(ns metabase.activity-feed.api
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.activity-feed.models.recent-views :as recent-views]
   [metabase.api.common :as api :refer [*current-user-id*]]
   [metabase.api.macros :as api.macros]
   [metabase.db.query :as mdb.query]
   [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
   [metabase.util.honey-sql-2 :as h2x]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))
(defn- models-query
  [model ids]
   (case model
     "card"      [:model/Card
                  :id :name :collection_id :description :display
                  :dataset_query :type :archived
                  :collection.authority_level [:collection.name :collection_name]
                  [:dashboard.name :dashboard_name] :dashboard_id]
     "dashboard" [:model/Dashboard
                  :id :name :collection_id :description
                  :collection.authority_level [:collection.name :collection_name]]
     "table"     [:model/Table
                  :id :name :db_id :active
                  :display_name [:metabase_database.initial_sync_status :initial-sync-status]
                  [:visibility_type :visibility_type]
                  [:metabase_database.name :database-name]])
   (let [model-symb (symbol (str/capitalize model))
         self-qualify #(mdb.query/qualify model-symb %)]
     {:where [:in (self-qualify :id) ids]
      :left-join (case model
                   "table" [:metabase_database [:= :metabase_database.id (self-qualify :db_id)]]
                   "card" [:collection [:= :collection.id (self-qualify :collection_id)]
                           [:report_dashboard :dashboard] [:= :dashboard.id (self-qualify :dashboard_id)]]
                   "dashboard" [:collection [:= :collection.id (self-qualify :collection_id)]])})))

Returns a map of {model {id instance}} for activity views suitable for looking up by model and id to get a model.

(defn- models-for-views
  (let [grouped (group-by :model views)
        ;; We perform selects for each model type separately, but then bring them back into a flat list to hydrate
        ;; with moderation_reviews data all at once.
        items (mapcat (fn [[model views']]
                        (when (seq views')
                          (->> (models-query model (map :model_id views'))
                               (mapv #(assoc % :model model)))))
        items (->> (t2/hydrate items :moderation_reviews)
                   (map (fn [{:keys [moderation_reviews] :as item}]
                          (let [status (some #(when (:most_recent %) (:status %)) moderation_reviews)]
                            (assoc item :moderated_status status)))))]
    ;; Now group the flat list of items into a map.
    (update-vals (group-by :model items) #(m/index-by :id %))))

Query implementation for popular_items. Tables and Dashboards have a query limit of views-limit. Cards have a query limit of card-runs-limit.

The expected output of the query is a single row per unique model viewed by the current user including a :max_ts which has the most recent view timestamp of the item and :cnt which has total views. We order the results by most recently viewed then hydrate the basic details of the model. Bookmarked cards and dashboards are not included in the result.

Viewing a Dashboard will add entries to the view log for all cards on that dashboard so all card views are instead derived from the query_execution table. The query context is always a :question. The results are normalized and concatenated to the query results for dashboard and table views.

(defn- views-and-runs
  [views-limit card-runs-limit]
  (let [dashboard-and-table-views (t2/select [:model/RecentViews
                                              [[:min :recent_views.user_id] :user_id]
                                              [[:max [:coalesce :d.view_count :t.view_count]] :cnt]
                                              [:%max.timestamp :max_ts]]
                                             {:group-by  [:model :model_id]
                                              :where     [:and
                                                          [:= :context "view"]
                                                          [:in :model #{"dashboard" "table"}]]
                                              :order-by  [[:max_ts :desc] [:model :desc]]
                                              :limit     views-limit
                                              :left-join [[:report_dashboard :d]
                                                           [:= :model "dashboard"]
                                                           [:= :d.id :model_id]]
                                                          [:metabase_table :t]
                                                           [:= :model "table"]
                                                           [:= :t.id :model_id]]]})
        card-runs                 (->> (t2/select [:model/QueryExecution
                                                   [:%min.executor_id :user_id]
                                                   [(mdb.query/qualify :model/QueryExecution :card_id) :model_id]
                                                   [:%count.* :cnt]
                                                   [:%max.started_at :max_ts]]
                                                  {:group-by [(mdb.query/qualify :model/QueryExecution :card_id) :context]
                                                   :where    [:and
                                                              [:= :context (h2x/literal :question)]]
                                                   :order-by [[:max_ts :desc]]
                                                   :limit    card-runs-limit})
                                       (mapv #(-> %
                                                  (dissoc :row_count)
                                                  (assoc :model "card"))))]
    (->> (into card-runs dashboard-and-table-views)
         (sort-by :max_ts #(compare %2 %1)))))
(def ^:private views-limit 8)
(def ^:private card-runs-limit 8)
(api.macros/defendpoint :get "/recent_views"
  "Get a list of 100 models (cards, models, tables, dashboards, and collections) that the current user has been viewing most
  recently. Return a maximum of 20 model of each, if they've looked at at least 20."
  {:deprecated true}
  {:recent_views (:recents (recent-views/get-recents *current-user-id* [:views]))})
(api.macros/defendpoint :get "/recents"
  "Get a list of recent items the current user has been viewing most recently under the `:recents` key.
  Allows for filtering by context: views or selections"
   {:keys [context]} :- [:map
                         [:context (ms/QueryVectorOf [:enum :selections :views])]]]
  (when-not (seq context) (throw (ex-info "context is required." {})))
  (recent-views/get-recents *current-user-id* context))
(api.macros/defendpoint :post "/recents"
  "Adds a model to the list of recently selected items."
   {:keys [model model_id context]} :- [:map
                                        [:model    (into [:enum] recent-views/rv-models)]
                                        [:model_id ms/PositiveInt]
                                        [:context  [:enum :selection]]]]
  (let [model-id model_id
        model-type (recent-views/rv-model->model model)]
    (when-not (t2/exists? model-type :id model-id)
      (throw (ex-info "Model not found" {:model model :model_id model-id})))
    (api/read-check (t2/select-one model-type :id model-id))
    (recent-views/update-users-recent-views! *current-user-id* model-type model-id context)))
(api.macros/defendpoint :get "/most_recently_viewed_dashboard"
  "Get the most recently viewed dashboard for the current user. Returns a 204 if the user has not viewed any dashboards
   in the last 24 hours."
  (if-let [dashboard-id (recent-views/most-recently-viewed-dashboard-id api/*current-user-id*)]
    (let [dashboard (-> (t2/select-one :model/Dashboard :id dashboard-id)
                        (t2/hydrate [:collection :is_personal]))]
      (if (mi/can-read? dashboard)

