/api/ee/scim/v2/ endpoints. These are the endpoints which implement the SCIM protocol, as opposed to SCIM configuration endpoints which are in metabase-enterprise.scim.api.

v2 in the API path represents the fact that we implement SCIM 2.0.

(ns metabase-enterprise.scim.v2.api
   [metabase-enterprise.scim.api :as scim]
   [metabase.analytics.core :as analytics]
   [metabase.api.macros :as api.macros]
   [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
   [metabase.models.user :as user]
   [metabase.permissions.models.permissions-group :as perms-group]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.i18n :as i18n]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms]
   [ring.util.codec :as codec]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(def ^:private user-schema-uri "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User")
(def ^:private group-schema-uri "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group")
(def ^:private list-schema-uri "urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:ListResponse")
(def ^:private error-schema-uri "urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error")
(def ^:private default-pagination-limit 100)
(def ^:private default-pagination-offset 0)

Malli schema for a SCIM user. This represents both users returned by the service provider (Metabase) as well as users sent by the client (i.e. Okta), with fields marked as optional if they may not be present in the latter.

(def SCIMUser
   [:schemas [:sequential ms/NonBlankString]]
   [:id {:optional true} ms/NonBlankString]
   [:userName ms/NonBlankString]
   [:name [:map
           [:givenName string?]
           [:familyName string?]]]
   [:emails [:sequential
              [:value ms/NonBlankString]
              [:type {:optional true} ms/NonBlankString]
              [:primary {:optional true} boolean?]]]]
    {:optional true}
    [:sequential [:map
                  [:value ms/NonBlankString]
                  [:$ref {:optional true} ms/NonBlankString]
                  [:display ms/NonBlankString]]]]
   [:locale {:optional true} [:maybe ms/NonBlankString]]
   [:active {:optional true} boolean?]])

Malli schema for a list of SCIM users

(def SCIMUserList
   [:schemas [:sequential ms/NonBlankString]]
   [:totalResults ms/IntGreaterThanOrEqualToZero]
   [:startIndex ms/IntGreaterThanOrEqualToZero]
   [:itemsPerPage ms/IntGreaterThanOrEqualToZero]
   [:Resources [:sequential SCIMUser]]])

Malli schema for a user patch operation

(def UserPatch
   [:schemas [:sequential ms/NonBlankString]]
    [:sequential [:map
                  [:op ms/NonBlankString]
                  [:value [:or ms/NonBlankString ms/BooleanValue]]]]]])

Malli schema for a SCIM group.

(def SCIMGroup
   [:schemas [:sequential ms/NonBlankString]]
   [:id {:optional true} ms/NonBlankString]
   [:displayName ms/NonBlankString]
    {:optional true}
    [:sequential [:map
                  [:value ms/NonBlankString]
                  [:$ref {:optional true} ms/NonBlankString]]]]])

Malli schema for a list of SCIM groups

(def SCIMGroupList
   [:schemas [:sequential ms/NonBlankString]]
   [:totalResults ms/IntGreaterThanOrEqualToZero]
   [:startIndex ms/IntGreaterThanOrEqualToZero]
   [:itemsPerPage ms/IntGreaterThanOrEqualToZero]
   [:Resources [:sequential SCIMGroup]]])
(defn- throw-scim-error
  [status message]
  (throw (ex-info message
                  {:schemas     [error-schema-uri]
                   :detail      message
                   :status      status
                   :status-code status})))

Wraps an object in a response with the correct SCIM content-type. Status defaults to 200 unless otherwise specified.

(defn- scim-response
  [object & [status]]
  {:status  (or status 200)
   :body    object
   :headers {"Content-Type" "application/scim+json"}})
(defn- do-with-prometheus-counters
    (let [response (thunk)]
      (analytics/inc! :metabase-scim/response-ok)
    (catch Throwable e
      (analytics/inc! :metabase-scim/response-error)
      (throw e))))

Macro to wrap SCIM endpoints and automatically increment Prometheus counters to track success and error API responses.

(defmacro with-prometheus-counters
  [& body]
  `(do-with-prometheus-counters (fn [] ~@body)))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | User operations | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Required columns when fetching users for SCIM.

