Native query snippet (/api/native-query-snippet) endpoints.

(ns metabase.api.native-query-snippet
   [ :as data]
   [compojure.core :refer [GET POST PUT]]
   [metabase.api.common :as api]
   [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
    :as native-query-snippet
    :refer [NativeQuerySnippet]]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(mu/defn- hydrated-native-query-snippet :- [:maybe (ms/InstanceOf NativeQuerySnippet)]
  [id :- ms/PositiveInt]
  (-> (api/read-check (t2/select-one NativeQuerySnippet :id id))
      (t2/hydrate :creator)))


(api/defendpoint GET 
  "Fetch all snippets"
  {archived [:maybe ms/BooleanValue]}
  (let [snippets (t2/select NativeQuerySnippet
                            :archived archived
                            {:order-by [[ :asc]]})]
    (t2/hydrate (filter mi/can-read? snippets) :creator)))


(api/defendpoint GET 
  "Fetch native query snippet with ID."
  {id ms/PositiveInt}
  (hydrated-native-query-snippet id))
(defn- check-snippet-name-is-unique [snippet-name]
  (when (t2/exists? NativeQuerySnippet :name snippet-name)
    (throw (ex-info (tru "A snippet with that name already exists. Please pick a different name.")
                    {:status-code 400}))))


(api/defendpoint POST 
  "Create a new `NativeQuerySnippet`."
  [:as {{:keys [content description name collection_id]} :body}]
  {content       :string
   description   [:maybe :string]
   name          native-query-snippet/NativeQuerySnippetName
   collection_id [:maybe ms/PositiveInt]}
  (check-snippet-name-is-unique name)
  (let [snippet {:content       content
                 :creator_id    api/*current-user-id*
                 :description   description
                 :name          name
                 :collection_id collection_id}]
    (api/create-check NativeQuerySnippet snippet)
    (api/check-500 (first (t2/insert-returning-instances! NativeQuerySnippet snippet)))))

Check whether current user has write permissions, then update NativeQuerySnippet with values in body. Returns updated/hydrated NativeQuerySnippet

(defn- check-perms-and-update-snippet!
  [id body]
  (let [snippet     (t2/select-one NativeQuerySnippet :id id)
        body-fields (u/select-keys-when body
                                        :present #{:description :collection_id}
                                        :non-nil #{:archived :content :name})
        [changes]   (data/diff body-fields snippet)]
    (when (seq changes)
      (api/update-check snippet changes)
      (when-let [new-name (:name changes)]
        (check-snippet-name-is-unique new-name))
      (t2/update! NativeQuerySnippet id changes))
    (hydrated-native-query-snippet id)))


(api/defendpoint PUT 
  "Update an existing `NativeQuerySnippet`."
  [id :as {{:keys [archived content description name collection_id] :as body} :body}]
  {id            ms/PositiveInt
   archived      [:maybe :boolean]
   content       [:maybe :string]
   description   [:maybe :string]
   name          [:maybe native-query-snippet/NativeQuerySnippetName]
   collection_id [:maybe ms/PositiveInt]}
  (check-perms-and-update-snippet! id body))