NEW macro for defining REST API endpoints. See Cam's tech design doc for motivation behind it. This new version makes it much easier to find and invoke the underlying functions for an endpoint; see [[find-route]] and [[find-route-fn]] for more information. See also the | (ns metabase.api.macros (:require [clojure.core.specs.alpha] [clojure.spec.alpha :as s] [clout.core :as clout] [compojure.core :as compojure] [ :as ordered-map] [malli.core :as mc] [malli.error :as me] [malli.transform :as mtx] [metabase.api.common.internal] [metabase.config :as config] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.malli.describe :as umd] [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr] [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms])) |
Malli schema | |
(mr/def ::route [:map [:path string?] [:regexes {:optional true} [:map-of :keyword (ms/InstanceOfClass java.util.regex.Pattern)]]]) | |
(mr/def ::param-type [:enum :route :query :body]) | |
(mr/def ::params [:map-of ::param-type [:map [:binding some?] [:schema {:optional true} [:any {:description "Malli map schema for all the params of this type"}]]]]) | |
(mr/def ::method [:enum :get :post :put :delete]) | |
(mr/def ::parsed-args [:map [:method ::method] [:route ::route] [:params ::params] [:body [:sequential any?]] [:response-schema {:optional true} [:maybe {:description "Malli schema for response. Note this is before we 'wrap if needed'"} any?]] [:docstr {:optional true} [:maybe string?]] [:metadata {:optional true} [:maybe {:description "Metadata map like you'd use with `defn`"} map?]]]) | |
TODO -- consider whether unique key really needs to include params + regexes or not. Maybe we should just disallow having two routes with the same method and param that only differ by regex patterns. It makes using this stuff more annoying | (mr/def ::unique-key "Unique indentifier for an api endpoint. `(:api/endpoints (meta a-namespace))` is a map of `::unique-key` => `::info`" [:tuple #_method [:enum :get :post :put :delete] #_route string? #_params [:map-of #_param keyword? #_regex-str string?]]) |
(mr/def ::core-fn "Schema for the underlying 'core' function generated by [[defendpoint]]. Has the form (f ([]) ([route-params]) ([route-params query-params]) ([route-params query-params body-params])" [:function [:=> [:cat] any?] [:=> [:cat #_route-params any?] any?] [:=> [:cat #_route-params any? #_query-params any?] any?] [:=> [:cat #_route-params any? #_query-params any? #_body-params any?] any?]]) | |
(mr/def ::respond-fn [:=> [:cat any?] any?]) | |
(mr/def ::raise-fn [:=> [:cat (ms/InstanceOfClass Throwable)] any?]) | |
(mr/def ::handler [:function [:=> [:cat map?] any?] [:=> [:cat map? ::respond-fn ::raise-fn] any?]]) | |
(mr/def ::info "The info about an individual endpoint that gets stored in the namespace metadata." [:map [:core-fn ::core-fn] [:base-handler ::handler] [:handler ::handler] [:form ::parsed-args]]) | |
spec (only used for macroexpansion) | |
(s/def ::defendpoint.route.regex (some-fn symbol? string? #(instance? java.util.regex.Pattern %) ;; I guess it would be possible to have something like (re-pattern whatever...) here seq?)) | |
(s/def ::defendpoint.route.key-regex-pair (s/cat :key keyword? :regex ::defendpoint.route.regex)) | |
(s/def ::defendpoint.route ;; TODO -- make the string stricter (s/or :path string? ;; a vector like ["whatever/:export-format" :export-format some-regex] :vector (s/and vector? (s/spec (s/cat :path string? :regexes (s/+ ::defendpoint.route.key-regex-pair)))))) | |
(mu/defn- parse-route :- ::route [[route-type route]] (case route-type :path (merge {:path route} ;; not clear whether auto-parse is desirable or not =( (when-let [regexes (not-empty (into {} (map metabase.api.common.internal/route-param-regex) (metabase.api.common.internal/route-arg-keywords route)))] {:regexes regexes})) :vector (update route :regexes #(into {} (map (juxt :key :regex)) %)))) | |
