The Metabase channel system.

The API is still in development and subject to change.

(ns ^{:added "0.51.0"}
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; Channels methods ;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;;

Check whether we can connect to a channel-type with detail.

Returns true if can connect to the channel, otherwise return falsy or throw an appropriate exception. In case of failure, to provide a field-specific error message on UI, return or throw an :errors map where key is the field name and value is the error message.

E.g: (can-connect? :slack {:email "name"}) ;; => {:errors {:email "Invalid email"}}

(defmulti can-connect?
  {:added    "0.51.0"
   :arglists '([channel-type details])}
  (fn [channel-type _details]

Given a notification payload, return a sequence of channel-specific messages.

The message format is channel-specific, one requirement is that it should be the same format that the [[send!]] multimethod expects.

(defmulti render-notification
  {:added    "0.51.0"
   :arglists '([channel-type notification-payload template recipients])}
  (fn [channel-type notification-payload _template _recipients]
    [channel-type (:payload_type notification-payload)]))

Send a message to a channel.

(defmulti send!
  {:added    "0.51.0"
   :arglists '([channel message])}
  (fn [channel _message]
    (:type channel)))