Shared helpers used by [[metabase.api.routes/routes]] as well as premium-only routes like [[metabase-enterprise.sandbox.api.routes/routes]].

(ns metabase.api.routes.common
   [ :as open-api]
   [metabase.server.core :as server]))

these use vars rather than plain functions so changes to the underlying functions get propagated during REPL usage.

Wrap Ring middleware so the resulting function supports [[open-api/open-api-spec]].

(defn wrap-middleware-for-open-api-spec-generation
  (fn [handler]
     (middleware handler)
     (fn [prefix]
       (open-api/open-api-spec handler prefix)))))

Wrap routes so any Exception except 404 thrown is just returned as a generic 400, to prevent details from leaking in public endpoints.

(def ^{:arglists '([handler])} +public-exceptions
  (wrap-middleware-for-open-api-spec-generation server/public-exceptions))

Wrap routes so any Exception thrown is just returned as a 400 with only the message from the original Exception (i.e., remove the original stacktrace), to prevent details from leaking in public endpoints.

(def ^{:arglists '([handler])} +message-only-exceptions
  (wrap-middleware-for-open-api-spec-generation server/message-only-exceptions))

Wrap routes so they may only be accessed with a correct API key header.

(def ^{:arglists '([handler])} +static-apikey
  (wrap-middleware-for-open-api-spec-generation server/enforce-static-api-key))

Wrap routes so they may only be accessed with proper authentication credentials.

(def ^{:arglists '([handler])} +auth
  (wrap-middleware-for-open-api-spec-generation server/enforce-authentication))