(s/def ::defendpoint.schema-specifier (s/? (s/cat :horn #{:-} :schema any?))) | |
(s/def ::defendpoint.params.param (s/cat :binding (s/nonconforming :clojure.core.specs.alpha/binding-form) :schema ::defendpoint.schema-specifier)) | |
(s/def ::defendpoint.params (s/and vector? (s/spec (s/cat :route (s/? ::defendpoint.params.param) :query (s/? ::defendpoint.params.param) :body (s/? ::defendpoint.params.param))))) | |
(mu/defn- parse-params :- ::params [params] (reduce (fn [params k] (cond-> params (get-in params [k :schema]) (update-in [k :schema] :schema))) params [:route :query :body])) | |
(s/def ::defendpoint (s/cat :method #{:get :post :put :delete} :route ::defendpoint.route :response-schema ::defendpoint.schema-specifier :docstr (s/? string?) :metadata (s/? map?) :params ::defendpoint.params :body (s/* any?))) | |
(mu/defn- parse-defendpoint-args :- ::parsed-args [args :- [:sequential any?]] (let [conformed (s/conform ::defendpoint args)] (cond-> conformed true (update :route parse-route) true (update :params parse-params) (:response-schema conformed) (update :response-schema :schema)))) | |
Macro etc. | |
(mu/defn- defendpoint-unique-key :- ::unique-key "Unique key for a given endpoint, based on method + route + param regexes" {:style/indent [:form]} [{:keys [method route]} :- ::parsed-args] [method (:path route) ;; deduplicate two endpoints with the same method and route but different regexes, e.g. one `:get ":/id"` with an ;; integer ID and one with a string ID. Since two identical regex patterns are not considered `=` convert them to ;; strings. (update-vals (:regexes route) str)]) | |
(def ^:private decode-transformer (mtx/transformer metabase.api.common.internal/defendpoint-transformer {:name :api})) | |
(def ^:private encode-transformer (mtx/transformer (mtx/default-value-transformer) {:name :api})) | |
(defn- decoder [schema] (mr/cached ::decoder schema #(mc/decoder schema decode-transformer))) | |
(defn- encoder [schema] (mr/cached ::encoder schema #(mc/encoder schema encode-transformer))) | |
Whether to validate responses against Malli schemas in [[defendpoint]]... normally enabled for dev/test and disabled for prod for performance purposes. You can change this binding if you want to disable it for weird test reasons or whatever. Not that encoding is still applied regardless of this value, i.e. even in prod. | (def ^:dynamic *enable-response-validation* (not config/is-prod?)) |
(mu/defn validate-and-encode-response :- any? "Impl for [[defendpoint-core-fn]]; validate the endpoint response against `schema` " [schema :- some? response :- any?] (when *enable-response-validation* (when-not (mr/validate schema response) (throw (ex-info "Invalid response" ; TODO -- better error message? {:status-code 400 :error (-> schema (mr/explain response) me/with-spell-checking (me/humanize {:wrap mu/humanize-include-value}))})))) ((encoder schema) response)) | |
(mu/defn- params-binding :- some? [args :- ::parsed-args params-type :- ::param-type] (get-in args [:params params-type :binding] '_)) | |
(defn- invalid-params-specific-errors [explanation] (-> explanation me/with-spell-checking (me/humanize {:wrap mu/humanize-include-value}))) | |
(defn- invalid-params-errors [schema explanation specific-errors] (or (when (and (map? specific-errors) (= (mc/type schema) :map)) (into {} (let [specific-error-keys (set (keys specific-errors))] (keep (fn [child] (when (contains? specific-error-keys (first child)) [(first child) (umd/describe (last child))])))) (mc/children schema))) (me/humanize explanation {:wrap #(umd/describe (:schema %))}))) | |
