(ns metabase-enterprise.sso.api.routes
   [metabase.api.util.handlers :as handlers]))
(comment metabase-enterprise.sso.api.saml/keep-me

This needs to be injected into [[metabase.server.routes/routes]] -- not [[metabase.api.routes/routes]] !!!

TODO -- should we make a metabase-enterprise.routes namespace where this can live instead of injecting it directly?

TODO -- we need to feature-flag this based on the :sso- feature flags

Ring routes for auth (SAML) API endpoints.

NOTE: there is a wrapper in metabase.server.auth-wrapper to ensure that oss versions give nice error messages. These must be kept in sync manually since compojure are opaque functions.

(def ^{:arglists '([request respond raise])} routes
   {"/auth" {"/sso"  'metabase-enterprise.sso.api.sso}
    "/api"  {"/saml" 'metabase-enterprise.sso.api.saml}}))