(ns metabase.api.embed.common (:require [clojure.set :as set] [clojure.string :as str] [malli.core :as mc] [malli.error :as me] [medley.core :as m] [metabase.api.card :as api.card] [metabase.api.common :as api] [metabase.api.common.validation :as validation] [metabase.api.dashboard :as api.dashboard] [metabase.driver.common.parameters.operators :as params.ops] [metabase.eid-translation :as eid-translation] [metabase.models.card :as card] [metabase.models.params :as params] [metabase.models.resolution :as models.resolution] [metabase.models.setting :refer [defsetting]] [metabase.notification.payload.core :as notification.payload] [metabase.public-sharing.api :as api.public] [metabase.query-processor.card :as qp.card] [metabase.query-processor.middleware.constraints :as qp.constraints] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.embed :as embed] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru tru]] [metabase.util.json :as json] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr] [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms] [toucan2.core :as t2])) | |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
(comment ;; load dynamic model resolution code... should already be loaded by [[metabase.core.init]] so this is mostly here for ;; the benefit of tests models.resolution/keep-me) | |
Is V a valid param value? (If it is a String, is it non-blank?) | (defn- valid-param-value? [v] (or (not (string? v)) (not (str/blank? v)))) |
Check that the conditions specified by | (defn- check-params-are-allowed [object-embedding-params token-params user-params] (let [all-params (merge token-params user-params) duplicated-params (set/intersection (set (keys token-params)) (set (keys user-params)))] (doseq [[param status] object-embedding-params] (case status ;; disabled means a param is not allowed to be specified by either token or user "disabled" (api/check (not (contains? all-params param)) [400 (tru "You''re not allowed to specify a value for {0}." param)]) ;; enabled means either JWT *or* user can specify the param, but not both. Param is *not* required "enabled" (api/check (not (contains? duplicated-params param)) [400 (tru "You can''t specify a value for {0} if it''s already set in the JWT." param)]) ;; locked means JWT must specify param "locked" (api/check (some? (get token-params param)) [400 (tru "You must specify a value for {0} in the JWT." param)] (not (contains? user-params param)) [400 (tru "You can only specify a value for {0} in the JWT." param)]))))) |
Make sure all the params specified are specified in | (defn- check-params-exist [object-embedding-params all-params] (let [embedding-params (set (keys object-embedding-params))] (doseq [[k _] all-params] (api/check (contains? embedding-params k) [400 (format "Unknown parameter %s." k)])))) |
Validate that sets of params passed as part of the JWT token and by the user (as query params, i.e. as part of the
URL) are valid for the | (defn- check-param-sets [object-embedding-params token-params user-params] ;; TODO - maybe make this log/debug once embedding is wrapped up (log/debug "Validating params for embedded object:\n" "object embedding params:" object-embedding-params "token params:" token-params "user params:" user-params) (check-params-are-allowed object-embedding-params token-params user-params) (check-params-exist object-embedding-params (merge token-params user-params))) |
Check that embedding is enabled, that | (defn- check-embedding-enabled-for-object ([entity id] (api/check (pos-int? id) [400 (tru "{0} id should be a positive integer." (name entity))]) (check-embedding-enabled-for-object (t2/select-one [entity :enable_embedding] :id id))) ([object] (validation/check-embedding-enabled) (api/check-404 object) (api/check-not-archived object) (api/check (:enable_embedding object) [400 (tru "Embedding is not enabled for this object.")]))) |
Runs check-embedding-enabled-for-object for a given Card id | (def ^{:arglists '([card-id])} check-embedding-enabled-for-card (partial check-embedding-enabled-for-object :model/Card)) |
Runs check-embedding-enabled-for-object for a given Dashboard id | (def ^{:arglists '([dashboard-id])} check-embedding-enabled-for-dashboard (partial check-embedding-enabled-for-object :model/Dashboard)) |
