(ns metabase-enterprise.stale (:require [malli.experimental.time] [metabase.embed.settings :as embed.settings] [metabase.models.setting :as setting :refer [defsetting]] [metabase.util.honey-sql-2 :as h2x] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru]] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [toucan2.core :as t2])) | |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
(def ^:private FindStaleContentArgs [:map [:collection-ids [:set {:doc "The set of collection IDs to search for stale content."} [:maybe :int]]] [:cutoff-date [:time/local-date {:doc "The cutoff date for stale content."}]] [:limit [:maybe {:doc "The limit for pagination."} :int]] [:offset [:maybe {:doc "The offset for pagination."} :int]] [:sort-column [:enum {:doc "The column to sort by."} :name :last_used_at]] [:sort-direction [:enum {:doc "The direction to sort by."} :asc :desc]]]) | |
Find stale content of a given model type. | (defmulti ^:private find-stale-query {:arglists '([model args])} (fn [model _args] model)) |
(defmethod find-stale-query :model/Card [_model args] {:select [:report_card.id [(h2x/literal "Card") :model] [:report_card.name :name] :last_used_at] :from :report_card :left-join [:moderation_review [:and [:= :moderation_review.moderated_item_id :report_card.id] [:= :moderation_review.moderated_item_type (h2x/literal "card")] [:= :moderation_review.most_recent true] [:= :moderation_review.status (h2x/literal "verified")]] :pulse_card [:= :pulse_card.card_id :report_card.id] :pulse [:and [:= :pulse_card.pulse_id :pulse.id] [:= :pulse.archived false]] :sandboxes [:= :sandboxes.card_id :report_card.id] :collection [:= :collection.id :report_card.collection_id]] :where [:and [:= :sandboxes.id nil] [:= :pulse.id nil] [:= :moderation_review.id nil] [:= :report_card.archived false] [:<= :report_card.last_used_at (-> args :cutoff-date)] ;; find things only in regular collections, not the `instance-analytics` collection. [:= :collection.type nil] (when (embed.settings/some-embedding-enabled?) [:= :report_card.enable_embedding false]) (when (setting/get :enable-public-sharing) [:= :report_card.public_uuid nil]) [:or (when (contains? (:collection-ids args) nil) [:is :report_card.collection_id nil]) [:in :report_card.collection_id (-> args :collection-ids)]]]}) | |
(defmethod find-stale-query :model/Dashboard [_model args] {:select [:report_dashboard.id [(h2x/literal "Dashboard") :model] [:report_dashboard.name :name] [:last_viewed_at :last_used_at]] :from :report_dashboard :left-join [:pulse [:and [:= :pulse.archived false] [:= :pulse.dashboard_id :report_dashboard.id]] :collection [:= :collection.id :report_dashboard.collection_id] :moderation_review [:and [:= :moderation_review.moderated_item_id :report_dashboard.id] [:= :moderation_review.moderated_item_type (h2x/literal "dashboard")] [:= :moderation_review.most_recent true] [:= :moderation_review.status (h2x/literal "verified")]]] :where [:and [:= :pulse.id nil] [:= :moderation_review.id nil] [:= :report_dashboard.archived false] [:<= :report_dashboard.last_viewed_at (-> args :cutoff-date)] ;; find things only in regular collections, not the `instance-analytics` collection. [:= :collection.type nil] (when (embed.settings/some-embedding-enabled?) [:= :report_dashboard.enable_embedding false]) (when (setting/get :enable-public-sharing) [:= :report_dashboard.public_uuid nil]) [:or (when (contains? (:collection-ids args) nil) [:is :report_dashboard.collection_id nil]) [:in :report_dashboard.collection_id (-> args :collection-ids)]]]}) | |
(defn- sort-column [column] (case column :name :%lower.name :last_used_at :last_used_at)) | |
(defn- queries [args] (for [model [:model/Card :model/Dashboard]] (find-stale-query model args))) | |
(mu/defn ^:private rows-query [{:keys [limit offset] :as args} :- FindStaleContentArgs] (cond-> {:select [:id :model] :from [[{:union-all (queries args)} :dummy_alias]] :order-by [[(sort-column (:sort-column args)) (:sort-direction args)]]} (some? limit) ;; limit (assoc :limit limit) (some? offset) ;; offset (assoc :offset offset))) | |
(mu/defn ^:private total-query [args :- FindStaleContentArgs] {:select [[:%count.* :count]] :from [[{:union-all (queries args)} :dummy_alias]]}) | |
(mu/defn find-candidates :- [:map [:rows [:sequential [:map [:id pos-int?] [:model keyword?]]]] [:total :int]] "Find stale content in the given collections. Arguments are defined by [[FindStaleContentArgs]]: - `collection-ids`: the set of collection IDs to look for stale content in. Non-recursive, the exact set you pass in will be searched - `cutoff-date`: if something was last accessed before this date, it is 'stale' - `limit` / `offset`: to support pagination - `sort-column`: one of `:name` or `:last_used_at` (column to sort on) - `sort-direction`: `:asc` or `:desc` Returns a map containing two keys, - `:rows` (a collection of maps containing an `:id` and `:model` field, like `{:id 1 :model :model/Card}`), and - `:total` (the total count of stale elements that could be found if you iterated through all pages) " [{:keys [collection-ids] :as args} :- FindStaleContentArgs] (when (contains? collection-ids :root) (throw (ex-info "not implemented." {:collection-ids collection-ids}))) {:rows (into [] (comp (map #(select-keys % [:id :model])) (map (fn [v] (update v :model #(keyword "model" %))))) (t2/query (rows-query args))) :total (:count (t2/query-one (total-query args)))}) | |
(defsetting dismissed-collection-cleanup-banner (deferred-tru "Was the collection cleanup banner dismissed?") :user-local :only :visibility :authenticated :type :boolean :default false :export? false) | |