Impl for [[defendpoint]]. | (mu/defn decode-and-validate-params [params-type :- ::param-type schema :- some? params] (let [params (or params {}) decoded ((decoder schema) params)] (when-not (mr/validate schema decoded) (throw (ex-info (format "Invalid %s" (case params-type :route "route parameters" :query "query parameters" :body "body")) (let [explanation (mr/explain schema decoded) specific-errors (invalid-params-specific-errors explanation) errors (invalid-params-errors schema explanation specific-errors)] {:status-code 400 #_:api/debug #_{:params-type params-type :schema (mc/form schema) :params params :decoded decoded} :specific-errors specific-errors :errors errors})))) decoded)) |
(mu/defn- decode-and-validate-params-form [args :- ::parsed-args params-type :- ::param-type form] (if-let [schema (get-in args [:params params-type :schema])] `(decode-and-validate-params ~params-type ~schema ~form) form)) | |
(mu/defn -defendpoint-core-fn :- ::core-fn "Helper for [[defendpoint-core-fn]]. Takes a 3-arity function generated by [[defendpoint-core-fn]] and adds zero, one, and two arities, and adds a call to [[metabase.api.common.internal/wrap-response-if-needed]]." [f :- [:=> [:cat #_route-params any? #_query-params any? #_body-params any?] any?]] (fn -core-fn ([] (f nil nil nil)) ([route-params] (f route-params nil nil)) ([route-params query-params] (f route-params query-params nil)) ([route-params query-params body-params] (metabase.api.common.internal/wrap-response-if-needed (f route-params query-params body-params))))) | |
Impl for [[defendpoint-core-fn]] | (defmacro defendpoint-core-fn* {:style/indent [:form]} [{:keys [body response-schema], :as args}] (let [route-params (gensym "route-params-") query-params (gensym "query-params-") body-params (gensym "body-params-")] `(-defendpoint-core-fn (fn [~route-params ~query-params ~body-params] (let [~(params-binding args :route) ~(decode-and-validate-params-form args :route route-params) ~(params-binding args :query) ~(decode-and-validate-params-form args :query query-params) ~(params-binding args :body) ~(decode-and-validate-params-form args :body body-params)] ~@(if response-schema `[(validate-and-encode-response ~response-schema (do ~@body))] body)))))) |
Impl for [[defendpoint-core-fn]]: validate the schemas used for validation at evaluation time, so we can get instant feedback if they're bad as opposed to waiting for someone to actually use the endpoint. | (defn validate-schema [schema-type schema] (try (mc/schema schema) (catch Throwable e# (throw (ex-info (format "Invalid %s schema: %s\n\n%s" (name schema-type) (ex-message e#) (u/pprint-to-str schema)) {:schema schema}))))) |
Helper macro for [[defendpoint-core-fn]]. This is not strictly necessary, but improves performance somewhat by rewriting the code so parameter and response schemas are defined one time outside the underlying endpoints functions and lexically closed over rather than being defined inline and re-evaluated on each API request. E.g. instead of defining a core function like (-defendpoint-core-fn (fn [_route-params _query-params body-params-1234] (let [body (decode-and-validate-params :body [:map [:name ms/NonBlankString] [:default {:optional true} [:maybe :boolean]]] body-params-1234)] ...))) we're defining something closer to (let [body-schema-5678 [:map [:name ms/NonBlankString] [:default {:optional true} [:maybe :boolean]]]] (-defendpoint-core-fn (fn [_route-params _query-params body-params-1234] (let [body (decode-and-validate-params :body body-schema-5678 body-params-1234)] ...)))) Note that the schema functions are generated only once and reused for better performance. See: [[mr/validator]], [[mr/expaliner]], [[decoder]], and [[encoder]]. This is a drop-in