Returns parameters for a card (HUH?) | (defn- resolve-card-parameters ; TODO - better docstring [card-or-id] (-> (t2/select-one [:model/Card :dataset_query :parameters], :id (u/the-id card-or-id)) api.public/combine-parameters-and-template-tags :parameters)) |
(mu/defn- resolve-dashboard-parameters :- [:sequential api.dashboard/ParameterWithID] "Given a `dashboard-id` and parameters map in the format `slug->value`, return a sequence of parameters with `:id`s that can be passed to various functions in the `metabase.api.dashboard` namespace such as [[metabase.api.dashboard/process-query-for-dashcard]]." [dashboard-id :- ms/PositiveInt slug->value :- :map] (let [parameters (t2/select-one-fn :parameters :model/Dashboard :id dashboard-id) slug->id (into {} (map (juxt :slug :id)) parameters)] (vec (for [[slug value] slug->value :let [slug (u/qualified-name slug)]] {:slug slug :id (or (get slug->id slug) (throw (ex-info (tru "No matching parameter with slug {0}. Found: {1}" (pr-str slug) (pr-str (keys slug->id))) {:status-code 400 :slug slug :dashboard-parameters parameters}))) :value value})))) | |
(mu/defn parse-query-params :- :map "Parses parameter values from the query string in a backward compatible way. Before (v50 and below) we passed parameter values as separate query string parameters \"?param1=A¶m2=B\". The problem with this approach is that we cannot reliably distinguish between numbers and numeric strings, as well as booleans and boolean strings. To fix this issue we introduced another query string parameter `:parameters` which contains serialized JSON with parameter values. If this object cannot be found or parsed, we fallback to plain query string parameters." [query-params] (or (try (when-let [parameters (:parameters query-params)] (json/decode+kw parameters)) (catch Throwable _ nil)) query-params {})) | |
(mu/defn normalize-query-params :- [:map-of :keyword :any] "Take a map of `query-params` and make sure they're in the right format for the rest of our code. Our `wrap-keyword-params` middleware normally converts all query params keys to keywords, but only if they seem like ones that make sense as keywords. Some params, such as ones that start with a number, do not pass this test, and are not automatically converted. Thus we must do it ourselves here to make sure things are done as we'd expect. Also, any param values that are blank strings should be parsed as nil, representing the absence of a value." [query-params] (-> query-params (update-keys keyword) (update-vals (fn [v] (if (= v ) nil v))))) | |
(mu/defn validate-and-merge-params :- [:map-of :keyword :any] "Validate that the `token-params` passed in the JWT and the `user-params` (passed as part of the URL) are allowed, and that ones that are required are specified by checking them against a Card or Dashboard's `object-embedding-params` (the object's value of `:embedding_params`). Throws a 400 if any of the checks fail. If all checks are successful, returns a *merged* parameters map." [object-embedding-params :- ms/EmbeddingParams token-params :- [:map-of :keyword :any] user-params :- [:map-of :keyword :any]] (check-param-sets object-embedding-params (m/filter-vals valid-param-value? token-params) (m/filter-vals valid-param-value? user-params)) ;; ok, everything checks out, now return the merged params map, ;; but first turn empty lists into nil (-> (merge user-params token-params) (update-vals (fn [v] (if (and (not (string? v)) (seqable? v)) (not-empty v) v))))) | |
(mu/defn- param-values-merged-params :- [:map-of ms/NonBlankString :any] [id->slug slug->id embedding-params token-params id-query-params] (let [slug-query-params (into {} (for [[id v] id-query-params] [(or (get id->slug (name id)) (throw (ex-info (tru "Invalid query params: could not determine slug for parameter with ID {0}" (pr-str id)) {:id (name id) :id->slug id->slug :id-query-params id-query-params}))) v])) slug-query-params (normalize-query-params slug-query-params) merged-slug->value (validate-and-merge-params embedding-params token-params slug-query-params)] (into {} (for [[slug value] merged-slug->value :when value] [(get slug->id (name slug)) value])))) | |
---------------------------------------------- Other Param Util Fns ---------------------------------------------- | |
