Convenience functions for sending templated email messages. Each function here should represent a single email. NOTE: we want to keep this about email formatting, so don't put heavy logic here RE: building data for emails. NOTE: This namespace is deprecated, all of these emails will soon be converted to System Email Notifications. | (ns (:require [buddy.core.codecs :as codecs] [clojure.string :as str] [java-time.api :as t] [medley.core :as m] [ :as email] [ :as channel.render] [ :as channel.template] [metabase.db.query :as mdb.query] [metabase.driver :as driver] [metabase.lib.util :as lib.util] [metabase.models.collection :as collection] [metabase.permissions.core :as perms] [metabase.premium-features.core :as premium-features] [metabase.public-settings :as public-settings] [metabase.query-processor.timezone :as qp.timezone] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.cron :as u.cron] [ :as] [metabase.util.encryption :as encryption] [metabase.util.i18n :as i18n :refer [trs tru]] [metabase.util.json :as json] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.urls :as urls] [toucan2.core :as t2]) (:import (java.time LocalTime) (java.time.format DateTimeFormatter))) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
Return the user configured application name, or Metabase translated via trs if a name isn't configured. | (defn app-name-trs [] (or (public-settings/application-name) (trs "Metabase"))) |
Return the URL for the application logo. If the logo is the default, return a URL to the Metabase logo. | (defn logo-url [] (let [url (public-settings/application-logo-url)] (cond (= url "app/assets/img/logo.svg") "" :else nil))) |
NOTE: disabling whitelabeled URLs for now since some email clients don't render them correctly We need to extract them and embed as attachments like we do in (data-uri-svg? url) (themed-image-url url color) :else url | |
Return a CSS style string for a button with the given color. | (defn button-style [color] (str "display: inline-block; " "box-sizing: border-box; " "padding: 0.5rem 1.375rem; " "font-size: 1.063rem; " "font-weight: bold; " "text-decoration: none; " "cursor: pointer; " "color: #fff; " "border: 1px solid " color "; " "background-color: " color "; " "border-radius: 4px;")) |
Various Context Helper Fns. Used to build Stencil template context | |
Context that is used across multiple email templates, and that is the same for all emails | (defn common-context [] {:applicationName (public-settings/application-name) :applicationColor (channel.render/primary-color) :applicationLogoUrl (logo-url) :buttonStyle (button-style (channel.render/primary-color)) :colorTextLight channel.render/color-text-light :colorTextMedium channel.render/color-text-medium :colorTextDark channel.render/color-text-dark :siteUrl (public-settings/site-url)}) |
Public Interface | |
Return a sequence of email addresses for all Admin users. The first recipient will be the site admin (or oldest admin if unset), which is the address that should be used in
| (defn- all-admin-recipients [] (concat (when-let [admin-email (public-settings/admin-email)] [admin-email]) (t2/select-fn-set :email 'User, :is_superuser true, :is_active true, {:order-by [[:id :asc]]}))) |
Send an email to the | (defn send-user-joined-admin-notification-email! [new-user & {:keys [google-auth?]}] {:pre [(map? new-user)]} (let [recipients (all-admin-recipients)] (email/send-message! {:subject (str (if google-auth? (trs "{0} created a {1} account" (:common_name new-user) (app-name-trs)) (trs "{0} accepted their {1} invite" (:common_name new-user) (app-name-trs)))) :recipients recipients :message-type :html :message (channel.template/render "metabase/channel/email/user_joined_notification.hbs" (merge (common-context) {:logoHeader true :joinedUserName (or (:first_name new-user) (:email new-user)) :joinedViaSSO google-auth? :joinedUserEmail (:email new-user) :joinedDate (t/format "EEEE, MMMM d" (t/zoned-date-time)) ; e.g. "Wednesday, July 13". :adminEmail (first recipients) :joinedUserEditUrl (str (public-settings/site-url) "/admin/people")}))}))) |
