Namespace for anything related to the Audit subsystem (aka Metabase Analytics) which needs to be accessible in the OSS product. EE-only code is located in metabase-enterprise.audit-app.audit.

(ns metabase.audit
   [metabase.db :as mdb]
   [metabase.models.setting :refer [defsetting]]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))

NOTE: Constants like audit-db-id and the entity IDs of audit collections are placed in OSS code because audit content may be loaded on an OSS build in the case of an EE->OSS downgrade. In these situations, we still need access to audit identifiers in order to enforce permission checks properly.

ID of Audit DB which is loaded when running an EE build.

(def audit-db-id

A place to save the analytics-checksum, to check between app startups. If set to -1, skips the checksum process entirely to avoid calculating checksums in environments (e2e tests) where we don't care.

(defsetting last-analytics-checksum
  :type       :integer
  :visibility :internal
  :audit      :never
  :doc        false
  :export?    false)

Default audit collection entity (instance analytics) id.

(def ^:private default-audit-collection-entity-id

Default custom reports entity id.

(def ^:private default-custom-reports-entity-id
(def ^{:arglists '([checksum model entity-id])
       :private  true} memoized-select-audit-entity*
   (fn [checksum model entity-id]
     (when checksum
       (t2/select-one model :entity_id entity-id)))))

Returns the object from entity id and model. Memoizes from entity id. Should only be used for audit/pre-loaded objects.

(defn memoized-select-audit-entity
  [model entity-id]
  (memoized-select-audit-entity* (last-analytics-checksum) model entity-id))

Default custom reports collection.

(defn default-custom-reports-collection
  (memoized-select-audit-entity :model/Collection default-custom-reports-entity-id))

Default audit collection (instance analytics) collection.

(defn default-audit-collection
  (memoized-select-audit-entity :model/Collection default-audit-collection-entity-id))

Check if an id is one of the audit collection ids.

(defn is-collection-id-audit?
  (contains? (set [(:id (default-audit-collection)) (:id (default-custom-reports-collection))]) id))

Check if an instance's parent collection is the audit collection.

(defn is-parent-collection-audit?
  (let [parent-id (:collection_id instance)]
    (and (some? parent-id) (is-collection-id-audit? parent-id))))