(ns metabase.api.geojson (:require [clj-http.client :as http] [clojure.java.io :as io] [clojure.string :as str] [metabase.api.common.validation :as validation] [metabase.api.macros :as api.macros] [metabase.models.setting :as setting :refer [defsetting]] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru tru]] [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr] [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms] [ring.util.codec :as codec] [ring.util.response :as response]) (:import (java.io BufferedReader) (java.net InetAddress URL) (org.apache.commons.io.input ReaderInputStream))) | |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
(defsetting custom-geojson-enabled (deferred-tru "Whether or not the use of custom GeoJSON is enabled.") :visibility :admin :export? true :type :boolean :default true :audit :getter) | |
(def ^:private CustomGeoJSON [:map-of :keyword [:map {:closed true} [:name ms/NonBlankString] [:url ms/NonBlankString] [:region_key [:maybe :string]] [:region_name [:maybe :string]] [:builtin {:optional true} :boolean]]]) | |
(def ^:private CustomGeoJSONValidator (mr/validator CustomGeoJSON)) | |
(defsetting default-maps-enabled (deferred-tru "Whether or not the default GeoJSON maps are enabled.") :visibility :admin :export? true :type :boolean :default true :audit :getter) | |
(defn- builtin-geojson [] (if (default-maps-enabled) {:us_states {:name "United States" :url "app/assets/geojson/us-states.json" :region_key "STATE" :region_name "NAME" :builtin true} :world_countries {:name "World" :url "app/assets/geojson/world.json" :region_key "ISO_A2" :region_name "NAME" :builtin true}} {})) | |
(defn- invalid-location-msg [] (str (tru "Invalid GeoJSON file location: must either start with http:// or https:// or be a relative path to a file on the classpath.") " " (tru "URLs referring to hosts that supply internal hosting metadata are prohibited."))) | |
(def ^:private invalid-hosts #{"metadata.google.internal"}) ; internal metadata for GCP | |
(defn- valid-host? [^URL url] (let [host (.getHost url) host->url (fn [host] (URL. (str "http://" host))) base-url (host->url (.getHost url))] (and (not-any? (fn [invalid-url] (.equals ^URL base-url invalid-url)) (map host->url invalid-hosts)) (not (.isLinkLocalAddress (InetAddress/getByName host)))))) | |
(defn- valid-protocol? [^URL url] (#{"http" "https"} (.getProtocol url))) | |
(defn- valid-url? [url-string] (try (let [url (URL. url-string)] (and (valid-protocol? url) (valid-host? url))) (catch Throwable e (throw (ex-info (invalid-location-msg) {:status-code 400, :url url-string} e))))) | |
(defn- valid-geojson-url? [url] (or (io/resource url) (valid-url? url))) | |
(defn- valid-geojson-urls? [geojson] (every? (fn [[_ {:keys [url]}]] (valid-geojson-url? url)) geojson)) | |
Throws a 400 if the supplied | (defn- validate-geojson [geojson] (when-not (CustomGeoJSONValidator geojson) (throw (ex-info (tru "Invalid custom GeoJSON") {:status-code 400}))) (or (valid-geojson-urls? geojson) (throw (ex-info (invalid-location-msg) {:status-code 400})))) |
(defsetting custom-geojson (deferred-tru "JSON containing information about custom GeoJSON files for use in map visualizations instead of the default US State or World GeoJSON.") :encryption :no :type :json :getter (fn [] (merge (setting/get-value-of-type :json :custom-geojson) (builtin-geojson))) :setter (fn [new-value] ;; remove the built-in keys you can't override them and we don't want those to be subject to validation. (let [new-value (not-empty (reduce dissoc new-value (keys (builtin-geojson))))] (when new-value (validate-geojson new-value)) (setting/set-value-of-type! :json :custom-geojson new-value))) :visibility :public :export? true :audit :raw-value) | |
(def ^:private connection-timeout-ms 8000) | |
(defn- url->geojson [url] (let [resp (try (http/get url {:as :reader :redirect-strategy :none :socket-timeout connection-timeout-ms :connection-timeout connection-timeout-ms :throw-exceptions false}) (catch Throwable _ (throw (ex-info (tru "GeoJSON URL failed to load") {:status-code 400})))) success? (<= 200 (:status resp) 399) allowed-content-types #{"application/geo+json" "application/vnd.geo+json" "application/json" "text/plain"} ;; if the content-type header is missing, just pretend it's `text/plain` and let it through content-type (get-in resp [:headers :content-type] "text/plain") ok-content-type? (some #(str/starts-with? content-type %) allowed-content-types)] (cond (not success?) (throw (ex-info (tru "GeoJSON URL failed to load") {:status-code 400})) (not ok-content-type?) (throw (ex-info (tru "GeoJSON URL returned invalid content-type") {:status-code 400})) :else (:body resp)))) | |
(defn- url->reader [url] (if-let [resource (io/resource url)] (io/reader resource) (url->geojson url))) | |
Reads the provided URL and responds with the contents as a stream. | (defn- read-url-and-respond [url respond] (with-open [^BufferedReader reader (url->reader url) is (ReaderInputStream. reader)] (respond (-> (response/response is) (response/content-type "application/json"))))) |
(api.macros/defendpoint :get "/:key" "Fetch a custom GeoJSON file as defined in the `custom-geojson` setting. (This just acts as a simple proxy for the file specified for `key`)." [{k :key, :as _route-params} :- [:map [:key ms/NonBlankString]] _query-params _body _request respond raise] (when-not (or (custom-geojson-enabled) ((builtin-geojson) (keyword k))) (raise (ex-info (tru "Custom GeoJSON is not enabled") {:status-code 400}))) (if-let [url (get-in (custom-geojson) [(keyword k) :url])] (try (read-url-and-respond url respond) (catch Throwable e (raise e))) (raise (ex-info (tru "Invalid custom GeoJSON key: {0}" k) {:status-code 400})))) | |
(api.macros/defendpoint :get "/" "Load a custom GeoJSON file based on a URL or file path provided as a query parameter. This behaves similarly to /api/geojson/:key but doesn't require the custom map to be saved to the DB first." [_route-params {:keys [url], :as _query-params} :- [:map [:url ms/NonBlankString]] _body _request respond raise] (validation/check-has-application-permission :setting) (when-not (custom-geojson-enabled) (raise (ex-info (tru "Custom GeoJSON is not enabled") {:status-code 400}))) (let [decoded-url (codec/url-decode url)] (try (when-not (valid-geojson-url? decoded-url) (throw (ex-info (invalid-location-msg) {:status-code 400}))) (read-url-and-respond decoded-url respond) (catch Throwable e (raise e))))) | |