wrapper for a form like `(defendpoint-core-fn* ~parsed-args) e.g. you can replace it with `(defendpoint-core-fn-with-optimized-schemas (defendpoint-core-fn* ~parsed-args)) | (defmacro defendpoint-core-fn-with-optimized-schemas [[f parsed]] (let [route-params-schema (when (get-in parsed [:params :route :schema]) (gensym "route-params-schema-")) query-params-schema (when (get-in parsed [:params :query :schema]) (gensym "query-params-schema-")) body-params-schema (when (get-in parsed [:params :body :schema]) (gensym "body-schema-")) response-schema (when (:response-schema parsed) (gensym "response-schema-")) parsed' (cond-> parsed route-params-schema (assoc-in [:params :route :schema] route-params-schema) query-params-schema (assoc-in [:params :query :schema] query-params-schema) body-params-schema (assoc-in [:params :body :schema] body-params-schema) response-schema (assoc :response-schema response-schema))] `(let [~@(when route-params-schema [route-params-schema (get-in parsed [:params :route :schema])]) ~@(when query-params-schema [query-params-schema (get-in parsed [:params :query :schema])]) ~@(when body-params-schema [body-params-schema (get-in parsed [:params :body :schema])]) ~@(when response-schema [response-schema (:response-schema parsed)])] ;; make sure all the schemas are actually valid at eval time, this will save us a lot of drama if we know right ;; away as opposed to not finding out until we actually use the endpoints ~@(when route-params-schema `[(validate-schema :route ~route-params-schema)]) ~@(when query-params-schema `[(validate-schema :query ~query-params-schema)]) ~@(when body-params-schema `[(validate-schema :body ~body-params-schema)]) ~@(when response-schema `[(validate-schema :response ~response-schema)]) (~f ~parsed')))) |
Impl for [[defendpoint]]. Generate the core function wrapper for an endpoint. You can get this to play with from the REPL or tests with [[find-route-fn]]. Functions match the schema for [[::core-fn]]. | (defmacro defendpoint-core-fn {:style/indent [:form]} [parsed-args] `(defendpoint-core-fn-with-optimized-schemas (defendpoint-core-fn* ~parsed-args))) |
(mu/defn- defendpoint-params :- [:maybe [:map-of keyword? any?]] "Fetch parameters of a certain type (`:route`, `:query`, or `:body`) from a `request`." {:style/indent [:form]} [request :- :map params-type :- ::param-type] (case params-type :route (:route-params request) :query (some-> (:query-params request) (update-keys keyword)) :body (:body request))) | |
Default | (defn- default-raise [e] (throw e)) |
(mu/defn defendpoint-base-handler :- ::handler "Generate the a Ring handler (excluding the Clout/Compojure method/route matching stuff) for parsed [[defendpoint]] args." {:style/indent [:form]} [core-fn :- ::core-fn] (fn f ([request] (f request identity default-raise)) ([request respond raise] (try (let [route-params (defendpoint-params request :route) query-params (defendpoint-params request :query) body-params (defendpoint-params request :body)] (respond (core-fn route-params query-params body-params))) (catch Throwable e (raise e)))))) | |
Generate the Clout/Compojure route (handler) given parsed [[defendpoint]] | (defmacro defendpoint-route-handler {:style/indent [:form]} [{:keys [method route], :as _args} base-handler] `(compojure/make-route ~method (clout/route-compile ~(:path route) ~(:regexes route {})) ~base-handler)) |
Generate OpenAPI specs for an API endpoint based on parsed | (mu/defn defendpoint-openapi-spec {:style/indent [:form]} [_args :- ::parsed-args]) |
For REPL convenience: remove all endpoints associated with a namespace from its metadata. | #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:clojure-lsp/unused-public-var]} (defn reset-ns-routes! ([] (reset-ns-routes! *ns*)) ([nmspace] (alter-meta! (the-ns nmspace) dissoc :api/endpoints))) |
