(ns metabase-enterprise.serialization.api (:require [clojure.java.io :as io] [clojure.string :as str] [java-time.api :as t] [metabase-enterprise.serialization.v2.extract :as extract] [metabase-enterprise.serialization.v2.ingest :as v2.ingest] [metabase-enterprise.serialization.v2.load :as v2.load] [metabase-enterprise.serialization.v2.storage :as storage] [metabase.analytics.core :as analytics] [metabase.api.common :as api] [metabase.api.macros :as api.macros] [metabase.api.routes.common :refer [+auth]] [metabase.logger :as logger] [metabase.models.serialization :as serdes] [metabase.public-settings :as public-settings] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.compress :as u.compress] [metabase.util.date-2 :as u.date] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms] [metabase.util.random :as u.random] [ring.core.protocols :as ring.protocols]) (:import (java.io ByteArrayOutputStream File))) | |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
If custom loggers should pass logs to parent loggers (to system Metabase logs), used to clean up test output. | (def ^:dynamic *additive-logging* true) |
Storage | |
Dir for storing serialization API export-in-progress and archives. | (def parent-dir (let [f (io/file (System/getProperty "java.io.tmpdir") (str "serdesv2-" (u.random/random-name)))] (.mkdirs f) (.deleteOnExit f) (.getPath f))) |
Request callbacks | |
(defn- ba-copy [f] (with-open [baos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)] (io/copy f baos) (.toByteArray baos))) | |
(defn- on-response! [data callback] (reify ;; Real HTTP requests and mt/user-real-request go here ring.protocols/StreamableResponseBody (write-body-to-stream [_ response out] (ring.protocols/write-body-to-stream data response out) (future (callback))) ;; mt/user-http-request goes here clojure.java.io.IOFactory (make-input-stream [_ _] (let [res (io/input-stream (if (instance? File data) (ba-copy data) data))] (callback) res)))) | |
Logic | |
(defn- serialize&pack ^File [{:keys [dirname full-stacktrace] :as opts}] (let [dirname (or dirname (format "%s-%s" (u/slugify (public-settings/site-name)) (u.date/format "YYYY-MM-dd_HH-mm" (t/local-date-time)))) path (io/file parent-dir dirname) dst (io/file (str (.getPath path) ".tar.gz")) log-file (io/file path "export.log") err (atom nil) report (with-open [_logger (logger/for-ns log-file ['metabase-enterprise.serialization 'metabase.models.serialization] {:additive *additive-logging*})] (try ; try/catch inside logging to log errors (let [report (serdes/with-cache (-> (extract/extract opts) (storage/store! path)))] ;; not removing dumped yamls immediately to save some time before response (u.compress/tgz path dst) report) (catch Exception e (reset! err e) (if full-stacktrace (log/error e "Error during serialization") (log/error (u/strip-error e "Error during serialization"))))))] {:archive (when (.exists dst) dst) :log-file (when (.exists log-file) log-file) :report report :error-message (when @err (u/strip-error @err nil)) :callback (fn [] (when (.exists path) (run! io/delete-file (reverse (file-seq path)))) (when (.exists dst) (io/delete-file dst)))})) | |
Find an actual top-level dir with serialization data inside, instead of picking up various .DS_Store and similar things. | (defn- find-serialization-dir ^File [^File parent] (let [check-dir (fn [^File f] (and (.isDirectory f) (some v2.ingest/legal-top-level-paths (.list f))))] (if (check-dir parent) parent (->> (.listFiles parent) (u/seek check-dir))))) |
(defn- unpack&import [^File file & [{:keys [size continue-on-error full-stacktrace]}]] (let [dst (io/file parent-dir (u.random/random-name)) log-file (io/file dst "import.log") err (atom nil) report (with-open [_logger (logger/for-ns log-file ['metabase-enterprise.serialization 'metabase.models.serialization] {:additive *additive-logging*})] (try ; try/catch inside logging to log errors (log/infof "Serdes import, size %s" size) (let [cnt (try (u.compress/untgz file dst) (catch Exception e (throw (ex-info "Cannot unpack archive" {:status 422} e)))) path (find-serialization-dir dst)] (when-not path (throw (ex-info "No source dir detected. Please make sure the serialization files are in the top level dir." {:status 400 :dst (.getPath dst) :count cnt :files (.listFiles dst)}))) (log/infof "In total %s entries unpacked, detected source dir: %s" cnt (.getName path)) (serdes/with-cache (-> (v2.ingest/ingest-yaml (.getPath path)) (v2.load/load-metabase! {:continue-on-error continue-on-error})))) (catch Exception e (reset! err e) (if full-stacktrace (log/error e "Error during serialization") (log/error (u/strip-error e "Error during serialization"))))))] {:log-file log-file :status (:status (ex-data @err)) :error-message (when @err (u/strip-error @err nil)) :report report :callback #(when (.exists dst) (run! io/delete-file (reverse (file-seq dst))))})) | |
