Apply segmented a.k.a. sandboxing anti-permissions to the query, i.e. replace sandboxed Tables with the appropriate [[]]s (GTAPs). See dox for [[metabase.permissions.models.permissions]] for a high-level overview of the Metabase permissions system.

(ns metabase-enterprise.sandbox.query-processor.middleware.row-level-restrictions
   [clojure.core.memoize :as memoize]
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase-enterprise.sandbox.api.util :as sandbox.api.util]
   [ :as gtap]
   [metabase.api.common :as api :refer [*current-user* *current-user-id*]]
   [metabase.db :as mdb]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.schema :as mbql.s]
   [metabase.lib.core :as lib]
   [metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata]
   ;; TODO: Why use the lib.metadata.protocols functions directly, instead of the lib.metadata wrappers?
   ;; This should probably be enforced at the modules level.
   [metabase.lib.metadata.protocols :as lib.metadata.protocols]
   [metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common]
   [ :as]
   [metabase.lib.util.match :as lib.util.match]
   [metabase.models.database :as database]
   [metabase.models.query.permissions :as query-perms]
   [ :as data-perms]
   [metabase.premium-features.core :refer [defenterprise]]
   [metabase.query-processor.error-type :as qp.error-type]
   ^{:clj-kondo/ignore [:deprecated-namespace]}
   [metabase.query-processor.middleware.fetch-source-query-legacy :as fetch-source-query-legacy]
   [metabase.query-processor.pipeline :as qp.pipeline]
   [ :as]
   [metabase.request.core :as request]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [trs tru]]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   ^{:clj-kondo/ignore [:discouraged-namespace]}
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | query->gtap | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

(defn- all-table-ids [m]
  (into #{} cat (lib.util.match/match m
                  (_ :guard (every-pred map? :source-table (complement ::gtap?)))
                  (let [recursive-ids (all-table-ids (dissoc &match :source-table))]
                    (cons (:source-table &match) recursive-ids)))))
(defn- query->all-table-ids [query]
  (let [ids (all-table-ids query)]
    (when (seq ids)
      (lib.metadata/bulk-metadata-or-throw ( :metadata/table ids)
      (set ids))))

Make sure all referenced Tables have at most one GTAP.

(defn assert-one-gtap-per-table
  (doseq [[table-id gtaps] (group-by :table_id gtaps)
          :when            (> (count gtaps) 1)]
    (throw (ex-info (tru "Found more than one group table access policy for user ''{0}''"
                         (:email @*current-user*))
                    {:type      qp.error-type/client
                     :table-id  table-id
                     :gtaps     gtaps
                     :user      *current-user-id*
                     :group-ids (map :group_id gtaps)}))))
(defn- tables->sandboxes [table-ids]
  ( [*current-user-id* table-ids]
    (let [enforced-sandboxes (sandbox.api.util/enforced-sandboxes-for-tables table-ids)]
      (when (seq enforced-sandboxes)
        (assert-one-gtap-per-table enforced-sandboxes)
(defn- query->table-id->gtap [query]
  {:pre [(some? *current-user-id*)]}
  (let [table-ids (query->all-table-ids query)
        gtaps     (some-> table-ids tables->sandboxes)]
    (when (seq gtaps)
      (m/index-by :table_id gtaps))))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Applying a GTAP | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

(mu/defn- target-field->base-type :- [:maybe ::lib.schema.common/base-type]
  "If the `:target` of a parameter contains a `:field` clause, return the base type corresponding to the Field it
  references. Otherwise returns `nil`."
  [[_ target-field-clause]]
  (when-let [field-id (lib.util.match/match-one target-field-clause [:field (field-id :guard integer?) _] field-id)]
    (:base-type (lib.metadata.protocols/field ( field-id))))

Take an attr-value with a desired target-type and coerce to that type if need be. If not type is given or it's already correct, return the original attr-value

