The Recent Views table is used to track the most recent views of objects such as Cards, Models, Tables, Dashboards, and Collections for each user. For an up to date list, see [[rv-models]]. It offers a simple API to add a recent view item, and fetch the list of recents. Adding Recent Items:
The recent items are partitioned into model and context buckets. So, when adding a recent item, duplicates will be removed, and if there are more than [[recent-views-stored-per-user-per-model]] (20 currently) of any entity type, the oldest one(s) will be deleted, so that the count stays at least 20. Context:
We want to keep track of recents in multiple contexts. e.g. when selecting a value from the data-picker, that should
log a recent_view row with context= E.G., if you were to view lots of cards, it would not push collections and dashboards out of your recents. [Metrics] TODO:
At some point in 2024, there was an attempt to add | (ns metabase.activity-feed.models.recent-views (:require [clojure.set :as set] [colorize.core :as colorize] [java-time.api :as t] [malli.core :as mc] [malli.error :as me] [medley.core :as m] [metabase.config :as config] [metabase.models.collection :as collection] [metabase.models.collection.root :as root] [metabase.models.interface :as mi] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.honey-sql-2 :as h2x] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr] [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms] [methodical.core :as methodical] [toucan2.core :as t2])) |
(doto :model/RecentViews (derive :metabase/model)) | |
(t2/deftransforms :model/RecentViews {:context mi/transform-keyword}) | |
(methodical/defmethod t2/table-name :model/RecentViews [_model] :recent_views) | |
(t2/define-before-insert :model/RecentViews [log-entry] (let [defaults {:timestamp (t/zoned-date-time)}] (merge defaults log-entry))) | |
The number of recently viewed items to keep per user per model. This is used to keep the most recent views of each model type in [[models-of-interest]]. | (def ^:dynamic *recent-views-stored-per-user-per-model* 20) |
Returns a set of IDs of duplicate models in the RecentViews table. Duplicate means that the same model and model_id shows up more than once. This returns the ids for the copies that are not the most recent entry. | (defn- duplicate-model-ids [user-id context] (->> (t2/select :model/RecentViews :user_id user-id :context context {:order-by [[:timestamp :desc]]}) (group-by (juxt :model :model_id)) ;; skip the first row for each group, since it's the most recent (mapcat (fn [[_ rows]] (drop 1 rows))) (map :id) set)) |
These are models for which we will retrieve recency. | (def rv-models [:card :dataset :metric ;; n.b.: `:card`, `metric` and `:model` are stored in recent_views as "card", and a join with report_card is ;; needed to distinguish between them. :dashboard :table :collection]) |
Given a rv-model, returns the toucan model identifier for it. | (mu/defn rv-model->model [rvm :- (into [:enum] rv-models)] (get {:dataset :model/Card :card :model/Card :dashboard :model/Dashboard :table :model/Table :collection :model/Collection} rvm)) |
(defn- ids-to-prune-for-user+model [user-id model context] (t2/select-fn-set :id :model/RecentViews {:select [] :from [[:recent_views :rv]] :where [:and [:= :rv.model (get {:dataset "card"} model (name model))] [:= :rv.user_id user-id] [:= :rv.context (h2x/literal (name context))] (when (#{:card :dataset} model) ;; TODO add metric [:= :rc.type (cond (= model :card) (h2x/literal "question") ;; TODO add metric (= model :dataset) (h2x/literal "model"))])] :left-join [[:report_card :rc] [:and [:= :rv.model_id] [:= :rv.model (h2x/literal "card")]]] :order-by [[:rv.timestamp :desc]] ;; mysql doesn't support offset without limit :derp: :limit 100000 :offset *recent-views-stored-per-user-per-model*})) | |
(defn- overflowing-model-buckets [user-id context] (into #{} (mapcat #(ids-to-prune-for-user+model user-id % context)) rv-models)) | |
Returns IDs to prune, which includes 2 things: 1. duplicated views for (user-id, model, model_id, context), this will return the IDs of all duplicates except the newest. 2. views that are older than the most recent recent-views-stored-per-user-per-model views for the user. | (defn ids-to-prune [user-id context] (set/union (duplicate-model-ids user-id context) (overflowing-model-buckets user-id context))) |
