Finds all models with :entity_id columns, scans them for anything without a blank ID, and generates consistent entity_id based on their hashes.

Note that cross-JVM portability is required - but that's specified for [[java.util.Random]], so this should produce identical IDs on all platforms and JVM implementations.

(ns metabase-enterprise.serialization.v2.backfill-ids
   [metabase-enterprise.serialization.v2.models :as serdes.models]
   [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
   [metabase.models.serialization :as serdes]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]
   [toucan2.model :as t2.model]))

Updates all rows of a particular model to have :entity_id set, based on the [[serdes/identity-hash]].

(defn backfill-ids-for!
  (let [missing (t2/select model :entity_id nil)
        pk      (first (t2/primary-keys model))]
    (when (seq missing)
      (log/infof "Backfilling entity_id for %s rows of %s" (pr-str (count missing)) (name model))
      (doseq [entity missing
              :let [eid (serdes/backfill-entity-id entity)]]
        (t2/update! model (get entity pk) {:entity_id eid})))))

Returns true if the model has an :entity_id column.

(defn has-entity-id?
    ;; toucan1 models
   (isa? model ::mi/entity-id)
    ;; toucan2 models
   (isa? model :hook/entity-id)))

Updates all rows of all models that are (a) serialized and (b) have entity_id columns to have the entity_id set. If the entity_id is NULL, it is set based on the [[serdes/identity-hash]] for that row.

(defn backfill-ids!
  (doseq [model-name (concat serdes.models/exported-models serdes.models/inlined-models)
          :let [model (t2.model/resolve-model (symbol model-name))]
          :when (has-entity-id? model)]
    (backfill-ids-for! model)))