Classifier that decides whether a Field should be marked 'No Preview Display'. (This means Fields are generally not shown in Table results and the like, but still shown in a single-row object detail page.) | (ns (:require [metabase.analyze.fingerprint.schema :as fingerprint.schema] [metabase.analyze.schema :as analyze.schema] [metabase.util.malli :as mu])) |
Fields whose values' average length is greater than this amount should be marked as | (def ^:private ^:const ^Long average-length-no-preview-threshold 50) |
(defn- long-plain-text-field? [{base-type :base_type, semantic-type :semantic_type} fingerprint] (and (isa? base-type :type/Text) (contains? #{nil :type/SerializedJSON} semantic-type) (some-> fingerprint (get-in [:type :type/Text :average-length]) (> average-length-no-preview-threshold)))) | |
(mu/defn infer-no-preview-display :- [:maybe analyze.schema/Field] "Classifier that determines whether `field` should be marked 'No Preview Display'. If `field` is textual and its average length is too great, mark it so it isn't displayed in the UI." [field :- analyze.schema/Field fingerprint :- [:maybe fingerprint.schema/Fingerprint]] (when (long-plain-text-field? field fingerprint) (assoc field :preview_display false))) | |