Updates the RecentViews table for a given user with a new view, and prunes old views. | (mu/defn update-users-recent-views! [user-id :- [:maybe ms/PositiveInt] model :- [:enum :model/Card :model/Table :model/Dashboard :model/Collection] model-id :- ms/PositiveInt context :- [:enum :view :selection]] (when user-id (t2/with-transaction [_conn] (t2/insert! :model/RecentViews {:user_id user-id :model (u/lower-case-en (name model)) :model_id model-id :context (name context)}) (let [prune-ids (ids-to-prune user-id context)] (when (seq prune-ids) (t2/delete! :model/RecentViews :id [:in prune-ids])))))) |
Returns ID of the most recently viewed dashboard for a given user within the last 24 hours, or | (defn most-recently-viewed-dashboard-id [user-id] (t2/select-one-fn :model_id :model/RecentViews {:where [:and [:= :user_id user-id] [:= :model (h2x/literal "dashboard")] [:> :timestamp (t/minus (t/zoned-date-time) (t/days 1))] [:not= :d.archived true]] :order-by [[ :desc]] :left-join [[:report_dashboard :d] [:= :recent_views.model_id]]})) |
The shape of a recent view item, returned from | (def Item (mc/schema [:and {:registry {::official [:maybe [:enum :official "official"]] ::verified [:maybe [:enum :verified "verified"]] ::pc [:map [:id [:or [:int {:min 1}] [:= "root"]]] [:name :string] [:authority_level ::official]]}} [:map [:id [:int {:min 1}]] [:name :string] [:description [:maybe :string]] [:model [:enum :dataset :card :metric :dashboard :collection :table]] [:can_write :boolean] [:timestamp :string]] ;; database_id was commented out below because this schema was not actually being used correctly ;; by [[metabase.activity-feed.api/get-popular-items-model-and-id]] and when I fixed it in #47418 ;; [[metabase.activity-feed.api-test/popular-items-test]] started failing because things don't actually come back with ;; database IDs... commented out for now until someone gets a change to look at this. -- Cam [:multi {:dispatch :model} [:card [:map [:display :string] #_[:database_id :int] [:parent_collection ::pc] [:moderated_status ::verified]]] [:dataset [:map #_[:database_id :int] [:parent_collection ::pc] [:moderated_status ::verified]]] [:metric [:map [:display :string] [:parent_collection ::pc] [:moderated_status ::verified]]] [:dashboard [:map [:parent_collection ::pc] [:moderated_status ::verified]]] [:table [:map [:display_name :string] [:table_schema [:maybe :string]] [:database [:map #_[:id [:int {:min 1}]] [:name :string]]]]] [:collection [:map [:parent_collection ::pc] [:effective_location :string] [:authority_level ::official]]]]])) |
Fills in additional information for a recent view, such as the display name of the object, returns [[Item]]. For most items, we gather information from the db in a single query, but certain things are more prudent to check with code (e.g. a collection's parent collection.) Sometimes we get an invalid or inconsistent recent view record. (E.g. the parent collection for an item no longer exists). In these cases we simply do not include the value in the recent views response. | (defmulti fill-recent-view-info {:arglists '([recent-view])} (fn [{:keys [model #_model_id #_timestamp card_type]}] (or (get {"model" :dataset "question" :card "metric" :metric} card_type) (keyword model)))) |
(defmethod fill-recent-view-info :default [m] (throw (ex-info "Unknown model" {:model m}))) | |
Returns the model when it's not archived. We use this to ensure that archived models are not returned in the recent views. | (defn- ellide-archived [model] (when (false? (:archived model)) model)) |
(defn- root-coll [] (select-keys (root/root-collection-with-ui-details {}) [:id :name :authority_level])) | |
================== Recent Cards ================== | |
Query to select | (defn card-recents [card-ids] (if-not (seq card-ids) [] (t2/select :model/Card {:select [ :card.description :card.archived :card.database_id :card.display [ :dashboard_id] [ :dashboard_name] [:card.collection_id :entity-coll-id] [:mr.status :moderated-status] [ :collection_id] [ :collection_name] [:collection.authority_level :collection_authority_level]] :from [[:report_card :card]] :where [:in card-ids] :left-join [[:moderation_review :mr] [:and [:= :mr.moderated_item_id] [:= :mr.moderated_item_type "card"] [:= :mr.most_recent true]] [:collection] [:and [:= :card.collection_id] [:= :collection.archived false]] [:report_dashboard :dashboard] [:= :card.dashboard_id]]}))) |
