Functions for sending Snowplow analytics events

   [clojure.string :as str]
   [java-time.api :as t]
   [medley.core :as m]
   [ :as analytics.settings]
   [metabase.api.common :as api]
   [metabase.models.setting :as setting :refer [defsetting]]
   [metabase.public-settings :as public-settings]
   [ :as]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru]]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [toucan2.core :as t2])
   (com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.tracker Snowplow Subject Tracker)
   ( SelfDescribing SelfDescribing$Builder2)
   (com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.tracker.http ApacheHttpClientAdapter)
   (com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.tracker.payload SelfDescribingJson)
   (org.apache.http.client.config CookieSpecs RequestConfig)
   (org.apache.http.impl.client HttpClients)
   (org.apache.http.impl.conn PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

Adding or updating a Snowplow schema? Here are some things to keep in mind: - Snowplow schemata are versioned and immutable, so if you need to make changes to a schema, you should create a new version of it. The version number should be updated in the schema->version map below. - Schemas live inside the /snowplow/iglu-client-embedded/schemas directory. - The new schema should be added to the Metabase repo via the normal pull request workflow before it is uploaded to SnowcatCloud in the last step. Make sure to sanity check your schema with SnowcatCloud in the #external-snowcat-cloud channel since there might be some back and forth on the format.

The most recent version for each event schema. This should be updated whenever a new version of a schema is added to SnowcatCloud, at the same time that the data sent to the collector is updated.

(def ^:private schema->version
  {:snowplow/account        "1-0-1"
   :snowplow/browse_data    "1-0-0"
   :snowplow/invite         "1-0-1"
   :snowplow/instance_stats "2-0-0"
   :snowplow/csvupload      "1-0-3"
   :snowplow/dashboard      "1-1-4"
   :snowplow/database       "1-0-1"
   :snowplow/instance       "1-1-2"
   :snowplow/metabot        "1-0-1"
   :snowplow/search         "1-0-1"
   :snowplow/model          "1-0-0"
   :snowplow/timeline       "1-0-0"
   :snowplow/task           "1-0-0"
   :snowplow/upsell         "1-0-0"
   :snowplow/action         "1-0-0"
   :snowplow/embed_share    "1-0-0"
   :snowplow/llm_usage      "1-0-0"
   :snowplow/serialization  "1-0-1"
   :snowplow/cleanup        "1-0-0"})

Malli enum for valid Snowplow schemas

(def ^:private SnowplowSchema
  (into [:enum] (keys schema->version)))

We need to declare track-event! up front so that we can use it in the custom getter of instance-creation. We can't move instance-creation below track-event! because it has to be defined before context, which is called by track-event!.

(declare track-event!)

Returns the earliest user creation timestamp in the database

(defn- first-user-creation
  (:min (t2/select-one [:model/User [:%min.date_joined :min]])))

[[instance-creation]] should live in analytics.settings, but it would cause a circular dep with [[track-event!]]

(defsetting instance-creation
  (deferred-tru "The approximate timestamp at which this instance of Metabase was created, for inclusion in analytics.")
  :visibility :public
  :setter     :none
  :getter     (fn []
                (when-not (t2/exists? :model/Setting :key "instance-creation")
                  ;; For instances that were started before this setting was added (in 0.41.3), use the creation
                  ;; timestamp of the first user. For all new instances, use the timestamp at which this setting
                  ;; is first read.
                  (let [value (or (first-user-creation) (t/offset-date-time))]
                    (setting/set-value-of-type! :timestamp :instance-creation value)
                    (track-event! :snowplow/account {:event :new_instance_created} nil)))
                ( (setting/get-value-of-type :timestamp :instance-creation)))
  :doc false)
(defn- tracker-config
  (TrackerConfiguration. "sp" "metabase"))
(defn- network-config
  (let [request-config (-> (RequestConfig/custom)
                           ;; Set cookie spec to `STANDARD` to avoid warnings about an invalid cookie
                           ;; header in request response (PR #24579)
                           (.setCookieSpec CookieSpecs/STANDARD)
        client (-> (HttpClients/custom)
                   (.setConnectionManager (PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager.))
                   (.setDefaultRequestConfig request-config)
        http-client-adapter (ApacheHttpClientAdapter. (analytics.settings/snowplow-url) client)]
    (NetworkConfiguration. http-client-adapter)))
(defn- emitter-config
  (-> (EmitterConfiguration.)
      (.batchSize 1)))
(defonce ^:private tracker
   ^TrackerConfiguration (tracker-config)
   ^NetworkConfiguration (network-config)
   ^EmitterConfiguration (emitter-config)))

Create a Subject object for a given user ID, to be included in analytics events

(defn- subject
   (-> (SubjectConfiguration.)
       (.userId (str user-id))
       ;; Override with localhost IP to avoid logging actual user IP addresses
       (.ipAddress ""))))

Returns the type of the Metabase application database as a string (e.g. PostgreSQL, MySQL)

(defn- app-db-type
  (t2/with-connection [^java.sql.Connection conn]
    (.. conn getMetaData getDatabaseProductName)))

Returns the version of the Metabase application database as a string

(defn- app-db-version
  (t2/with-connection [^java.sql.Connection conn]
    (let [metadata (.getMetaData conn)]
      (format "%d.%d" (.getDatabaseMajorVersion metadata) (.getDatabaseMinorVersion metadata)))))

Common context included in every analytics event

(defn- context
  (new SelfDescribingJson
       (str "iglu:com.metabase/instance/jsonschema/" (schema->version :snowplow/instance))
       {"id"                           (analytics.settings/analytics-uuid)
        "version"                      {"tag" (:tag (public-settings/version))}
        "token_features"               (m/map-keys name (public-settings/token-features))
        "created_at"                   (instance-creation)
        "application_database"         (app-db-type)
        "application_database_version" (app-db-version)}))
(defn- normalize-kw
  (-> kw name (str/replace #"-" "_")))

A SelfDescribingJson object containing the provided event data, which can be included as the payload for an analytics event

(defn- payload
  [schema version data]
  (new SelfDescribingJson
       (format "iglu:com.metabase/%s/jsonschema/%s" (normalize-kw schema) version)
       ;; Make sure keywords in payload are converted to strings in snake-case
        (fn [k v] [(normalize-kw k) (if (keyword? v) (normalize-kw v) v)])

Wrapper function around the .track method on a Snowplow tracker. Can be redefined in tests to instead append event data to an in-memory store.

(defn- track-event-impl!
  [tracker event]
  (.track ^Tracker tracker ^SelfDescribing event))

Send a single analytics event to the Snowplow collector, if tracking is enabled for this MB instance and a collector is available.

(mu/defn track-event!
  ([schema :- SnowplowSchema data]
   (track-event! schema data api/*current-user-id*))
  ([schema :- SnowplowSchema data user-id]
   (when (analytics.settings/snowplow-enabled)
       (let [^SelfDescribing$Builder2 builder (-> (. SelfDescribing builder)
                                                  (.eventData (payload schema (schema->version schema) data))
                                                  (.customContext [(context)])
                                                  (cond-> user-id (.subject (subject user-id))))
             ^SelfDescribing event (.build builder)]
         (track-event-impl! tracker event))
       (catch Throwable e
         (log/errorf e "Error sending Snowplow analytics event for schema %s" schema))))))