Format and send an email informing the user how to reset their password. | (defn send-password-reset-email! [email sso-source password-reset-url is-active?] {:pre [(u/email? email) ((some-fn string? nil?) password-reset-url)]} (let [google-sso? (= :google sso-source) message-body (channel.template/render "metabase/channel/email/password_reset.hbs" (merge (common-context) {:emailType "password_reset" :google google-sso? :nonGoogleSSO (and (not google-sso?) (some? sso-source)) :passwordResetUrl password-reset-url :logoHeader true :isActive is-active? :adminEmail (public-settings/admin-email) :adminEmailSet (boolean (public-settings/admin-email))}))] (email/send-message! {:subject (trs "[{0}] Password Reset Request" (app-name-trs)) :recipients [email] :message-type :html :message message-body}))) |
Format and send an email informing the user that this is the first time we've seen a login from this device. Expects login history information as returned by [[metabase.login-history.models.login-history/human-friendly-infos]]. | (mu/defn send-login-from-new-device-email! [{user-id :user_id, :keys [timestamp], :as login-history} :- [:map [:user_id pos-int?]]] (let [user-info (or (t2/select-one ['User [:first_name :first-name] :email :locale] :id user-id) (throw (ex-info (tru "User {0} does not exist" user-id) {:user-id user-id, :status-code 404}))) user-locale (or (:locale user-info) (i18n/site-locale)) timestamp ( timestamp user-locale) context (merge (common-context) {:first-name (:first-name user-info) :device (:device_description login-history) :location (:location login-history) :timestamp timestamp}) message-body (channel.template/render "metabase/channel/email/login_from_new_device.hbs" context)] (email/send-message! {:subject (trs "We''ve Noticed a New {0} Login, {1}" (app-name-trs) (:first-name user-info)) :recipients [(:email user-info)] :message-type :html :message message-body}))) |
Find emails for users that have an interest in monitoring the database. If oss that means admin users. If ee that also means users with monitoring and details permissions. | (defn- admin-or-ee-monitoring-details-emails [database-id] (let [monitoring (perms/application-perms-path :monitoring) user-ids-with-monitoring (when (premium-features/enable-advanced-permissions?) (->> {:select [:pgm.user_id] :from [[:permissions_group_membership :pgm]] :join [[:permissions_group :pg] [:= :pgm.group_id]] :where [:and [:exists {:select [1] :from [[:permissions :p]] :where [:and [:= :p.group_id] [:= :p.object monitoring]]}]] :group-by [:pgm.user_id]} mdb.query/query (mapv :user_id))) user-ids (filter #(perms/user-has-permission-for-database? % :perms/manage-database :yes database-id) user-ids-with-monitoring)] (into [] (distinct) (concat (all-admin-recipients) (when (seq user-ids) (t2/select-fn-set :email :model/User {:where [:and [:= :is_active true] [:in :id user-ids]]})))))) |
Format and send an email informing the user about errors in the persistent model refresh task. | (defn send-persistent-model-error-email! [database-id persisted-infos trigger] {:pre [(seq persisted-infos)]} (let [database (:database (first persisted-infos)) emails (admin-or-ee-monitoring-details-emails database-id) timezone (some-> database qp.timezone/results-timezone-id t/zone-id) context {:database-name (:name database) :errors (for [[idx persisted-info] (m/indexed persisted-infos) :let [card (:card persisted-info) collection (or (:collection card) (collection/root-collection-with-ui-details nil))]] {:is-not-first (not= 0 idx) :error (:error persisted-info) :card-id (:id card) :card-name (:name card) :collection-name (:name collection) ;; February 1, 2022, 3:10 PM :last-run-at (t/format "MMMM d, yyyy, h:mm a z" (t/zoned-date-time (:refresh_begin persisted-info) timezone)) :last-run-trigger trigger :card-url (urls/card-url (:id card)) :collection-url (urls/collection-url (:id collection)) :caching-log-details-url (urls/tools-caching-details-url (:id persisted-info))})} message-body (channel.template/render "metabase/channel/email/persisted-model-error.hbs" (merge (common-context) context))] (when (seq emails) (email/send-message! {:subject (trs "[{0}] Model cache refresh failed for {1}" (app-name-trs) (:name database)) :recipients (vec emails) :message-type :html :message message-body})))) |
