(ns metabase-enterprise.serialization.cmd (:refer-clojure :exclude [load]) (:require [clojure.java.io :as io] [clojure.string :as str] [metabase-enterprise.serialization.dump :as dump] [metabase-enterprise.serialization.load :as load] [metabase-enterprise.serialization.serialize :as serialize] [metabase-enterprise.serialization.v2.entity-ids :as v2.entity-ids] [metabase-enterprise.serialization.v2.extract :as v2.extract] [metabase-enterprise.serialization.v2.ingest :as v2.ingest] [metabase-enterprise.serialization.v2.load :as v2.load] [metabase-enterprise.serialization.v2.storage :as v2.storage] [metabase.analytics.core :as analytics] [metabase.db :as mdb] [metabase.models.field :as field] [metabase.models.serialization :as serdes] [metabase.plugins :as plugins] [metabase.premium-features.core :as premium-features] [metabase.setup.core :as setup] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-trs trs]] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [toucan2.core :as t2]) (:import (clojure.lang ExceptionInfo))) | |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
(def ^:private Mode (mu/with-api-error-message [:enum :skip :update] (deferred-trs "invalid --mode value"))) | |
(def ^:private OnError (mu/with-api-error-message [:enum :continue :abort] (deferred-trs "invalid --on-error value"))) | |
(def ^:private Context (mu/with-api-error-message [:map {:closed true} [:on-error {:optional true} OnError] [:mode {:optional true} Mode]] (deferred-trs "invalid context seed value"))) | |
(defn- check-premium-token! [] (premium-features/assert-has-feature :serialization (trs "Serialization"))) | |
Load serialized metabase instance as created by [[dump]] command from directory | (mu/defn v1-load! [path context :- Context] (plugins/load-plugins!) (mdb/setup-db! :create-sample-content? false) (check-premium-token!) (when-not (load/compatible? path) (log/warn "Dump was produced using a different version of Metabase. Things may break!")) (let [context (merge {:mode :skip :on-error :continue} context)] (try (log/infof "BEGIN LOAD from %s with context %s" path context) (let [all-res [(load/load! (str path "/users") context) (load/load! (str path "/databases") context) (load/load! (str path "/collections") context) (load/load-settings! path context)] reload-fns (filter fn? all-res)] (when (seq reload-fns) (log/info "Finished first pass of load; now performing second pass") (doseq [reload-fn reload-fns] (reload-fn))) (log/infof "END LOAD from %s with context %s" path context)) (catch Throwable e (log/errorf e "ERROR LOAD from %s: %s" path (.getMessage e)) (throw e))))) |
SerDes v2 load entry point for internal users.
| (mu/defn v2-load-internal! [path :- :string opts :- [:map [:backfill? {:optional true} [:maybe :boolean]] [:continue-on-error {:optional true} [:maybe :boolean]]] ;; Deliberately separate from the opts so it can't be set from the CLI. & {:keys [token-check? require-initialized-db?] :or {token-check? true require-initialized-db? true}}] (plugins/load-plugins!) (mdb/setup-db! :create-sample-content? false) (when (and require-initialized-db? (not (setup/has-user-setup))) (throw (ex-info "You cannot `import` into an empty database. Please set up Metabase normally, then retry." {}))) (when token-check? (check-premium-token!)) ; TODO This should be restored, but there's no manifest or other meta file written by v2 dumps. ;(when-not (load/compatible? path) ; (log/warn "Dump was produced using a different version of Metabase. Things may break!")) (log/infof "Loading serialized Metabase files from %s" path) (serdes/with-cache (v2.load/load-metabase! (v2.ingest/ingest-yaml path) opts))) |
SerDes v2 load entry point. opts are passed to load-metabase | (mu/defn v2-load! [path :- :string opts :- [:map [:backfill? {:optional true} [:maybe :boolean]] [:continue-on-error {:optional true} [:maybe :boolean]] [:full-stacktrace {:optional true} [:maybe :boolean]]]] (let [timer (u/start-timer) err (atom nil) report (try (v2-load-internal! path opts :token-check? true) (catch ExceptionInfo e (reset! err e)) (catch Exception e (reset! err e))) imported (into (sorted-set) (map (comp :model last)) (:seen report))] (analytics/track-event! :snowplow/serialization {:event :serialization :direction "import" :source "cli" :duration_ms (int (u/since-ms timer)) :models (str/join "," imported) :count (if (contains? imported "Setting") (inc (count (remove #(= "Setting" (:model (first %))) (:seen report)))) (count (:seen report))) :error_count (count (:errors report)) :success (nil? @err) :error_message (when @err (u/strip-error @err nil))}) (when @err (if (:full-stacktrace opts) (log/error @err "Error during deserialization") (log/error (u/strip-error @err "Error during deserialization"))) (throw (ex-info (ex-message @err) {:cmd/exit true}))) imported)) |
(defn- select-entities-in-collections ([model collections] (select-entities-in-collections model collections :all)) ([model collections state] (let [state-filter (case state :all nil :active [:= :archived false])] (t2/select model {:where [:and [:or [:= :collection_id nil] (if (not-empty collections) [:in :collection_id (map u/the-id collections)] false)] state-filter]})))) | |
(defn- select-segments-in-tables ([tables] (select-segments-in-tables tables :all)) ([tables state] (case state :all (mapcat #(t2/select :model/Segment :table_id (u/the-id %)) tables) :active (filter #(not (:archived %)) (mapcat #(t2/select :model/Segment :table_id (u/the-id %)) tables))))) | |
Selects the collections for a given user-id, or all collections without a personal ID if the passed user-id is nil.