(def ^:private user-cols
  [:id :first_name :last_name :email :locale :is_active :entity_id])
(mi/define-batched-hydration-method add-scim-user-group-memberships
  "Add to each `user` a list of :user_group_memberships where each item is a map with 2 keys [:name :entity_id]."
  (when (seq users)
    (let [user-id->memberships (group-by :user_id (t2/select [:model/PermissionsGroupMembership :pgm.user_id :pg.name :pg.entity_id]
                                                             {:from [[:permissions_group_membership :pgm]]
                                                              :join [[:permissions_group :pg] [:= :pg.id :group_id]]
                                                              :where [:and
                                                                      [:in :user_id (map u/the-id users)]
                                                                      [:not= :pg.id (:id (perms-group/all-users))]
                                                                      [:not= :pg.id (:id (perms-group/admin))]]}))
          membership->group    (fn [membership] (select-keys membership [:name :entity_id]))]
      (for [user users]
        (assoc user :user_group_memberships (->> (user-id->memberships (u/the-id user))
                                                 (map membership->group)
                                                 (sort-by :entity_id)))))))
(mu/defn ^:private mb-user->scim :- SCIMUser
  "Given a Metabase user, returns a SCIM user."
  {:schemas  [user-schema-uri]
   :id       (:entity_id user)
   :userName (:email user)
   :name     {:givenName  (:first_name user)
              :familyName (:last_name user)}
   :emails   [{:value (:email user)
               :type    "work"
               :primary true}]
   :groups   (map
              (fn [membership]
                {:value   (:entity_id membership)
                 :$ref    (str (scim/scim-base-url) "/Groups/" (:entity_id membership))
                 :display (:name membership)})
              (:user_group_memberships user))
   :locale   (:locale user)
   :active   (:is_active user)
   :meta     {:resourceType "User"}})
(mu/defn ^:private scim-user->mb :- user/NewUser
  "Given a SCIM user, returns a Metabase user."
  (let [{email :userName name-obj :name locale :locale is-active? :active} user
        {:keys [givenName familyName]} name-obj]
     {:first_name givenName
      :last_name  familyName
      :email      email
      :is_active  is-active?
      :type       :personal
      :sso_source "scim"}
     (when (and locale (i18n/available-locale? locale))
       {:locale locale}))))

