Functions for sending Snowplow analytics events | (ns (:require [clojure.string :as str] [java-time.api :as t] [medley.core :as m] [metabase.api.common :as api] [metabase.config :as config] [metabase.models.setting :as setting :refer [defsetting Setting]] [metabase.models.user :refer [User]] [metabase.public-settings :as public-settings] [ :as] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru]] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [toucan2.core :as t2]) (:import (com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.tracker Snowplow Subject Tracker) (com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.tracker.configuration EmitterConfiguration NetworkConfiguration SubjectConfiguration TrackerConfiguration) ( SelfDescribing SelfDescribing$Builder2) (com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.tracker.http ApacheHttpClientAdapter) (com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.tracker.payload SelfDescribingJson) (org.apache.http.client.config CookieSpecs RequestConfig) (org.apache.http.impl.client HttpClients) (org.apache.http.impl.conn PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager))) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
Adding or updating a Snowplow schema? Here are some things to keep in mind:
- Snowplow schemata are versioned and immutable, so if you need to make changes to a schema, you should create a new
version of it. The version number should be updated in the | |
The most recent version for each event schema. This should be updated whenever a new version of a schema is added to SnowcatCloud, at the same time that the data sent to the collector is updated. | (def ^:private schema->version {::account "1-0-1" ::browse_data "1-0-0" ::invite "1-0-1" ::instance_stats "2-0-0" ::csvupload "1-0-3" ::dashboard "1-1-4" ::database "1-0-1" ::instance "1-1-2" ::metabot "1-0-1" ::search "1-0-1" ::model "1-0-0" ::timeline "1-0-0" ::task "1-0-0" ::upsell "1-0-0" ::action "1-0-0" ::embed_share "1-0-0" ::llm_usage "1-0-0" ::serialization "1-0-1" ::cleanup "1-0-0"}) |
Malli enum for valid Snowplow schemas | (def ^:private SnowplowSchema (into [:enum] (keys schema->version))) |
(defsetting analytics-uuid (deferred-tru (str "Unique identifier to be used in Snowplow analytics, to identify this instance of Metabase. " "This is a public setting since some analytics events are sent prior to initial setup.")) :encryption :no :visibility :public :base setting/uuid-nonce-base :doc false) | |
(defsetting snowplow-available (deferred-tru (str "Boolean indicating whether a Snowplow collector is available to receive analytics events. " "Should be set via environment variable in Cypress tests or during local development.")) :type :boolean :visibility :public :default config/is-prod? :doc false :audit :never) | |
(defsetting snowplow-enabled (deferred-tru (str "Boolean indicating whether analytics events are being sent to Snowplow. " "True if anonymous tracking is enabled for this instance, and a Snowplow collector is available.")) :type :boolean :setter :none :getter (fn [] (and (snowplow-available) (public-settings/anon-tracking-enabled))) :visibility :public :doc false) | |
(defsetting snowplow-url (deferred-tru "The URL of the Snowplow collector to send analytics events to.") :encryption :no :default (if config/is-prod? "" ;; See the iglu-schema-registry repo for instructions on how to run Snowplow Micro locally for development "http://localhost:9090") :visibility :public :audit :never :doc false) | |
Returns the earliest user creation timestamp in the database | (defn- first-user-creation [] (:min (t2/select-one [User [:%min.date_joined :min]]))) |
We need to declare | (declare track-event!) |
(defsetting instance-creation (deferred-tru "The approximate timestamp at which this instance of Metabase was created, for inclusion in analytics.") :visibility :public :setter :none :getter (fn [] (when-not (t2/exists? Setting :key "instance-creation") ;; For instances that were started before this setting was added (in 0.41.3), use the creation ;; timestamp of the first user. For all new instances, use the timestamp at which this setting ;; is first read. (let [value (or (first-user-creation) (t/offset-date-time))] (setting/set-value-of-type! :timestamp :instance-creation value) (track-event! ::account {:event :new_instance_created} nil))) ( (setting/get-value-of-type :timestamp :instance-creation))) :doc false) | |
(defn- tracker-config [] (TrackerConfiguration. "sp" "metabase")) | |
(defn- network-config [] (let [request-config (-> (RequestConfig/custom) ;; Set cookie spec to `STANDARD` to avoid warnings about an invalid cookie ;; header in request response (PR #24579) (.setCookieSpec CookieSpecs/STANDARD) (.build)) client (-> (HttpClients/custom) (.setConnectionManager (PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager.)) (.setDefaultRequestConfig request-config) (.build)) http-client-adapter (ApacheHttpClientAdapter. (snowplow-url) client)] (NetworkConfiguration. http-client-adapter))) | |
(defn- emitter-config [] (-> (EmitterConfiguration.) (.batchSize 1))) | |
(defonce ^:private tracker (Snowplow/createTracker ^TrackerConfiguration (tracker-config) ^NetworkConfiguration (network-config) ^EmitterConfiguration (emitter-config))) | |
Create a Subject object for a given user ID, to be included in analytics events | (defn- subject [user-id] (Subject. (-> (SubjectConfiguration.) (.userId (str user-id)) ;; Override with localhost IP to avoid logging actual user IP addresses (.ipAddress "")))) |
Returns the type of the Metabase application database as a string (e.g. PostgreSQL, MySQL) | (defn- app-db-type [] (t2/with-connection [^java.sql.Connection conn] (.. conn getMetaData getDatabaseProductName))) |
Returns the version of the Metabase application database as a string | (defn- app-db-version [] (t2/with-connection [^java.sql.Connection conn] (let [metadata (.getMetaData conn)] (format "%d.%d" (.getDatabaseMajorVersion metadata) (.getDatabaseMinorVersion metadata))))) |
Common context included in every analytics event | (defn- context [] (new SelfDescribingJson (str "iglu:com.metabase/instance/jsonschema/" (schema->version ::instance)) {"id" (analytics-uuid) "version" {"tag" (:tag (public-settings/version))} "token_features" (m/map-keys name (public-settings/token-features)) "created_at" (instance-creation) "application_database" (app-db-type) "application_database_version" (app-db-version)})) |
(defn- normalize-kw [kw] (-> kw name (str/replace #"-" "_"))) | |
A SelfDescribingJson object containing the provided event data, which can be included as the payload for an analytics event | (defn- payload [schema version data] (new SelfDescribingJson (format "iglu:com.metabase/%s/jsonschema/%s" (normalize-kw schema) version) ;; Make sure keywords in payload are converted to strings in snake-case (m/map-kv (fn [k v] [(normalize-kw k) (if (keyword? v) (normalize-kw v) v)]) data))) |
Wrapper function around the | (defn- track-event-impl! [tracker event] (.track ^Tracker tracker ^SelfDescribing event)) |
Send a single analytics event to the Snowplow collector, if tracking is enabled for this MB instance and a collector is available. | (mu/defn track-event! ([schema :- SnowplowSchema data] (track-event! schema data api/*current-user-id*)) ([schema :- SnowplowSchema data user-id] (when (snowplow-enabled) (try (let [^SelfDescribing$Builder2 builder (-> (. SelfDescribing builder) (.eventData (payload schema (schema->version schema) data)) (.customContext [(context)]) (cond-> user-id (.subject (subject user-id)))) ^SelfDescribing event (.build builder)] (track-event-impl! tracker event)) (catch Throwable e (log/errorf e "Error sending Snowplow analytics event for schema %s" schema)))))) |