If | (defn- select-collections ([users] (select-collections users :active)) ([users state] (let [state-filter (case state :all nil :active [:= :archived false]) base-collections (t2/select :model/Collection {:where [:and [:= :location "/"] [:or [:= :personal_owner_id nil] [:= :personal_owner_id (some-> users first u/the-id)]] state-filter]})] (if (empty? base-collections) [] (-> (t2/select :model/Collection {:where [:and (reduce (fn [acc coll] (conj acc [:like :location (format "/%d/%%" (:id coll))])) [:or] base-collections) state-filter]}) (into base-collections)))))) |
Legacy Metabase app data dump | (defn v1-dump! [path {:keys [state user include-entity-id] :or {state :active} :as opts}] (log/infof "BEGIN DUMP to %s via user %s" path user) (mdb/setup-db! :create-sample-content? false) (check-premium-token!) (t2/select :model/User) ;; TODO -- why??? [editor's note: this comment originally from Cam] (let [users (if user (let [user (t2/select-one :model/User :email user :is_superuser true)] (assert user (trs "{0} is not a valid user" user)) [user]) []) databases (if (contains? opts :only-db-ids) (t2/select :model/Database :id [:in (:only-db-ids opts)] {:order-by [[:id :asc]]}) (t2/select :model/Database)) tables (if (contains? opts :only-db-ids) (t2/select :model/Table :db_id [:in (:only-db-ids opts)] {:order-by [[:id :asc]]}) (t2/select :model/Table)) fields (if (contains? opts :only-db-ids) (t2/select :model/Field :table_id [:in (map :id tables)] {:order-by [[:id :asc]]}) (t2/select :model/Field)) collections (select-collections users state)] (binding [serialize/*include-entity-id* (boolean include-entity-id)] (dump/dump! path databases tables (mapcat field/with-values (u/batches-of 32000 fields)) (select-segments-in-tables tables state) collections (select-entities-in-collections :model/NativeQuerySnippet collections state) (select-entities-in-collections :model/Card collections state) (select-entities-in-collections :model/Dashboard collections state) (select-entities-in-collections :model/Pulse collections state) users))) (dump/dump-settings! path) (dump/dump-dimensions! path) (log/infof "END DUMP to %s via user %s" path user)) |
Exports Metabase app data to directory at path | (defn v2-dump! [path {:keys [collection-ids] :as opts}] (log/infof "Exporting Metabase to %s" path) (mdb/setup-db! :create-sample-content? false) (check-premium-token!) (t2/select :model/User) ;; TODO -- why??? [editor's note: this comment originally from Cam] (let [f (io/file path)] (.mkdirs f) (when-not (.canWrite f) (throw (ex-info (format "Destination path is not writeable: %s" path) {:filename path})))) (let [start (System/nanoTime) err (atom nil) opts (cond-> opts (seq collection-ids) (assoc :targets (v2.extract/make-targets-of-type "Collection" collection-ids))) report (try (serdes/with-cache (-> (v2.extract/extract opts) (v2.storage/store! path))) (catch Exception e (reset! err e)))] (analytics/track-event! :snowplow/serialization {:event :serialization :direction "export" :source "cli" :duration_ms (int (/ (- (System/nanoTime) start) 1e6)) :count (count (:seen report)) :error_count (count (:errors report)) :collection (str/join "," collection-ids) :all_collections (and (empty? collection-ids) (not (:no-collections opts))) :data_model (not (:no-data-model opts)) :settings (not (:no-settings opts)) :field_values (boolean (:include-field-values opts)) :secrets (boolean (:include-database-secrets opts)) :success (nil? @err) :error_message (when @err (u/strip-error @err nil))}) (when @err (if (:full-stacktrace opts) (log/error @err "Error during serialization") (log/error (u/strip-error @err "Error during deserialization"))) (throw (ex-info (ex-message @err) {:cmd/exit true}))) (log/info (format "Export to '%s' complete!" path) (u/emoji "🚛💨 📦")) report)) |
Add entity IDs for instances of serializable models that don't already have them. Returns truthy if all entity IDs were added successfully, or falsey if any errors were encountered. | (defn seed-entity-ids! [] (v2.entity-ids/seed-entity-ids!)) |
Drop entity IDs for all instances of serializable models. This is needed for some cases of migrating from v1 to v2 serdes. v1 doesn't dump Returns truthy if all entity IDs have been dropped, or falsey if any errors were encountered. | (defn drop-entity-ids! [] (v2.entity-ids/drop-entity-ids!)) |