(defn- fill-parent-coll [model-object] (if (:collection_id model-object) {:id (:collection_id model-object) :name (:collection_name model-object) :authority_level (some-> (:collection_authority_level model-object) name)} (root-coll))) | |
Returns true when a parent collection actually exists for this item. Careful: the root collection will have a nil | (defn- parent-collection-valid? [{:keys [collection_id entity-coll-id]}] (not (and entity-coll-id (nil? collection_id)))) |
(defmethod fill-recent-view-info :card [{:keys [_model model_id timestamp model_object]}] (when-let [card (and (mi/can-read? model_object) ;; The parent collection exists: (parent-collection-valid? model_object) (ellide-archived model_object))] {:id model_id :dashboard (when (:dashboard_id card) {:name (:dashboard_name card) :id (:dashboard_id card)}) :name (:name card) :database_id (:database_id card) :description (:description card) :display (some-> card :display name) :model :card :can_write (mi/can-write? card) :timestamp (str timestamp) :moderated_status (:moderated-status card) :parent_collection (fill-parent-coll card)})) | |
(defmethod fill-recent-view-info :dataset [{:keys [_model model_id timestamp model_object]}] (when-let [dataset (and (mi/can-read? model_object) ;; If the parent collection no longer exists, there won't be a name. (parent-collection-valid? model_object) (ellide-archived model_object))] {:id model_id :name (:name dataset) :database_id (:database_id dataset) :description (:description dataset) :model :dataset :can_write (mi/can-write? dataset) :timestamp (str timestamp) ;; another table that doesn't differentiate between card and dataset :cry: :moderated_status (:moderated-status dataset) :parent_collection (fill-parent-coll dataset)})) | |
(defmethod fill-recent-view-info :metric [{:keys [_model model_id timestamp model_object]}] (when-let [metric (and (mi/can-read? model_object) (parent-collection-valid? model_object) (ellide-archived model_object))] {:id model_id :name (:name metric) :description (:description metric) :display (some-> metric :display name) :model :metric :can_write (mi/can-write? metric) :timestamp (str timestamp) :moderated_status (:moderated-status metric) :parent_collection (fill-parent-coll metric)})) | |
================== Recent Dashboards ================== | |
Query to select recent dashboard data | (defn- dashboard-recents [dashboard-ids] (if (empty? dashboard-ids) [] (t2/select :model/Dashboard {:select [ :dash.description :dash.archived [:dash.collection_id :entity-coll-id] [ :collection_id] [ :collection_name] [:c.authority_level :collection_authority_level] [:mr.status :moderated-status]] :from [[:report_dashboard :dash]] :where [:in dashboard-ids] :left-join [[:moderation_review :mr] [:and [:= :mr.moderated_item_id] [:= :mr.moderated_item_type "dashboard"] [:= :mr.most_recent true]] [:collection :c] [:and [:= :dash.collection_id] [:= :c.archived false]]]}))) |
(defmethod fill-recent-view-info :dashboard [{:keys [_model model_id timestamp model_object]}] (when-let [dashboard (and (mi/can-read? model_object) (parent-collection-valid? model_object) (ellide-archived model_object))] {:id model_id :name (:name dashboard) :description (:description dashboard) :model :dashboard :can_write (mi/can-write? dashboard) :timestamp (str timestamp) :moderated_status (:moderated-status dashboard) :parent_collection (fill-parent-coll dashboard)})) | |
================== Recent Collections ================== | |
Query to select recent collection data | (defn- collection-recents [collection-ids] (if-not (seq collection-ids) [] (let [;; these have their parent collection id in effective_location, but we need the id, name, and authority_level. collections (t2/select :model/Collection {:select [:id :name :description :authority_level :archived :location] :where [:and [:in :id collection-ids] [:= :archived false]]})] (->> (t2/hydrate collections :effective_parent) (map #(m/dissoc-in % [:effective_parent :type])))))) |
(defmethod fill-recent-view-info :collection [{:keys [_model model_id timestamp model_object]}] (when-let [collection (and (mi/can-read? model_object) (ellide-archived model_object))] {:id model_id :name (:name collection) :description (:description collection) :model :collection :can_write (mi/can-write? collection) :timestamp (str timestamp) :authority_level (some-> (:authority_level collection) name) :effective_location (:effective_location collection) :parent_collection (or (:effective_parent collection) (root-coll))})) | |
================== Recent Tables ================== | |