(defn- attr-value->param-value
  [target-type attr-value]
  (let [attr-string? (string? attr-value)]
      ;; If the attr-value is a string and the target type is integer, parse it as a long
      (and attr-string? (isa? target-type :type/Integer))
      (parse-long attr-value)
      ;; If the attr-value is a string and the target type is float, parse it as a double
      (and attr-string? (isa? target-type :type/Float))
      (parse-double attr-value)
      ;; No need to parse it if the type isn't numeric or if it's already a number
(defn- attr-remapping->parameter [login-attributes [attr-name target]]
  (let [attr-value      (get login-attributes attr-name)
        field-base-type (target-field->base-type target)]
    (when (not attr-value)
      (throw (ex-info (tru "Query requires user attribute `{0}`" (name attr-name))
                      {:type qp.error-type/missing-required-parameter})))
    {:type   :category
     :target target
     :value  (attr-value->param-value field-base-type attr-value)}))
(defn- gtap->parameters [{attribute-remappings :attribute_remappings}]
  (mapv (partial attr-remapping->parameter (:login_attributes @*current-user*))
(mu/defn- preprocess-source-query :- mbql.s/SourceQuery
  [source-query :- mbql.s/SourceQuery]
    (let [query        {:database (u/the-id (lib.metadata/database (
                        :type     :query
                        :query    source-query}
          preprocessed (lib/without-cleaning
                        (fn []
                            ((requiring-resolve 'metabase.query-processor.preprocess/preprocess) query))))]
      (select-keys (:query preprocessed) [:source-query :source-metadata]))
    (catch Throwable e
      (throw (ex-info (tru "Error preprocessing source query when applying GTAP: {0}" (ex-message e))
                      {:source-query source-query}
(defn- card-gtap->source
  [{card-id :card_id :as gtap}]
  (update-in (fetch-source-query-legacy/card-id->source-query-and-metadata card-id)
             [:source-query :parameters]
             (gtap->parameters gtap)))
(defn- table-gtap->source [{table-id :table_id, :as gtap}]
  {:source-query {:source-table table-id, :parameters (gtap->parameters gtap)}})
(mu/defn- mbql-query-metadata :- [:+ :map]
    ((requiring-resolve 'metabase.query-processor.preprocess/query->expected-cols)
     {:database (u/the-id (lib.metadata/database (
      :type     :query
      :query    inner-query})))

cache the original metadata for a little bit so we don't have to preprocess a query every time we apply sandboxing

(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([table-id])} original-table-metadata
   ^{::memoize/args-fn (fn [[table-id]]
                         [(mdb/unique-identifier) table-id])}
   (fn [table-id]
     (mbql-query-metadata {:source-table table-id}))
   :ttl/threshold (u/minutes->ms 1)))
(mu/defn- reconcile-metadata :- [:+ :map]
  "Combine the metadata in `source-query-metadata` with the `table-metadata` from the Table being sandboxed."
  [source-query-metadata :- [:+ :map] table-metadata]
  (let [col-name->table-metadata (m/index-by :name table-metadata)]
     (for [col   source-query-metadata
           :let  [table-col (get col-name->table-metadata (:name col))]
           :when table-col]
         (gtap/check-column-types-match col table-col)
(mu/defn- native-query-metadata :- [:+ :map]
  [source-query :- [:map [:source-query :any]]]
  (let [result
        ;; Rebind *result* in case the outer query is being streamed back to the client. The streaming code binds this
        ;; to a custom handler, and we don't want to accidentally terminate the stream here!
        (binding [qp.pipeline/*result* qp.pipeline/default-result-handler]
            ((requiring-resolve 'metabase.query-processor/process-query)
             {:database (u/the-id (lib.metadata/database (
              :type     :query
              :query    {:source-query source-query
                         :limit        0}})))]
    (or (-> result :data :results_metadata :columns not-empty)
        (throw (ex-info (tru "Error running query to determine metadata")
                        {:source-query source-query
                         :result       result})))))
(mu/defn- source-query-form-ensure-metadata :- [:and [:map-of :keyword :any]
                                                 [:source-query :any]
                                                 [:source-metadata [:+ :map]]]]
  "Add `:source-metadata` to a `source-query` if needed. If the source metadata had to be resolved (because Card with
  `card-id`) didn't already have it, save it so we don't have to resolve it again next time around."
  [{:keys [source-metadata], :as source-query} :- [:and [:map-of :keyword :any] [:map [:source-query :any]]]
   table-id                                    :-
   card-id                                     :- [:maybe]]
  (let [table-metadata   (original-table-metadata table-id)
        ;; make sure source query has `:source-metadata`; add it if needed
        [metadata save?] (cond
                           ;; if it already has `:source-metadata`, we're good to go.
                           (seq source-metadata)
                           [source-metadata false]
                           ;; if it doesn't have source metadata, but it's an MBQL query, we can preprocess the query to
                           ;; get the expected metadata.
                           (not (get-in source-query [:source-query :native]))
                           [(mbql-query-metadata source-query) true]
                           ;; otherwise if it's a native query we'll have to run the query really quickly to get the
                           ;; expected metadata.
                           [(native-query-metadata source-query) true])
        metadata (reconcile-metadata metadata table-metadata)]
    (assert (seq metadata))
    ;; save the result metadata so we don't have to do it again next time if applicable
    (when (and card-id save?)
      (log/tracef "Saving results metadata for GTAP Card %s" card-id)
      (t2/update! :model/Card card-id {:result_metadata metadata}))
    ;; make sure the fetched Fields are present the QP store
    (when-let [field-ids (not-empty (filter some? (map :id metadata)))]
      (lib.metadata/bulk-metadata-or-throw ( :metadata/column field-ids))
    (assoc source-query :source-metadata metadata)))
(mu/defn- gtap->source :- [:map
                           [:source-query :any]
                           [:source-metadata {:optional true} [:sequential mbql.s/SourceQueryMetadata]]]
  "Get the source query associated with a `gtap`."
  [{card-id :card_id, table-id :table_id, :as gtap} :- :map]
  (-> ((if card-id
         table-gtap->source) gtap)
      (source-query-form-ensure-metadata table-id card-id)))

