Protocols and schemas for OpenAPI schema generation. Actual implementation for [[metabase.api.macros/defendpoint]] endpoints lives in [[]]. | (ns (:require [metabase.config :as config] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr] [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms] [potemkin :as p] [pretty.core :as pretty])) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
(p/defprotocol+ OpenAPISpec ;; TODO -- context map instead of prefix? (open-api-spec [this prefix] "Get the OpenAPI spec base object (as a Clojure data structure) associated with a Ring handler. `prefix` is the route prefix in the Compojure `context` sense, e.g. `/api/` for [[metabase.api.routes/routes]], or `/api/user/` by the time we get to [[metabase.api.user]], etc.")) | |
(extend-protocol OpenAPISpec nil (open-api-spec [_nil _prefix] nil) Object (open-api-spec [this _prefix] (throw (ex-info (format "Handler does not implement OpenAPISpec: did you forget to wrap it in %s?" `handler-with-open-api-spec) {:handler this}))) clojure.lang.Var (open-api-spec [this prefix] (open-api-spec (var-get this) prefix))) | |
(declare ->HandlerWithOpenAPISpec) | |
(p/deftype+ HandlerWithOpenAPISpec [^clojure.lang.IFn handler spec-fn metadata] clojure.lang.IFn (invoke [_this request respond raise] (.invoke handler request respond raise)) OpenAPISpec (open-api-spec [_this prefix] (spec-fn prefix)) clojure.lang.IObj (meta [_this] metadata) (withMeta [_this new-metadata] (->HandlerWithOpenAPISpec handler spec-fn new-metadata)) Object (equals [_this another] (and (instance? HandlerWithOpenAPISpec another) (= (.handler ^HandlerWithOpenAPISpec another) handler))) pretty/PrettyPrintable (pretty [_this] (list `handler-with-open-api-spec handler spec-fn))) | |
(mr/def [:map [:title [:= "Metabase API"]] [:version [:= (:tag config/mb-version-info)]]]) | |
(mr/def ::path :string) | |
(mr/def ::method [:enum :get :post :put :delete :patch]) | |
(mr/def ::parameter.type [:enum :string :number :integer :boolean :null :object :array]) | |
(mr/def [:enum :query :header :path :cookie]) | |
(mr/def ::parameter.schema.common [:map [:default {:optional true} :any] [:description {:optional true} :string] [:optional {:optional true} :boolean]]) | |
(mr/def ::parameter.schema.typed.common [:merge ::parameter.schema.common [:map [:type ::parameter.type] ;; TODO -- I don't think `:null` can have `:enum` [:enum {:optional true} [:sequential :any]]]]) | |
(mr/def ::parameter.schema.string [:merge ::parameter.schema.typed.common [:map [:type [:= :string]] [:format {:optional true} [:= :binary]] [:minLength {:optional true} integer?] [:maxLength {:optional true} integer?] [:pattern {:optional true} (ms/InstanceOfClass java.util.regex.Pattern)]]]) | |
(mr/def ::parameter.schema.number [:merge ::parameter.schema.typed.common [:map [:type [:= :number]] [:minimum {:optional true} number?] [:maximum {:optional true} number?]]]) | |
(mr/def ::parameter.schema.integer [:merge ::parameter.schema.typed.common [:map [:type [:= :integer]] [:minimum {:optional true} integer?] [:maximum {:optional true} integer?]]]) | |
(mr/def ::parameter.schema.boolean [:merge ::parameter.schema.typed.common [:map [:type [:= :boolean]]]]) | |
(mr/def ::parameter.schema.null [:merge ::parameter.schema.typed.common [:map [:type [:= :null]]]]) | |
(mr/def ::parameter.schema.object [:merge ::parameter.schema.typed.common [:map [:type [:= :object]] [:properties {:optional true} [:map-of :string [:ref ::parameter.schema]]] [:additionalProperties {:optional true} [:multi {:dispatch boolean?} [true [:= false]] [false [:ref ::parameter.schema]]]] [:required {:optional true} [:sequential :string]] [:definitions {:optional true} [:map-of :string [:ref ::parameter.schema]]]]]) | |