Query to select recent table data | (defn- table-recents [table-ids] (t2/select :model/Table {:select [ :t.description :t.display_name :t.visibility_type :t.schema [ :database-name] [ :database-id] [:db.initial_sync_status :initial-sync-status]] :from [[:metabase_table :t]] :where (let [base-condition [:or [:= :visibility_type nil] [:!= :visibility_type "hidden"]]] (if (seq table-ids) [:and base-condition [:in table-ids]] base-condition)) :left-join [[:metabase_database :db] [:= :t.db_id]]})) |
(defmethod fill-recent-view-info :table [{:keys [_model model_id timestamp model_object]}] (let [table model_object] (when (and (not= "hidden" (:visibility_type table)) (:database-name table) (:active table) (mi/can-read? :model/Table model_id)) {:id model_id :name (:name table) :description (:description table) :model :table :display_name (:display_name table) :can_write (mi/can-write? table) :timestamp (str timestamp) :table_schema (:schema table) :database {:id (:database-id table) :name (:database-name table) :initial_sync_status (:initial-sync-status table)}}))) | |
(def ^:private query-context->recent-context {:views "view" :selections "selection"}) | |
(defn ^:private do-query [user-id context] (when-not (seq context) (throw (ex-info "context must be non-empty" {:context context}))) (t2/select :model/RecentViews {:select [:rv.* [:rc.type :card_type]] :from [[:recent_views :rv]] :where [:and [:= :rv.user_id user-id] [:in :rv.context (map query-context->recent-context context)] ;; include non-collections, or collections without a namespace/type. [:or [:= nil] [:and ;; trash collection is never returned [:or [:= nil :coll.type] [:not= :coll.type collection/trash-collection-type]] ;; collections in a different namespace can't interact with collections ;; in the normal NULL namespace. [:= nil :coll.namespace] ;; exclude instance analytics for selects (when (contains? (set context) :selections) [:or [:= nil :coll.type] [:not= :coll.type collection/instance-analytics-collection-type]])]]] :left-join [[:report_card :rc] [:and ;; only want to join on card_type if it's a card [:= :rv.model "card"] [:= :rv.model_id]] [:collection :coll] [:and [:= :rv.model "collection"] [:= :rv.model_id]]] :order-by [[:rv.timestamp :desc]]})) | |
(mu/defn- model->return-model [model :- :keyword] (if (= :question model) :card model)) | |
(defn- post-process [entity->id->data recent-view] (when recent-view (let [entity (some-> recent-view :model keyword) id (some-> recent-view :model_id)] (when-let [model-object (get-in entity->id->data [entity id])] (some-> (assoc recent-view :model_object model-object) fill-recent-view-info (dissoc :card_type) (update :model model->return-model)))))) | |
(defn- get-entity->id->data [views] (let [{card-ids :card dashboard-ids :dashboard collection-ids :collection table-ids :table} (as-> views views (group-by (comp keyword :model) views) (update-vals views #(mapv :model_id %)))] {:card (m/index-by :id (card-recents card-ids)) :dashboard (m/index-by :id (dashboard-recents dashboard-ids)) :collection (m/index-by :id (collection-recents collection-ids)) :table (m/index-by :id (table-recents table-ids))})) | |
(def ^:private ItemValidator (mr/validator Item)) | |
The underlying data model here can become inconsistent, and it's better to return the recents data that we know is correct than throw an error. So, in prod, we silently filter out known-bad recent views. | (defn error-avoider [item] (if (and item (ItemValidator item)) item (when-not config/is-prod? (log/errorf (colorize/red "Invalid recent view item: %s reason: %s") (pr-str item) (me/humanize (mr/explain Item item)))))) |
Gets all recent views for a given user, and context. Returns a list of at most 20 [[Item]]s per [[models-of-interest]], per context. Returns: [:map [:recents [:sequential Item]]] [[do-query]] can return nils, and we remove them here becuase there can be recent views for deleted entities, and we don't want to show those in the recent views. Returns a sequence of [[Item]]s. The reason this isn't a | (mu/defn get-recents ([user-id] (get-recents user-id [:views :selections])) ([user-id context :- [:sequential [:enum :views :selections]]] (let [recent-items (do-query user-id context) entity->id->data (get-entity->id->data recent-items) view-items (into [] (comp (keep (partial post-process entity->id->data)) (keep error-avoider) (m/distinct-by (juxt :id :model))) recent-items)] {:recents view-items}))) |