Returns the set of table IDs which are used by the given sandbox. These are the sandboxed table itself, as well as any linked tables referenced via fields in the attribute remappings. This is the set of tables which need to be excluded from subsequent permission checks in order to run the sandboxed query.

(defn- sandbox->table-ids
  [{table-id :table_id, attribute-remappings :attribute_remappings}]
   (for [target-field-clause (vals attribute-remappings)]
     (lib.util.match/match-one target-field-clause
       [:field (field-id :guard integer?) _]
       (:table-id (lib.metadata.protocols/field ( field-id))))
   (cons table-id)
   (remove nil?)

Calculate the permissions needed to run the query associated with a sandbox, which are implitly granted to the current user during the normal QP perms check.

Background: when applying sandboxing, we don't want the QP perms check middleware to throw an Exception if the Current User doesn't have permissions to run the underlying sandboxed query, which will likely be greater than what they actually have. (For example, a User might have sandboxed query perms for Table 15, which is why we're applying a sandbox in the first place; the actual perms required to normally run the underlying sandbox query is more likely something like full query perms for Table 15.) The QP perms check middleware subtracts this set from the set of required permissions, allowing the user to run their sandboxed query.

(mu/defn- sandbox->required-perms
  [{card-id :card_id :as sandbox}]
  (if card-id
    ( card-id
      (query-perms/required-perms-for-query (:dataset-query (lib.metadata.protocols/card ( card-id))
                                            :throw-exceptions? true))
    (let [table-ids (sandbox->table-ids sandbox)
          table-id->db-id (into {} (mapv (juxt identity database/table-id->database-id) table-ids))
          unblocked-table-ids (filter (fn [table-id] (data-perms/user-has-permission-for-table?
                                                      (get table-id->db-id table-id)
      ;; Here, we grant view-data to only unblocked table ids. Otherwise sandboxed users with a joined table that's
      ;; _blocked_ can be queried against from the query builder
      {:perms/view-data (zipmap unblocked-table-ids (repeat :unrestricted))
       :perms/create-queries (zipmap table-ids (repeat :query-builder))})))

The shape of permissions maps is a little odd, and using m/deep-merge doesn't give us exactly what we want. In particular, if we need query-builder-and-native at the database level, but :query-builder at the table level, the permissions maps will look like:

  • {:perms/create-queries :query-builder-and-native}
  • {:perms/create-queries {1 :query-builder}}

Currently, we never require a lower level permission at the database level, so it's ok to just say that the db-level permissions always win. If we ever wanted to merge something like `{:perms/create-queries {1 :query-builder-and-native}}with{:perms/create-queries :query-builder}`, this would break down and we'd probably want to modify the shape of the permissions-maps themselves.

(defn- merge-perms
  ([perms-a] perms-a)
  ([perms-a perms-b]
   (reduce (fn [merged [k v]]
             (update merged k (fn [old-v]
                                  (keyword? old-v) old-v
                                  (keyword? v) v
                                  (and (map? old-v) (map? v))
                                  (merge old-v v)
                                  :else v))))
           (or perms-a {})
           (seq perms-b)))
  ([perms-a perms-b & more]
   (reduce merge-perms perms-a (cons perms-b more))))
(defn- sandboxes->required-perms [sandboxes]
  (apply merge-perms (map sandbox->required-perms sandboxes)))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Middleware | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

------------------------------------------ apply-row-level-permissions -------------------------------------------

Apply a GTAP to map m (e.g. a Join or inner query), replacing its :source-table/:source-query with the GTAP :source-query.