Remove any | (defn- remove-params-in-set [params params-to-remove] (for [param params :when (not (contains? params-to-remove (keyword (:slug param))))] param)) |
Classifies the params in the The resulting classification is returned as a map with keys :keep and :remove whose values are sets of parameter slugs. | (defn- classify-params-as-keep-or-remove [dashboard-or-card-params embedding-params] (let [param-slugs (map #(keyword (:slug %)) dashboard-or-card-params) grouped-param-slugs {:remove (remove (fn [k] (contains? embedding-params k)) param-slugs)} grouped-embedding-param-slugs (-> (group-by #(= (second %) "enabled") embedding-params) (update-keys {true :keep false :remove}) (update-vals #(into #{} (map first) %)))] (merge-with (comp set concat) {:keep #{} :remove #{}} grouped-param-slugs grouped-embedding-param-slugs))) |
(defn- get-params-to-remove [dashboard-or-card-params embedding-params] (:remove (classify-params-as-keep-or-remove dashboard-or-card-params embedding-params))) | |
Remove the | (mu/defn- remove-locked-and-disabled-params [dashboard-or-card embedding-params :- ms/EmbeddingParams] (let [params-to-remove (get-params-to-remove (:parameters dashboard-or-card) embedding-params)] (update dashboard-or-card :parameters remove-params-in-set params-to-remove))) |
Removes any parameters with slugs matching keys provided in | (defn- remove-token-parameters [dashboard-or-card token-params] (update dashboard-or-card :parameters remove-params-in-set (set (keys token-params)))) |
For any dashboard parameters with slugs matching keys provided in | (defn- substitute-token-parameters-in-text [dashboard token-params] (let [params (:parameters dashboard) dashcards (:dashcards dashboard) params-with-values (reduce (fn [acc param] (if-let [value (get token-params (keyword (:slug param)))] (conj acc (assoc param :value value)) acc)) [] params)] (assoc dashboard :dashcards (map (fn [card] (if (-> card :visualization_settings :virtual_card) (notification.payload/process-virtual-dashcard card params-with-values) card)) dashcards)))) |
(mu/defn- apply-slug->value :- [:maybe [:sequential [:map [:slug ms/NonBlankString] [:type :keyword] [:target :any] [:value :any]]]] "Adds `value` to parameters with `slug` matching a key in `merged-slug->value` and removes parameters without a `value`." [parameters slug->value] (when (seq parameters) (for [param parameters :let [slug (keyword (:slug param)) value (get slug->value slug) ;; operator parameters expect a sequence of values so if we get a lone value (e.g. from a single URL ;; query parameter) wrap it in a sequence value (if (and (some? value) (params.ops/operator? (:type param))) (u/one-or-many value) value)] :when (contains? slug->value slug)] (assoc (select-keys param [:type :target :slug]) :value value)))) | |
-------------------------------------- Entity ID transformation functions ------------------------------------------ | |
(defn- api-model? [model] (isa? (t2/resolve-model model) :hook/entity-id)) | |
Map of model names used on the API to their corresponding model. A test makes sure this map stays in sync. This is no longer calculated dynamically so we don't have to load ~20 model namespaces just to figure out which ones
derive from | (def ^:private api-name->model {:action :model/Action :card :model/Card :collection :model/Collection :dashboard :model/Dashboard :dashboard-card :model/DashboardCard :dashboard-tab :model/DashboardTab :dataset :model/Card :dimension :model/Dimension :metric :model/Card :permissions-group :model/PermissionsGroup :pulse :model/Pulse :pulse-card :model/PulseCard :pulse-channel :model/PulseChannel :segment :model/Segment :snippet :model/NativeQuerySnippet :timeline :model/Timeline :user :model/User}) |
Takes a model keyword or an api-name and returns the corresponding model keyword. | (defn- ->model [model-or-api-name] (if (api-model? model-or-api-name) model-or-api-name (api-name->model model-or-api-name))) |
Sorted vec of api models that have an entity_id column | (def ^:private eid-api-names (vec (sort (keys api-name->model)))) |
(def ^:private eid-api-models (vec (sort (vals api-name->model)))) | |
(def ^:private ApiName (into [:enum] eid-api-names)) (def ^:private ApiModel (into [:enum] eid-api-models)) | |