Fetches a user by entity ID, or throws a 404

(mu/defn ^:private get-user-by-entity-id
  (or (t2/select-one (cons :model/User user-cols)
                     :entity_id entity-id
                     {:where [:= :type "personal"]})
      (throw-scim-error 404 "User not found")))
(defn- ^:private user-filter-clause
  (let [[_ match] (re-matches #"^userName eq \"(.*)\"$" filter-parameter)]
    (if match
      [:= :%lower.email (u/lower-case-en match)]
      (throw-scim-error 400 (format "Unsupported filter parameter: %s" filter-parameter)))))
(api.macros/defendpoint :get "/Users"
  "Fetch a list of users."
   {start-index :startIndex, c :count, filter-param :filter} :- [:map
                                                                 [:startIndex {:optional true} [:maybe ms/PositiveInt]]
                                                                 [:count      {:optional true} [:maybe ms/PositiveInt]]
                                                                 [:filter     {:optional true} [:maybe ms/NonBlankString]]]]
    (let [limit          (or c default-pagination-limit)
          ;; SCIM start-index is 1-indexed, so we need to decrement it here
          offset         (if start-index (dec start-index) default-pagination-offset)
          filter-param   (when filter-param (codec/url-decode filter-param))
          where-clause   [:and [:= :type "personal"]
                          (when filter-param (user-filter-clause filter-param))]
          users          (t2/select (cons :model/User user-cols)
                                    {:where    where-clause
                                     :limit    limit
                                     :offset   offset
                                     :order-by [[:id :asc]]})
          hydrated-users (t2/hydrate users :scim_user_group_memberships)
          results-count  (count hydrated-users)
          items-per-page (if (< results-count limit) results-count limit)
          result         {:schemas      [list-schema-uri]
                          :totalResults (t2/count :model/User {:where where-clause})
                          :startIndex   (inc offset)
                          :itemsPerPage items-per-page
                          :Resources    (map mb-user->scim hydrated-users)}]
      (scim-response result))))
(api.macros/defendpoint :get ["/Users/:id" :id #"[^/]+"]
  "Fetch a single user."
  [{:keys [id]} :- [:map
                    [:id ms/NonBlankString]]]
    (-> (get-user-by-entity-id id)
        (t2/hydrate :scim_user_group_memberships)
(api.macros/defendpoint :post "/Users"
  "Create a single user."
   scim-user :- SCIMUser]
    (let [mb-user (scim-user->mb scim-user)
          email   (:email mb-user)]
      (when (t2/exists? :model/User :%lower.email (u/lower-case-en email))
        (throw-scim-error 409 "Email address is already in use"))
      (let [new-user (t2/with-transaction [_]
                       (user/insert-new-user! mb-user)
                       (-> (t2/select-one (cons :model/User user-cols)
                                          :email (u/lower-case-en email))
        (scim-response new-user 201)))))
(api.macros/defendpoint :put ["/Users/:id" :id #"[^/]+"]
  "Update a user."
  [{:keys [id]}
   scim-user :- SCIMUser]
    (let [updates      (scim-user->mb scim-user)
          email        (-> scim-user :emails first :value)
          current-user (get-user-by-entity-id id)]
      (if (not= email (:email current-user))
        (throw-scim-error 400 "You may not update the email of an existing user.")
          (t2/with-transaction [_conn]
            (t2/update! :model/User (u/the-id current-user) updates)
            (let [user (-> (t2/select-one (cons :model/User user-cols)
                                          :entity_id id)
              (scim-response user)))
          (catch Exception e
            (let [message (format "Error updating user: %s" (ex-message e))]
              (throw (ex-info message
                              {:schemas     [error-schema-uri]
                               :detail      message
                               :status      400
                               :status-code 400})))))))))
(api.macros/defendpoint :patch ["/Users/:id" :id #"[^/]+"]
  "Activate or deactivate a user. Supports specific replace operations, but not arbitrary patches."
  [{:keys [id]} :- [:map
                    [:id ms/NonBlankString]]
   patch-ops :- UserPatch]
    (t2/with-transaction [_conn]
      (let [user    (get-user-by-entity-id id)
            updates (reduce
                     (fn [acc operation]
                       (let [{:keys [op path value]} operation]
                         (if (= (u/lower-case-en op) "replace")
                           (case path
                             "active"          (assoc acc :is_active (Boolean/valueOf (u/lower-case-en value)))
                             "userName"        (assoc acc :email value)
                             "name.givenName"  (assoc acc :first_name value)
                             "name.familyName" (assoc acc :last_name value)
                             (throw-scim-error 400 (format "Unsupported path: %s" path)))
                     (:Operations patch-ops))]
        (t2/update! :model/User (u/the-id user) updates)
        (-> (get-user-by-entity-id id)

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Group operations | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Required columns when fetching groups for SCIM.

(def ^:private group-cols
  [:name :id :entity_id])
(mi/define-batched-hydration-method add-scim-group-members
  "Add to each `group` a list of :members where each item is a map with 2 keys [:email :entity_id]."
  (when (seq groups)
    (let [group-id->members (group-by :group_id (t2/select [:model/PermissionsGroupMembership :pgm.group_id :u.email :u.entity_id]
                                                           {:from [[:permissions_group_membership :pgm]]
                                                            :join [[:core_user :u] [:= :u.id :pgm.user_id]]
                                                            :where [:in :pgm.group_id (map u/the-id groups)]}))
          group->member     (fn [member] (select-keys member [:email :entity_id]))]
      (for [group groups]
        (assoc group :members (->> (group-id->members (u/the-id group))
                                   (map group->member)
                                   (sort-by :entity_id)))))))

Fetches a group by entity ID, or throws a 404. Cannot fetch the Administrators or All Users groups, as these are static and cannot be managed via SCIM.