(defn- apply-gtap
  [m gtap]
  ;; Only infer source query metadata for JOINS that use `:fields :all`. That's the only situation in which we
  ;; absolutely *need* to infer source query metadata (we need to know the columns returned by the source query so we
  ;; can generate the join against ALL fields). It's better not to infer the source metadata if we don't NEED to,
  ;; because we might be inferring the wrong thing. See comments above -- in practice a GTAP should have the same
  ;; columns as the Table it replaces, but this constraint is not enforced anywhere. If we infer metadata and the GTAP
  ;; turns out *not* to match exactly, the query could break. So only infer it in cases where the query would
  ;; definitely break otherwise.
  (u/prog1 (merge
            (dissoc m :source-table :source-query)
            (gtap->source gtap))
    (log/tracef "Applied GTAP: replaced\n%swith\n%s"
                (u/pprint-to-str 'yellow m)
                (u/pprint-to-str 'green <>))))

Replace :source-table entries that refer to Tables for which we have applicable GTAPs with :source-query entries from their GTAPs.

(defn- apply-gtaps
  [m table-id->gtap]
  ;; replace maps that have `:source-table` key and a matching entry in `table-id->gtap`, but do not have `::gtap?` key
  (lib.util.match/replace m
    (_ :guard (every-pred map? (complement ::gtap?) :source-table #(get table-id->gtap (:source-table %))))
    (let [updated             (apply-gtap &match (get table-id->gtap (:source-table &match)))
          ;; now recursively apply gtaps anywhere else they might exist at this level, e.g. `:joins`
          recursively-updated (merge
                               (select-keys updated [:source-table :source-query])
                               (apply-gtaps (dissoc updated :source-table :source-query) table-id->gtap))]
      ;; add a `::gtap?` key next to every `:source-table` key so when we do a second pass after adding JOINs they
      ;; don't get processed again
      (lib.util.match/replace recursively-updated
        (_ :guard (every-pred map? :source-table))
        (assoc &match ::gtap? true)))))
(defn- expected-cols [query]
    ((requiring-resolve 'metabase.query-processor.preprocess/query->expected-cols) query)))

Apply GTAPs to query and return the updated version of query.

(defn- gtapped-query
  [original-query table-id->gtap]
  (let [sandboxed-query (apply-gtaps original-query table-id->gtap)]
    (if (= sandboxed-query original-query)
      (-> sandboxed-query
          (assoc ::original-metadata (expected-cols original-query))
          (update-in [::query-perms/perms :gtaps]
                     (fn [required-perms] (merge required-perms
                                                 (sandboxes->required-perms (vals table-id->gtap)))))))))
(def ^:private default-recursion-limit 20)
(def ^:private ^:dynamic *recursion-limit* default-recursion-limit)

Pre-processing middleware. Replaces source tables a User was querying against with source queries that (presumably) restrict the rows returned, based on presence of sandboxes.

(defenterprise apply-sandboxing
  :feature :sandboxes
  (if-not api/*is-superuser?*
    (or (when-let [table-id->gtap (when *current-user-id*
                                    (query->table-id->gtap query))]
          (let [gtapped-query (gtapped-query query table-id->gtap)]
            (if (not= query gtapped-query)
              ;; Applying GTAPs to the query may have introduced references to tables that are also sandboxed,
              ;; so we need to recursively appby the middleware until new queries are not returned.
              (if (= *recursion-limit* 0)
                (throw (ex-info (trs "Reached recursion limit of {0} in \"apply-sandboxing\" middleware"
                (binding [*recursion-limit* (dec *recursion-limit*)]
                  (apply-sandboxing gtapped-query)))


Merge column metadata from the non-sandboxed version of the query into the sandboxed results metadata. This way the final results metadata coming back matches what we'd get if the query was not running in a sandbox.

(defn- merge-metadata
  [original-metadata metadata]
  (letfn [(merge-cols [cols]
            (let [col-name->expected-col (m/index-by :name original-metadata)]
              (for [col cols]
                 (get col-name->expected-col (:name col))))))]
    (update metadata :cols merge-cols)))

Post-processing middleware. Merges in column metadata from the original, unsandboxed version of the query.

(defenterprise merge-sandboxing-metadata
  :feature :sandboxes
  [{::keys [original-metadata] :as query} rff]
  (fn merge-sandboxing-metadata-rff* [metadata]
    (let [metadata (assoc metadata :is_sandboxed (some? (get-in query [::query-perms/perms :gtaps])))
          metadata (if original-metadata
                     (merge-metadata original-metadata metadata)
      (rff metadata))))