Implementation of OpenAPI spec generation for [[metabase.api.macros/defendpoint]]. TODO -- I'm not convinced this should be a separate namespace versus merging it into [[metabase.api.macros/defendpoint]]. | (ns (:require [clojure.string :as str] [malli.core :as mc] [malli.json-schema :as mjs] [medley.core :as m] [] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr] [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms])) |
(def ^:private ^:dynamic *definitions* nil) | |
(mu/defn- merge-required :- [schema] (let [optional? (set (keep (fn [[k v]] (when (:optional v) k)) (:properties schema)))] (-> schema (m/update-existing :required #(into [] (comp (map u/qualified-name) (remove optional?)) %)) (m/update-existing :properties #(update-vals % (fn [v] (dissoc v :optional))))))) | |
(def ^:private file-schema (mjs/transform ms/File {::mjs/definitions-path "#/components/schemas/"})) | |
(mu/defn- fix-json-schema :- "Clean-up JSON schema to make it more understandable for OpenAPI tools. Returns a new schema WITH an indicator if it's *NOT* required. NOTE: maybe instead of fixing it up later we should re-work Malli's json-schema transformation into a way we want it to be?" [schema :- :map] (try (let [schema (-> schema (m/update-existing :description str) (m/update-existing :type keyword) (m/update-existing :definitions #(update-vals % fix-json-schema)) (m/update-existing :oneOf #(mapv fix-json-schema %)) (m/update-existing :anyOf #(mapv fix-json-schema %)) (m/update-existing :allOf #(mapv fix-json-schema %)) (m/update-existing :additionalProperties (fn [additional-properties] (cond-> additional-properties (map? additional-properties) fix-json-schema))))] (cond ;; we're using `[:maybe ...]` a lot, and it generates `{:oneOf [... {:type "null"}]}` ;; it needs to be cleaned up to be presented in OpenAPI viewers (and (:oneOf schema) (= (second (:oneOf schema)) {:type :null})) (fix-json-schema (merge (first (:oneOf schema)) (select-keys schema [:description :default]) {:optional true})) ;; this happens when we use `[:and ... [:fn ...]]`, the `:fn` schema gets converted into an empty object (:allOf schema) (let [schema (update schema :allOf (partial remove (partial = {})))] (if (= (count (:allOf schema)) 1) (fix-json-schema (merge (dissoc schema :allOf) (first (:allOf schema)))) schema)) (= (select-keys schema (keys file-schema)) file-schema) ;; I got this from StackOverflow and docs are not in agreement, but RapiDoc ;; shows file input, so... :) (merge {:type :string, :format :binary} (select-keys schema [:description :default])) (:properties schema) (merge-required (update schema :properties (fn [properties] (into (sorted-map) (map (fn [[k v]] [(u/qualified-name k) (fix-json-schema v)])) properties)))) (= (:type schema) :array) (update schema :items (fn [items] ;; apparently `:tuple` creates multiple `:items` entries... I don't think this is ;; correct. I think we're supposed to use `:prefixItems` instead. See ;; (if (sequential? items) (mapv fix-json-schema items) (fix-json-schema items)))) :else schema)) (catch Throwable e (throw (ex-info (format "Error fixing schema: %s" (ex-message e)) {:schema schema} e))))) | |
We transform json-schema in a few different places, but we need to collect all defitions in a single one. | (defn- mjs-collect-definitions [malli-schema] (let [jss (mjs/transform malli-schema {::mjs/definitions-path "#/components/schemas/"})] (when *definitions* (swap! *definitions* merge (:definitions (fix-json-schema jss)))) (dissoc jss :definitions))) |
(mu/defn- schema->params* :- [:sequential] [schema in-fn renames] (let [{:keys [properties required]} (mjs-collect-definitions schema) required (set required)] (for [[k param-schema] properties :let [k (get renames k k)] :when (in-fn k) :let [schema (fix-json-schema param-schema) ;; if schema does not indicate it's optional, it's not :) optional? (:optional schema)]] (cond-> {:in (in-fn k) :name (u/qualified-name k) :required (and (contains? required k) (not optional?)) :schema (dissoc schema :optional :description)} (:description schema) (assoc :description (str (:description schema))))))) | |
(mu/defn- multipart-schema [form :- :metabase.api.macros/parsed-args] (when-let [request-schema (get-in form [:params :request :schema])] (let [schema (-> request-schema mr/resolve-schema mc/schema)] (when (= (mc/type schema) :map) (some (fn [[k _opts schema]] (when (= k :multipart-params) schema)) (mc/children schema)))))) | |
(mu/defn- path-item :- "Generate OpenAPI desc for `defendpoint` 2.0 ([[metabase.api.macros/defendpoint]]) handler." [full-path :- string? form :- :metabase.api.macros/parsed-args] (try (let [method (:method form) route-params (when-let [schema (get-in form [:params :route :schema])] (schema->params* schema (constantly :path) nil)) query-params (when-let [schema (get-in form [:params :query :schema])] (schema->params* schema (constantly :query) nil)) params (concat (for [param route-params] (assoc param :in :path)) query-params) ctype (if (get-in form [:metadata :multipart]) "multipart/form-data" "application/json") body-schema (some-> (if (= ctype "multipart/form-data") (multipart-schema form) (get-in form [:params :body :schema])) mjs-collect-definitions fix-json-schema)] ;; summary is the string in the sidebar of Scalar (cond-> {:summary (str (u/upper-case-en (name method)) " " full-path) :description (some-> (:docstr form) str) :parameters params} body-schema (assoc :requestBody {:content {ctype {:schema body-schema}}}))) (catch Throwable e (throw (ex-info (str (format "Error creating OpenAPI spec for endpoint %s %s: %s" (:method form) (pr-str (get-in form [:route :path])) (ex-message e)) "\n\nDebug this with\n\n" (pr-str (list ' full-path (list :form (list 'metabase.api.macros/find-route (symbol "'my.namespace") ; so it prints as 'my.namespace (:method form) (get-in form [:route :path])))))) {:full-path full-path, :form form, :definitions @*definitions*} e))))) | |
(mu/defn open-api-spec :- "Create an OpenAPI spec for then `endpoints` in a namespace. Note this returns an incomplete OpenAPI object; use [[]] to get something complete." [endpoints :- :metabase.api.macros/ns-endpoints prefix :- :string] (binding [*definitions* (atom (sorted-map))] {:paths (transduce (map (fn [endpoint] (let [local-path (-> (get-in endpoint [:form :route :path]) (str/replace #"/:([^/]+)" "/{$1}")) full-path (str prefix local-path) method (get-in endpoint [:form :method])] {full-path {method (assoc (path-item full-path (:form endpoint)) :tags [prefix])}}))) m/deep-merge (sorted-map) (vals endpoints)) :components {:schemas @*definitions*}})) | |
#_:clj-kondo/ignore (comment (open-api-spec (metabase.api.macros/ns-routes 'metabase.api.geojson) "/api/geojson") ( "/api/card/:id/series" (:form (metabase.api.macros/find-route 'metabase.api.card :get "/:id/series")) (-> (mjs/transform :metabase.util.cron/CronScheduleString {::mjs/definitions-path "#/components/schemas/"}) fix-json-schema))) | |