(ns metabase-enterprise.serialization.v2.entity-ids (:require [clojure.set :as set] [clojure.string :as str] [metabase.db :as mdb] [metabase.models.collection :as collection] [metabase.models.resolution :as models.resolution] [metabase.models.serialization :as serdes] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [trs]] [metabase.util.log :as log] [toucan2.core :as t2])) | |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
Return a set of lower-cased names of all application database tables that have an | (defn- entity-id-table-names [] (with-open [conn (.getConnection (mdb/app-db))] (let [dbmeta (.getMetaData conn)] (with-open [tables-rset (.getTables dbmeta nil nil nil (into-array String ["TABLE"]))] (let [non-view-tables (into #{} (map (comp u/lower-case-en :table_name)) (resultset-seq tables-rset))] (with-open [rset (.getColumns dbmeta nil nil nil (case (mdb/db-type) :h2 "ENTITY_ID" (:mysql :postgres) "entity_id"))] (let [entity-id-tables (into #{} (map (comp u/lower-case-en :table_name)) (resultset-seq rset))] (set/intersection non-view-tables entity-id-tables)))))))) |
Return a list of all toucan models. | (defn toucan-models [] (keys models.resolution/model->namespace)) |
Create a map of (lower-cased) application DB table name -> corresponding Toucan model. | (defn- make-table-name->model [] (into {} (for [model (toucan-models) :let [table-name (some-> model t2/table-name name)] :when table-name ;; ignore any models defined in test namespaces. :when (not (str/includes? (namespace model) "test"))] [table-name model]))) |
Return a set of all Toucan models that have an | (defn- entity-id-models [] (let [entity-id-table-names (entity-id-table-names) table-name->model (make-table-name->model) entity-id-table-name->model (into {} (map (fn [table-name] (if-let [model (table-name->model table-name)] [table-name model] (throw (ex-info (trs "Model not found for table {0}" table-name) {:table-name table-name :error ::model-not-found}))))) entity-id-table-names) entity-id-models (set (vals entity-id-table-name->model))] ;; make sure we've resolved all the tables that have entity_id to their corresponding models. (when-not (= (count entity-id-table-names) (count entity-id-models)) (throw (ex-info (trs "{0} tables have entity_id; expected to resolve the same number of models, but only got {1}" (count entity-id-table-names) (count entity-id-models)) {:tables entity-id-table-names :resolved entity-id-table-name->model :error ::mismatched-model-count}))) (set entity-id-models))) |
(defn- seed-entity-id-for-instance! [model instance] (let [primary-key (first (t2/primary-keys model)) pk-value (get instance primary-key)] (try (when-not (some? pk-value) (throw (ex-info (format "Missing value for primary key column %s" (pr-str primary-key)) {:model (name model) :table (t2/table-name model) :instance instance :primary-key primary-key :error ::missing-pk}))) (let [new-hash (serdes/identity-hash instance)] (log/infof "Update %s %s entity ID => %s" (name model) (pr-str pk-value) (pr-str new-hash)) (t2/update! model pk-value {:entity_id new-hash})) {:update-count 1} (catch Throwable e (let [data (ex-data e)] (log/errorf e "Error updating entity ID for %s %s: %s %s" (name model) (pr-str pk-value) (ex-message e) (or (some-> data pr-str) ))) {:error-count 1})))) | |
(defn- seed-entity-ids-for-model! [model] (log/infof "Seeding Entity IDs for model %s" (name model)) (let [reducible-instances (t2/reducible-select model :entity_id nil)] (transduce (map (fn [instance] (seed-entity-id-for-instance! model instance))) (completing (partial merge-with +) (fn [{:keys [update-count error-count], :as results}] (when (pos? update-count) (log/infof "Updated %d %s instance(s) successfully." update-count (name model))) (when (pos? error-count) (log/infof "Failed to update %d %s instance(s) because of errors." error-count (name model))) results)) {:update-count 0, :error-count 0} reducible-instances))) | |
Create entity IDs for any instances of models that support them but do not have them, i.e. find instances of models
that have an Returns truthy if all missing entity IDs were created successfully, and falsey if there were any errors. | (defn seed-entity-ids! [] (log/info "Seeding Entity IDs") (mdb/setup-db! :create-sample-content? false) (let [{:keys [error-count]} (transduce (map seed-entity-ids-for-model!) (completing (partial merge-with +)) {:update-count 0, :error-count 0} (entity-id-models))] (zero? error-count))) |
(defn- drop-entity-id-conditions-for-model [model] (case model :model/Collection {:id [:not= (collection/trash-collection-id)]} {})) | |
(defn- drop-entity-ids-for-model! [model] (log/infof "Dropping Entity IDs for model %s" (name model)) (try (let [update-count (t2/update! model (drop-entity-id-conditions-for-model model) {:entity_id nil})] (when (pos? update-count) (log/infof "Updated %d %s instance(s) successfully." update-count (name model))) {:update-count update-count}) (catch Throwable e (log/errorf e "Error dropping entity ID: %s" (ex-message e)) {:error-count 1}))) | |
Delete entity IDs for any models that have them. See #34871. Returns truthy if all entity IDs were removed successfully, and falsey if there were any errors. | (defn drop-entity-ids! [] (log/info "Dropping Entity IDs") (mdb/setup-db! :create-sample-content? false) (let [{:keys [error-count]} (transduce (map drop-entity-ids-for-model!) (completing (partial merge-with +)) {:update-count 0, :error-count 0} (entity-id-models))] (zero? error-count))) |