A Malli schema for an entity id, this is a little more loose because it needs to be fast. | (def ^:private EntityId [:and {:description "entity_id"} :string [:fn {:error/fn (fn [{:keys [value]} _] (str "\"" value "\" should be 21 characters long, but it is " (count value)))} (fn eid-length-good? [eid] (= 21 (count eid)))]]) |
A Malli schema for a map of model names to a sequence of entity ids. | (def ^:private ModelToEntityIds (mc/schema [:map-of ApiName [:sequential :string]])) |
-------------------- Entity Id Translation Analytics -------------------- | |
(defsetting entity-id-translation-counter (deferred-tru "A counter for tracking the number of entity_id -> id translations. Whenever we call [[model->entity-ids->ids]], we increment this counter by the number of translations.") :encryption :no :visibility :internal :export? false :audit :never :type :json :default eid-translation/default-counter :doc false) | |
Update the entity-id translation counter with the results of a batch of entity-id translations. | (mu/defn update-translation-count! [results :- [:sequential eid-translation/Status]] (let [processed-result (frequencies results)] (entity-id-translation-counter! (merge-with + processed-result (entity-id-translation-counter))))) |
(mu/defn- entity-ids->id-for-model :- [:sequential [:tuple ;; We want to pass incorrectly formatted entity-ids through here, ;; but this is assumed to be an entity-id: :string [:map [:status eid-translation/Status]]]] "Given a model and a sequence of entity ids on that model, return a pairs of entity-id, id." [api-name eids] (let [model (->model api-name) ;; This lookup is safe because we've already validated the api-names eid->id (into {} (t2/select-fn->fn :entity_id :id [model :id :entity_id] :entity_id [:in eids]))] (mapv (fn entity-id-info [entity-id] [entity-id (if-let [id (get eid->id entity-id)] {:id id :type api-name :status :ok} ;; handle errors (if (mr/validate EntityId entity-id) {:type api-name :status :not-found} {:type api-name :status :invalid-format :reason (me/humanize (mr/explain EntityId entity-id))}))]) eids))) | |
Given a map of model names to a sequence of entity-ids for each, return a map from entity-id -> id. | (defn model->entity-ids->ids [model-key->entity-ids] (when-not (mr/validate ModelToEntityIds model-key->entity-ids) (throw (ex-info "Invalid format." {:explanation (me/humanize (me/with-spell-checking (mr/explain ModelToEntityIds model-key->entity-ids))) :allowed-models (sort (keys api-name->model)) :status-code 400}))) (u/prog1 (into {} (mapcat (fn [[model eids]] (entity-ids->id-for-model model eids)) model-key->entity-ids)) (update-translation-count! (map :status (vals <>))))) |
(mu/defn ->id :- :int "Translates a single entity_id -> id. This reuses the batched version: [[model->entity-ids->ids]]. Please use that if you have to do man lookups at once." [api-name-or-model :- [:or ApiName ApiModel] id :- [:or #_id :int #_entity-id :string]] (if (string? id) (let [model (->model api-name-or-model) [[_ {:keys [status] :as info}]] (entity-ids->id-for-model api-name-or-model [id])] (update-translation-count! [status]) (if-not (= :ok status) (throw (ex-info "problem looking up id from entity_id" {:api-name-or-model api-name-or-model :model model :id id :status status})) (:id info))) id)) | |
---------------------------- Card Fns used by both /api/embed and /api/preview_embed ----------------------------- | |
Return the info needed for embedding about Card specified in | (defn card-for-unsigned-token [unsigned-token & {:keys [embedding-params constraints]}] {:pre [((some-fn empty? sequential?) constraints) (even? (count constraints))]} (let [pre-card-id (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:resource :question]) card-id (->id :model/Card pre-card-id) token-params (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:params])] (-> (apply api.public/public-card :id card-id, constraints) api.public/combine-parameters-and-template-tags (remove-token-parameters token-params) (remove-locked-and-disabled-params (or embedding-params (t2/select-one-fn :embedding_params :model/Card :id card-id)))))) |