Format and send an email to the system admin following up on the installation. | (defn send-follow-up-email! [email] {:pre [(u/email? email)]} (let [context (merge (common-context) {:emailType "notification" :logoHeader true :heading (trs "We hope you''ve been enjoying Metabase.") :callToAction (trs "Would you mind taking a quick 5 minute survey to tell us how it’s going?") :link ""}) email {:subject (trs "[{0}] Tell us how things are going." (app-name-trs)) :recipients [email] :message-type :html :message (channel.template/render "metabase/channel/email/follow_up_email.hbs" context)}] (email/send-message! email))) |
Format and send an email to a creator with a link to a survey. If a [[blob]] is included, it will be turned into json and then base64 encoded. | (defn send-creator-sentiment-email! [{:keys [email first_name]} blob] {:pre [(u/email? email)]} (let [encoded-info (when blob (-> blob json/encode .getBytes codecs/bytes->b64-str)) context (merge (common-context) {:emailType "notification" :logoHeader true :first-name first_name :link (cond-> "" encoded-info (str "?context=" encoded-info))} (when-not (premium-features/is-hosted?) {:self-hosted (public-settings/site-url)})) message {:subject "Metabase would love your take on something" :recipients [email] :message-type :html :message (channel.template/render "metabase/channel/email/creator_sentiment_email.hbs" context)}] (email/send-message! message))) |
Generates hash to allow for non-users to unsubscribe from pulses/subscriptions. Deprecated: only used for dashboard subscriptions for now, should be migrated to | (defn generate-pulse-unsubscribe-hash [pulse-id email] (codecs/bytes->hex (encryption/validate-and-hash-secret-key (json/encode {:salt (public-settings/site-uuid-for-unsubscribing-url) :email email :pulse-id pulse-id})))) |
Generates hash to allow for non-users to unsubscribe from notifications. | (defn generate-notification-unsubscribe-hash [notification-id email] (codecs/bytes->hex (encryption/validate-and-hash-secret-key (json/encode {:salt (public-settings/site-uuid-for-unsubscribing-url) :email email :notification-id notification-id})))) |
Given an | (defn pulse->alert-condition-kwd [{:keys [alert_above_goal alert_condition] :as _alert}] (if (= "goal" alert_condition) (if (true? alert_above_goal) :meets :below) :rows)) |
Alerts only have a single card, so the alerts API accepts a | (defn- first-card [alert] (or (:card alert) (first (:cards alert)))) |
Template context that is applicable to all alert templates, including alert management templates (e.g. the subscribed/unsubscribed emails) | (defn common-alert-context ([alert] (common-alert-context alert nil)) ([alert alert-condition-map] (let [{card-id :id, card-name :name} (first-card alert)] (merge (common-context) {:emailType "alert" :questionName card-name :questionURL (urls/card-url card-id) :sectionStyle (channel.render/section-style)} (when alert-condition-map {:alertCondition (get alert-condition-map (pulse->alert-condition-kwd alert))}))))) |
(defn- schedule-hour-text [{hour :schedule_hour}] (.format (LocalTime/of hour 0) (DateTimeFormatter/ofPattern "h a"))) | |
(defn- schedule-day-text [{day :schedule_day}] (get {"sun" "Sunday" "mon" "Monday" "tue" "Tuesday" "wed" "Wednesday" "thu" "Thursday" "fri" "Friday" "sat" "Saturday"} day)) | |
(defn- schedule-timezone [] (or (driver/report-timezone) "UTC")) | |
Given cron notification subscription return a human-readable description of the schedule. | (defn notification-card-schedule-text [{:keys [cron_schedule type] :as _subscription}] (when (= :notification-subscription/cron type) ;; TODO consider using (let [schedule (u.cron/cron-string->schedule-map cron_schedule)] (case (keyword (:schedule_type schedule)) :hourly "Run hourly" :daily (format "Run daily at %s %s" (schedule-hour-text schedule) (schedule-timezone)) :weekly (format "Run weekly on %s at %s %s" (schedule-day-text schedule) (schedule-hour-text schedule) (schedule-timezone)))))) |