(api.macros/defendpoint :post "/export" "Serialize and retrieve Metabase instance. Outputs `.tar.gz` file with serialization results and an `export.log` file. On error outputs serialization logs directly." [_route-params {:keys [collection dirname] include-field-values? :field_values include-database-secrets? :database_secrets all-collections? :all_collections data-model? :data_model settings? :settings continue-on-error? :continue_on_error full-stacktrace? :full_stacktrace :as _query-params} :- [:map [:dirname {:optional true} [:maybe {:description "name of directory and archive file (default: `<instance-name>-<YYYY-MM-dd_HH-mm>`)"} string?]] [:collection {:optional true} [:maybe {:description "collections' db ids/entity-ids to serialize"} (ms/QueryVectorOf [:or ms/PositiveInt [:re {:error/message "if you are passing entity_id, it should be exactly 21 chars long"} #"^.{21}$"] [:re {:error/message "value must be string with `eid:<...>` prefix"} #"^eid:.{21}$"]])]] [:all_collections {:default true} (mu/with ms/BooleanValue {:description "Serialize all collections (`true` unless you specify `collection`)"})] [:settings {:default true} (mu/with ms/BooleanValue {:description "Serialize Metabase settings"})] [:data_model {:default true} (mu/with ms/BooleanValue {:description "Serialize Metabase data model"})] [:field_values {:default false} (mu/with ms/BooleanValue {:description "Serialize cached field values"})] [:database_secrets {:default false} (mu/with ms/BooleanValue {:description "Serialize details how to connect to each db"})] [:continue_on_error {:default false} (mu/with ms/BooleanValue {:description "Do not break execution on errors"})] [:full_stacktrace {:default false} (mu/with ms/BooleanValue {:description "Show full stacktraces in the logs"})]]] (api/check-superuser) (let [start (System/nanoTime) opts {:targets (mapv #(vector "Collection" %) collection) :no-collections (and (empty? collection) (not all-collections?)) :no-data-model (not data-model?) :no-settings (not settings?) :include-field-values include-field-values? :include-database-secrets include-database-secrets? :dirname dirname :continue-on-error continue-on-error? :full-stacktrace full-stacktrace?} {:keys [archive log-file report error-message callback]} (serialize&pack opts)] (analytics/track-event! :snowplow/serialization {:event :serialization :direction "export" :source "api" :duration_ms (int (/ (- (System/nanoTime) start) 1e6)) :count (count (:seen report)) :error_count (count (:errors report)) :collection (str/join "," (map str collection)) :all_collections (and (empty? collection) (not (:no-collections opts))) :data_model (not (:no-data-model opts)) :settings (not (:no-settings opts)) :field_values (:include-field-values opts) :secrets (:include-database-secrets opts) :success (boolean archive) :error_message error-message}) (if archive {:status 200 :headers {"Content-Type" "application/gzip" "Content-Disposition" (format "attachment; filename=\"%s\"" (.getName ^File archive))} :body (on-response! archive callback)} {:status 500 :headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"} :body (on-response! log-file callback)}))) | |
(api.macros/defendpoint :post "/import" "Deserialize Metabase instance from an archive generated by /export. Parameters: - `file`: archive encoded as `multipart/form-data` (required). Returns logs of deserialization." {:multipart true} [_route-params {continue-on-error? :continue_on_error full-stacktrace? :full_stacktrace :as _query-params} :- [:map [:continue_on_error {:default false} (mu/with ms/BooleanValue {:description "Do not break execution on errors"})] [:full_stacktrace {:default false} (mu/with ms/BooleanValue {:description "Show full stacktraces in the logs"})]] _body {{:strs [file]} :multipart-params, :as _request} :- [:map [:multipart-params [:map ["file" (mu/with ms/File {:description ".tgz with serialization data"})]]]]] (api/check-superuser) (try (let [start (System/nanoTime) {:keys [log-file status error-message report callback]} (unpack&import (:tempfile file) {:size (:size file) :continue-on-error continue-on-error? :full-stacktrace full-stacktrace?}) imported (into (sorted-set) (map (comp :model last)) (:seen report))] (analytics/track-event! :snowplow/serialization {:event :serialization :direction "import" :source "api" :duration_ms (int (/ (- (System/nanoTime) start) 1e6)) :models (str/join "," imported) :count (if (contains? imported "Setting") (inc (count (remove #(= "Setting" (:model (first %))) (:seen report)))) (count (:seen report))) :error_count (count (:errors report)) :success (not error-message) :error_message error-message}) (if error-message {:status (or status 500) :headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"} :body (on-response! log-file callback)} {:status 200 :headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"} :body (on-response! log-file callback)})) (finally (io/delete-file (:tempfile file))))) | |
| (def ^{:arglists '([request respond raise])} routes (api.macros/ns-handler *ns* +auth)) |