "mrkdwn" :text (format "<%s | *Sent from %s by %s*>" (urls/dashboard-url (:id dashboard) parameters) (public-settings/site-name) creator-name)}]} filter-fields (for [filter parameters] {:type "mrkdwn" :text (filter-text filter)}) filter-section (when (seq filter-fields) {:type "section" :fields filter-fields})] {:blocks (filter some? [header-section filter-section link-section])})) |
Returns a seq of slack attachment data structures, used in | (defn- create-slack-attachment-data [parts] (let [channel-id (slack/files-channel)] (for [part parts :let [attachment (part->attachment-data (channel.shared/realize-data-rows part) channel-id)] :when attachment] attachment))) |
(mu/defmethod channel/render-notification [:channel/slack :notification/dashboard] :- [:sequential SlackMessage] [_channel-type {:keys [payload creator]} _template recipients] (let [parameters (:parameters payload) dashboard (:dashboard payload)] (for [channel-id (map notification-recipient->channel-id recipients)] {:channel-id channel-id :attachments (doall (remove nil? (flatten [(slack-dashboard-header dashboard (:common_name creator) parameters) (create-slack-attachment-data (:dashboard_parts payload))])))}))) | |