Run the query associated with Card with | (defn process-query-for-card-with-params [& {:keys [export-format card-id embedding-params token-params query-params qp constraints options] :or {qp qp.card/process-query-for-card-default-qp}}] {:pre [(integer? card-id) (u/maybe? map? embedding-params) (map? token-params) (map? query-params)]} (let [merged-slug->value (validate-and-merge-params embedding-params token-params (normalize-query-params query-params)) parameters (apply-slug->value (resolve-card-parameters card-id) merged-slug->value)] (m/mapply api.public/process-query-for-card-with-id card-id export-format parameters :context :embedded-question :constraints constraints :qp qp options))) |
-------------------------- Dashboard Fns used by both /api/embed and /api/preview_embed -------------------------- | |
(defn- remove-linked-filters-param-values [dashboard] (let [param-ids (set (map :id (:parameters dashboard))) param-ids-to-remove (set (for [{param-id :id filtering-parameters :filteringParameters} (:parameters dashboard) filtering-parameter-id filtering-parameters :when (not (contains? param-ids filtering-parameter-id))] param-id)) linked-field-ids (set (mapcat (params/get-linked-field-ids (:dashcards dashboard)) param-ids-to-remove))] (update dashboard :param_values #(->> % (map (fn [[param-id param]] {param-id (cond-> param (contains? linked-field-ids param-id) ;; is param linked? (assoc :values []))})) (into {}))))) | |
(defn- remove-locked-parameters [dashboard embedding-params] (let [params (:parameters dashboard) {params-to-remove :remove params-to-keep :keep} (classify-params-as-keep-or-remove params embedding-params) param-ids-to-remove (set (keep (fn [{:keys [slug id]}] (when (contains? params-to-remove (keyword slug)) id)) params)) param-ids-to-keep (set (keep (fn [{:keys [slug id]}] (when (contains? params-to-keep (keyword slug)) id)) params)) field-ids-to-maybe-remove (set (mapcat (params/get-linked-field-ids (:dashcards dashboard)) param-ids-to-remove)) field-ids-to-keep (set (mapcat (params/get-linked-field-ids (:dashcards dashboard)) param-ids-to-keep)) field-ids-to-remove (set/difference field-ids-to-maybe-remove field-ids-to-keep) remove-parameters (fn [dashcard] (update dashcard :parameter_mappings (fn [param-mappings] (remove (fn [{:keys [parameter_id]}] (contains? param-ids-to-remove parameter_id)) param-mappings))))] (-> dashboard (update :dashcards #(map remove-parameters %)) (update :param_fields #(apply dissoc % field-ids-to-remove)) (update :param_values #(apply dissoc % field-ids-to-remove))))) | |
Return the info needed for embedding about Dashboard specified in | (defn dashboard-for-unsigned-token [unsigned-token & {:keys [embedding-params constraints]}] {:pre [((some-fn empty? sequential?) constraints) (even? (count constraints))]} (let [pre-dashboard-id (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:resource :dashboard]) dashboard-id (->id :model/Dashboard pre-dashboard-id) embedding-params (or embedding-params (t2/select-one-fn :embedding_params :model/Dashboard, :id dashboard-id)) token-params (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:params])] (-> (apply api.public/public-dashboard :id dashboard-id, constraints) (substitute-token-parameters-in-text token-params) (remove-locked-parameters embedding-params) (remove-token-parameters token-params) (remove-locked-and-disabled-params embedding-params) (remove-linked-filters-param-values)))) |
If a certain export-format is given, return the correct embedded dashboard context. | (defn- get-embed-dashboard-context [export-format] (case export-format "csv" :embedded-csv-download "xlsx" :embedded-xlsx-download "json" :embedded-json-download :embedded-dashboard)) |
Return results for running the query belonging to a DashboardCard. Returns a | (defn process-query-for-dashcard [& {:keys [dashboard-id dashcard-id card-id export-format embedding-params token-params middleware query-params constraints qp] :or {constraints (qp.constraints/default-query-constraints) qp qp.card/process-query-for-card-default-qp}}] {:pre [(integer? dashboard-id) (integer? dashcard-id) (integer? card-id) (u/maybe? map? embedding-params) (map? token-params) (map? query-params)]} (let [slug->value (validate-and-merge-params embedding-params token-params (normalize-query-params query-params)) parameters (resolve-dashboard-parameters dashboard-id slug->value)] (api.public/process-query-for-dashcard :dashboard-id dashboard-id :card-id card-id :dashcard-id dashcard-id :export-format export-format :parameters parameters :qp qp :context (get-embed-dashboard-context export-format) :constraints constraints :middleware middleware))) |