(mu/defn ^:private get-group-by-entity-id
  (or (t2/select-one (cons :model/PermissionsGroup group-cols)
                     :entity_id entity-id
                       [:not= :id (:id (perms-group/all-users))]
                       [:not= :id (:id (perms-group/admin))]]})
      (throw-scim-error 404 "Group not found")))
(mu/defn ^:private mb-group->scim :- SCIMGroup
  "Given a Metabase permissions group, returns a SCIM group."
  {:schemas     [group-schema-uri]
   :id          (:entity_id group)
   :members     (map
                 (fn [member]
                   {:value   (:entity_id member)
                    :$ref    (str (scim/scim-base-url) "/Users/" (:entity_id member))
                    :display (:email member)})
                 (:members group))
   :displayName (:name group)
   :meta        {:resourceType "Group"}})
(defn- group-filter-clause
  (let [[_ match] (re-matches #"^displayName eq \"(.*)\"$" filter-parameter)]
    (if match
      [:= :name match]
      (throw (ex-info "Unsupported filter parameter" {:filter      filter-parameter
                                                      :status-code 400})))))
(api.macros/defendpoint :get "/Groups"
  "Fetch a list of groups."
   {start-index :startIndex, c :count, filter-param :filter}
   :- [:map
       [:startIndex {:optional true} [:maybe ms/PositiveInt]]
       [:count      {:optional true} [:maybe ms/PositiveInt]]
       [:filter     {:optional true} [:maybe ms/NonBlankString]]]]
    (let [limit          (or c default-pagination-limit)
          ;; SCIM start-index is 1-indexed, so we need to decrement it here
          offset         (if start-index (dec start-index) default-pagination-offset)
          filter-param   (when filter-param (codec/url-decode filter-param))
          where-clause   [:and
                          [:not= :id (:id perms-group/all-users)]
                          [:not= :id (:id perms-group/admin)]
                          (when filter-param (group-filter-clause filter-param))]
          groups         (t2/select (cons :model/PermissionsGroup group-cols)
                                    {:where    where-clause
                                     :limit    limit
                                     :offset   offset
                                     :order-by [[:id :asc]]})
          results-count  (count groups)
          items-per-page (if (< results-count limit) results-count limit)
          result         {:schemas      [list-schema-uri]
                          :totalResults (t2/count :model/PermissionsGroup {:where where-clause})
                          :startIndex   (inc offset)
                          :itemsPerPage items-per-page
                          :Resources    (map mb-group->scim groups)}]
      (scim-response result))))
(api.macros/defendpoint :get ["/Groups/:id" :id #"[^/]+"]
  "Fetch a single group."
  [{:keys [id]} :- [:map
                    [:id ms/NonBlankString]]]
    (-> (get-group-by-entity-id id)
        (t2/hydrate :scim_group_members)

Updates the membership of group-id to be the set of users in the collection user-entity-ids. Clears any existing members.

(defn- update-group-membership
  [group-id user-entity-ids]
  (let [user-ids (t2/select-fn-set :id :model/User {:where [:in :entity_id user-entity-ids]})]
    (when-let [memberships (map
                            (fn [user-id] {:group_id group-id :user_id user-id})
      (t2/delete! :model/PermissionsGroupMembership :group_id group-id)
      (t2/insert! :model/PermissionsGroupMembership memberships))))
(api.macros/defendpoint :post "/Groups"
  "Create a single group, and populates it if necessary."
   scim-group :- SCIMGroup]
    (let [group-name (:displayName scim-group)
          entity-ids (map :value (:members scim-group))]
      (when (t2/exists? :model/PermissionsGroup :%lower.name (u/lower-case-en group-name))
        (throw-scim-error 409 "A group with that name already exists"))
      (t2/with-transaction [_conn]
        (let [new-group (first (t2/insert-returning-instances! :model/PermissionsGroup {:name group-name}))]
          (when (seq entity-ids)
            (update-group-membership (:id new-group) entity-ids))
          (-> new-group
              (t2/hydrate :scim_group_members)
              (scim-response 201)))))))
(api.macros/defendpoint :put ["/Groups/:id" :id #"[^/]+"]
  "Update a group."
  [{:keys [id]}
   scim-group :- SCIMGroup]
    (let [group-name (:displayName scim-group)
          entity-ids (map :value (:members scim-group))]
      (t2/with-transaction [_conn]
        (let [group (get-group-by-entity-id id)]
          (t2/update! :model/PermissionsGroup (u/the-id group) {:name group-name})
          (when (seq entity-ids)
            (update-group-membership (u/the-id group) entity-ids))
          (-> (get-group-by-entity-id id)
              (t2/hydrate :scim_group_members)
(api.macros/defendpoint :delete ["/Groups/:id" :id #"[^/]+"]
  "Delete a group."
  [{:keys [id]} :- [:map
                    [:id ms/NonBlankString]]]
    (let [group (get-group-by-entity-id id)]
      (t2/delete! :model/PermissionsGroup (u/the-id group))
      (scim-response nil 204))))