(mr/def ::parameter.schema.array [:merge ::parameter.schema.typed.common [:map [:type [:= :array]] [:items [:multi {:dispatch map?} [true [:ref ::parameter.schema]] ;; for a tuple. I don't think this is correct, I think you're supposed to use `prefixItems` -- see ;; [false [:sequential [:ref ::parameter.schema]]]]] [:uniqueItems {:optional true} :boolean] [:additionalItems {:optional true} :boolean] ; for tuples [:minItems {:optional true} integer?] [:maxItems {:optional true} integer?]]]) | |
(mr/def ::parameter.schema.typed [:and [:map [:type ::parameter.type]] [:multi {:dispatch :type} [:string ::parameter.schema.string] [:number ::parameter.schema.number] [:integer ::parameter.schema.integer] [:boolean ::parameter.schema.boolean] [:null ::parameter.schema.null] [:object ::parameter.schema.object] [:array ::parameter.schema.array]]]) | |
(mr/def ::parameter.schema.ref [:merge ::parameter.schema.common [:map [:$ref [:re {:description "string starting with '#/components/schemas/'"} #"^#/components/schemas/[^/]+$"]] [:definitions {:optional true} [:map-of :string [:ref ::parameter.schema]]]]]) | |
(mr/def ::parameter.schema.or "Not sure what the difference is between `:oneOf` and `:anyOf` but they seem to both mean 'or'." [:multi {:dispatch (fn [x] (if (contains? x :anyOf) :anyOf :oneOf))} [:anyOf [:merge ::parameter.schema.common [:map [:anyOf [:sequential [:ref ::parameter.schema]]]]]] [:oneOf [:merge ::parameter.schema.common [:map [:oneOf [:sequential [:ref ::parameter.schema]]]]]]]) | |
(mr/def ::parameter.schema.and [:merge ::parameter.schema.common [:map [:allOf [:sequential [:ref ::parameter.schema]]]]]) | |
(mr/def ::parameter.schema.const [:merge ::parameter.schema.common [:map [:const :any]]]) | |
(mr/def ::parameter.schema.untyped-enum [:merge ::parameter.schema.common [:map [:enum [:sequential :any]]]]) | |
(mr/def ::parameter.schema.empty "These are mostly the result of `:fn` schemas which get translated to empty maps." ::parameter.schema.common) | |
(mr/def ::parameter.schema [:and :map [:multi {:dispatch (fn [x] (cond (not (map? x)) :invalid (:type x) :typed (contains? x :$ref) :ref (contains? x :oneOf) :or (contains? x :anyOf) :or (contains? x :allOf) :and (contains? x :const) :const (:enum x) :untyped-enum :else :empty))} [:invalid :map] [:typed ::parameter.schema.typed] [:ref ::parameter.schema.ref] [:or ::parameter.schema.or] [:and ::parameter.schema.and] [:const ::parameter.schema.const] [:untyped-enum ::parameter.schema.untyped-enum] [:empty ::parameter.schema.empty]]]) | |
(mr/def ::parameter "" [:map [:name string?] [:in] [:description {:optional true} :string] [:required :boolean] [:schema ::parameter.schema]]) | |
(mr/def ::path-item.request-body [:map [:content [:map-of [:enum "application/json" "multipart/form-data"] [:map [:schema ::parameter.schema]]]]]) | |
(mr/def ::path-item [:map [:summary :string] [:description :string] [:parameters [:sequential ::parameter]] [:requestBody {:optional true} ::path-item.request-body] [:tags {:optional true} [:sequential :string]]]) | |
(mr/def ::components [:map [:schemas [:map-of :string ::parameter.schema]]]) | |
(mr/def ::spec "Based on" [:map [:openapi {:optional true} :string] [:info {:optional true}] [:paths [:map-of ::path [:map-of ::method ::path-item]]] [:components ::components]]) | |
Attach (spec-fn prefix) => open-api-spec to a Ring | (defn handler-with-open-api-spec [handler spec-fn] (->HandlerWithOpenAPISpec handler spec-fn (meta handler))) |
(mu/defn root-open-api-object :- ::spec "Generate base object for OpenAPI (/paths and /components/schemas)" [handler :- [:=> [:cat :map fn? fn?] any?]] {:closed true} (merge {:openapi "3.1.0" :info {:title "Metabase API" :version (:tag config/mb-version-info)}} (open-api-spec handler "/api"))) | |
#_:clj-kondo/ignore (comment (open-api-spec (metabase.api.macros/ns-handler 'metabase.api.geojson) "/api/geojson") (root-open-api-object (requiring-resolve 'metabase.api.routes/routes))) | |