(mu/defn ns-routes :- [:map-of ::unique-key ::info] "Get the REST API endpoint handlers and forms in a namespace from its metadata." ([] (ns-routes *ns*)) ([nmspace] (-> nmspace the-ns meta :api/endpoints)) ([nmspace method :- ::method] (let [routes (ns-routes nmspace)] (into (empty routes) (filter (fn [[k _info]] (= (first k) method))) routes))) ([nmspace method :- ::method route :- string?] (let [routes (ns-routes nmspace method)] (into (empty routes) (filter (fn [[k _info]] (= (second k) route))) routes)))) | |
(mu/defn find-route :- [:schema {:description (format "Tip: you can use %s to list all the defendpoint 2 routes in a namespace" `ns-routes)} ::info] "Find the info for a specific route." [nmspace method :- ::method route :- string?] (first (vals (ns-routes nmspace method route)))) | |
(mu/defn find-route-fn :- ::core-fn "Find the info for a specific route." [nmspace method :- ::method route :- string?] (:core-fn (find-route nmspace method route))) | |
(mu/defn- defendpoint-build-ns-handler :- ::handler [endpoints :- [:map-of ::unique-key ::info]] (->> endpoints vals (map :handler) (apply compojure/routes))) | |
Update the information about and handler stored in namespace metadata for the endpoints defined by [[defendpoint]]. | (mu/defn update-ns-endpoints! [nmspace k :- ::unique-key info :- ::info] ;; we don't want to modify ns metadata during compilation, this will cause it to contain stuff like ;; ;; #function[metabase.api.macros/fn--61462/defendpoint-base-handler61461--61463/f--61464] ;; ;; that can't get loaded again when you use the uberjar, we'll just recreate this stuff on namespace load. (when-not *compile-files* (alter-meta! (the-ns nmspace) (fn [metadata] (letfn [(update-api-endpoints [api-endpoints] ;; use an ordered map to preserve the order the endpoints were defined (assoc (or api-endpoints (ordered-map/ordered-map)) k info)) (update-info [metadata] (update metadata :api/endpoints update-api-endpoints)) (rebuild-handler [metadata] (assoc metadata :api/handler (defendpoint-build-ns-handler (:api/endpoints metadata))))] (-> metadata update-info rebuild-handler)))))) |
Quote the appropriate parts of the parsed [[defendpoint]] args (body and param bindings) so they can be emitted in the [[update-ns-endpoints!]] function call generated by [[defendpoint]]. | (defn- quote-parsed-args [parsed] (letfn [(quote-form [form] (list 'quote form)) (quote-param-bindings-of-type [params param-type] (cond-> params (get-in params [param-type :binding]) (update-in [param-type :binding] quote-form))) (quote-param-bindings [params] (reduce quote-param-bindings-of-type params [:route :query :body]))] (-> parsed (update :body quote-form) (update :params quote-param-bindings)))) |
NEW macro for defining REST API endpoints. See Cam's tech design doc for motivation behind it. | (defmacro defendpoint {:added "0.53.0"} [& args] (let [parsed (parse-defendpoint-args args)] `(let [core-fn# (defendpoint-core-fn ~parsed) base-handler# (defendpoint-base-handler core-fn#) route-handler# (defendpoint-route-handler ~parsed base-handler#) info# {:core-fn core-fn# :base-handler base-handler# :handler route-handler# :form ~(quote-parsed-args parsed)}] (update-ns-endpoints! *ns* ~(defendpoint-unique-key parsed) info#) info#))) |
(s/fdef defendpoint :args ::defendpoint :ret any?) | |
Example usages | |
(comment (metabase.api.macros/ns-routes 'metabase.api.timeline) (metabase.api.macros/ns-routes 'metabase.api.timeline :get) (metabase.api.macros/ns-routes 'metabase.api.timeline :get "/:id") (find-route 'metabase.api.timeline :get "/") (find-route 'metabase.api.timeline :get "/:id") (find-route-fn 'metabase.api.timeline :get "/:id")) | |