Sends an email on a background thread, returning a future. | (defn- send-email! ([recipients subject template-path template-context] (send-email! recipients subject template-path template-context false)) ([recipients subject template-path template-context bcc?] (when (seq recipients) (future (try (email/send-email-retrying! {:recipients recipients :message-type :html :subject subject :message (channel.template/render template-path template-context) :bcc? bcc?}) (catch Exception e (log/errorf e "Failed to send message to '%s' with subject '%s'" (str/join ", " recipients) subject))))))) |
(defn- template-path [template-name] (str "metabase/channel/email/" template-name ".hbs")) | |
Paths to the templates for all of the alerts emails | (def ^:private you-unsubscribed-template (template-path "notification_card_unsubscribed")) (def ^:private removed-template (template-path "notification_card_you_were_removed")) (def ^:private added-template (template-path "notification_card_you_were_added")) (def ^:private changed-stopped-template (template-path "card_notification_changed_stopped")) (def ^:private archived-template (template-path "card_notification_archived")) |
(defn- username [user] (->> [(:first_name user) (:last_name user)] (remove nil?) (str/join " "))) | |
Send an email to | (defn send-you-unsubscribed-notification-card-email! [notification unsubscribed-emails] (send-email! unsubscribed-emails "You unsubscribed from an alert" you-unsubscribed-template notification true)) |
Send an email to | (defn send-you-were-removed-notification-card-email! [notification removed-emails actor] (send-email! removed-emails "You’ve been unsubscribed from an alert" removed-template (assoc notification :actor_name (username actor)) true)) |
Send an email to | (defn send-you-were-added-card-notification-email! [notification added-user-emails adder] (let [subject (format "%s added you to an alert" (username adder))] (send-email! added-user-emails subject added-template notification true))) |
(def ^:private not-working-subject "One of your alerts has stopped working") | |
Email to notify users when a card associated to their alert has been archived | (defn send-alert-stopped-because-archived-email! [card recipient-emails archiver] (send-email! recipient-emails not-working-subject archived-template {:card card :actor archiver} true)) |
Email to notify users when a card associated to their alert changed in a way that invalidates their alert | (defn send-alert-stopped-because-changed-email! [card recipient-emails archiver] (send-email! recipient-emails not-working-subject changed-stopped-template {:card card :actor archiver} true)) |
Email dashboard and subscription creators information about a broken subscription due to bad parameters | (defn send-broken-subscription-notification! [{:keys [dashboard-id dashboard-name pulse-creator dashboard-creator affected-users bad-parameters]}] (let [{:keys [siteUrl] :as context} (common-context)] (email/send-message! :subject (trs "Subscription to {0} removed" dashboard-name) :recipients (distinct (map :email [pulse-creator dashboard-creator])) :message-type :html :message (channel.template/render "metabase/channel/email/broken_subscription_notification.hbs" (merge context {:dashboardName dashboard-name :badParameters (map (fn [{:keys [value] :as param}] (cond-> param (coll? value) (update :value #(lib.util/join-strings-with-conjunction (i18n/tru "or") %)))) bad-parameters) :affectedUsers (map (fn [{:keys [notification-type] :as m}] (cond-> m notification-type (update :notification-type name))) (into [{:notification-type :email :recipient (:common_name dashboard-creator) :role "Dashboard Creator"} {:notification-type :email :recipient (:common_name pulse-creator) :role "Subscription Creator"}] (map #(assoc % :role "Subscriber") affected-users))) :dashboardUrl (format "%s/dashboard/%s" siteUrl dashboard-id)}))))) |