Returns true if the item belongs to an official collection. False otherwise. Assumes that :authority_level exists if the item can be placed in a collection.

(defn- official?
  [{:keys [authority_level]}]
   (when authority_level
     (#{"official"} authority_level))))

Return true if the item is verified, false otherwise. Assumes that :moderated_status is hydrated.

(defn- verified?
  [{:keys [moderated_status]}]
  (= moderated_status "verified"))
(defn- score-items
  (when (seq items)
    (let [n-items (count items)
          max-count (apply max (map :cnt items))]
       (fn [recency-pos {:keys [cnt model_object] :as item}]
         (let [verified-wt 1
               official-wt 1
               recency-wt 2
               views-wt 4
               scores (remove nil?
                              [;; cards and dashboards? can be 'verified' in enterprise
                               (when (verified? model_object) verified-wt)
                               ;; items may exist in an 'official' collection in enterprise
                               (when (official? model_object) official-wt)
                               ;; most recent item = 1 * recency-wt, least recent item of 10 items = 1/10 * recency-wt
                               (when-not (zero? n-items)
                                 (* (/ (- n-items recency-pos) n-items) recency-wt))
                               ;; item with highest count = 1 * views-wt, lowest = item-view-count / max-view-count * views-wt
                               ;; NOTE: the query implementation `views-and-runs` has an order-by clause using most recent timestamp
                               ;; this has an effect on the outcomes. Consider an item with a massively high viewcount but a last view by the user
                               ;; a long time ago. This may not even make it into the firs 10 items from the query, even though it might be worth showing
                               (when-not (zero? max-count)
                                 (* (/ cnt max-count) views-wt))])]
           (assoc item :score (double (reduce + scores))))) items))))
(def ^:private model->precedence
  {"dashboard"  0
   "card"       1
   "dataset"    2
   "metric"     3
   "table"      4
   "collection" 5})
(mu/defn get-popular-items-model-and-id :- [:sequential recent-views/Item]
  "Returns the 'popular' items for the current user. This is a list of 5 items that the user has viewed recently.
   The items are sorted by a weighted score that takes into account the total count of views, the recency of the view,
   whether the item is 'official' or 'verified', and more."
  ;; we do a weighted score which incorporates:
  ;; - total count -> higher = higher score
  ;; - recently viewed -> more recent = higher score
  ;; - official/verified -> yes = higher score
  (let [views            (views-and-runs views-limit card-runs-limit)
        model->id->items (models-for-views views)
        filtered-views   (for [{:keys [model model_id] :as view-log} views
                               :let [model-object (-> (get-in model->id->items [model model_id])
                                                      (dissoc :dataset_query))]
                               :when (and model-object
                                          (mi/can-read? model-object)
                                          ;; hidden tables, archived cards/dashboards
                                          (not (or (:archived model-object)
                                                   (= (:visibility_type model-object) :hidden))))
                               :let [is-dataset? (= (keyword (:type model-object)) :model)
                                     is-metric? (= (keyword (:type model-object)) :metric)]]
                           (cond-> (assoc view-log :model_object model-object)
                             is-dataset? (assoc :model "dataset")
                             is-metric? (assoc :model "metric")))
        scored-views     (score-items filtered-views)]
    (->> scored-views
          ;; sort by model first, and then score when they are the same model
          (juxt #(-> % :model model->precedence) #(- (% :score))))
         (take 5)
         (map #(-> %
                   (assoc :timestamp (:max_ts % ))
(api.macros/defendpoint :get "/popular_items"
  "Get the list of 5 popular things on the instance. Query takes 8 and limits to 5 so that if it finds anything
  archived, deleted, etc it can usually still get 5. "
  {:popular_items (get-popular-items-model-and-id)})