Search for card parameter values. Does security checks to ensure the parameter is on the card and then gets param values according to [[api.card/param-values]]. | (defn card-param-values [{:keys [unsigned-token card param-key search-prefix]}] (let [slug-token-params (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:params]) parameters (or (seq (:parameters card)) (card/template-tag-parameters card)) id->slug (into {} (map (juxt :id :slug) parameters)) slug->id (into {} (map (juxt :slug :id) parameters)) searched-param-slug (get id->slug param-key) embedding-params (:embedding_params card)] (try (when-not (= (get embedding-params (keyword searched-param-slug)) "enabled") (throw (ex-info (tru "Cannot search for values: {0} is not an enabled parameter." (pr-str searched-param-slug)) {:status-code 400}))) (when (get slug-token-params (keyword searched-param-slug)) (throw (ex-info (tru "You can''t specify a value for {0} if it''s already set in the JWT." (pr-str searched-param-slug)) {:status-code 400}))) (try (binding [api/*current-user-permissions-set* (atom #{"/"}) api/*is-superuser?* true] (api.card/param-values card param-key search-prefix)) (catch Throwable e (throw (ex-info (.getMessage e) {:card-id (u/the-id card) :param-key param-key :search-prefix search-prefix} e)))) (catch Throwable e (let [e (ex-info (.getMessage e) {:card-id (u/the-id card) :card-params (:parametres card) :allowed-param-slugs embedding-params :slug->id slug->id :id->slug id->slug :param-id param-key :param-slug searched-param-slug :token-params slug-token-params} e)] (log/errorf e "embedded card-param-values error\n%s" (u/pprint-to-str (u/all-ex-data e))) (throw e)))))) |
Common implementation for fetching parameter values for embedding and preview-embedding.
Optionally pass a map with | (defn dashboard-param-values [token searched-param-id prefix id-query-params & {:keys [preview] :or {preview false}}] (let [unsigned-token (embed/unsign token) pre-dashboard-id (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:resource :dashboard]) dashboard-id (->id :model/Dashboard pre-dashboard-id) _ (when-not preview (check-embedding-enabled-for-dashboard dashboard-id)) slug-token-params (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:params]) {parameters :parameters published-embedding-params :embedding_params} (t2/select-one :model/Dashboard :id dashboard-id) ;; when previewing an embed, embedding-params should come from the token, ;; since a user may be changing them prior to publishing the Embed, which is what actually persists ;; the settings to the Appdb. embedding-params (if preview (merge published-embedding-params (get unsigned-token :_embedding_params)) published-embedding-params) id->slug (into {} (map (juxt :id :slug) parameters)) slug->id (into {} (map (juxt :slug :id) parameters)) searched-param-slug (get id->slug searched-param-id)] (try ;; you can only search for values of a parameter if it is ENABLED and NOT PRESENT in the JWT. (when-not (= (get embedding-params (keyword searched-param-slug)) "enabled") (throw (ex-info (tru "Cannot search for values: {0} is not an enabled parameter." (pr-str searched-param-slug)) {:status-code 400}))) (when (get slug-token-params (keyword searched-param-slug)) (throw (ex-info (tru "You can''t specify a value for {0} if it''s already set in the JWT." (pr-str searched-param-slug)) {:status-code 400}))) ;; ok, at this point we can run the query (let [merged-id-params (param-values-merged-params id->slug slug->id embedding-params slug-token-params id-query-params)] (try (binding [api/*current-user-permissions-set* (atom #{"/"}) api/*is-superuser?* true] (api.dashboard/param-values (t2/select-one :model/Dashboard :id dashboard-id) searched-param-id merged-id-params prefix)) (catch Throwable e (throw (ex-info (.getMessage e) {:merged-id-params merged-id-params} e))))) (catch Throwable e (let [e (ex-info (.getMessage e) {:dashboard-id dashboard-id :dashboard-params parameters :allowed-param-slugs embedding-params :slug->id slug->id :id->slug id->slug :param-id searched-param-id :param-slug searched-param-slug :token-params slug-token-params} e)] (log/errorf e "Chain filter error\n%s" (u/pprint-to-str (u/all-ex-data e))) (throw e)))))) |