Model definition for sandboxes, aka Group Table Access Policies (old name). A sandbox is used to control access to a certain Table for a certain PermissionsGroup. Whenever a member of that group attempts to query the Table in question, a Saved Question specified by the GTAP is instead used as the source of the query. See documentation in [[metabase.permissions.models.permissions]] for more information about the Metabase permissions system. | (ns (:require [medley.core :as m] [metabase.audit :as audit] [metabase.legacy-mbql.normalize :as mbql.normalize] [metabase.models.database :as database] [metabase.models.interface :as mi] [ :as data-perms] [metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader] [metabase.premium-features.core :refer [defenterprise]] [metabase.query-processor.error-type :as qp.error-type] [metabase.request.core :as request] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms] [methodical.core :as methodical] [toucan2.core :as t2])) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
(methodical/defmethod t2/table-name :model/GroupTableAccessPolicy [_model] :sandboxes) | |
(doto :model/GroupTableAccessPolicy (derive :metabase/model) ;;; only admins can work with sandboxes (derive ::mi/read-policy.superuser) (derive ::mi/write-policy.superuser)) | |
(defn- normalize-attribute-remapping-targets [attribute-remappings] (m/map-vals mbql.normalize/normalize attribute-remappings)) | |
(t2/deftransforms :model/GroupTableAccessPolicy {:attribute_remappings {:in (comp mi/json-in normalize-attribute-remapping-targets) :out (comp normalize-attribute-remapping-targets mi/json-out-without-keywordization)}}) | |
Return a mapping of field names to corresponding cols for given table. | (defn table-field-names->cols [table-id] (into {} (for [col (request/with-current-user nil ((requiring-resolve 'metabase.query-processor.preprocess/query->expected-cols) {:database (database/table-id->database-id table-id) :type :query :query {:source-table table-id}}))] [(:name col) col]))) |
Assert that the base type of | (defn check-column-types-match {:arglists '([col table-col])} [col {table-col-base-type :base_type}] ;; These errors might get triggered by API endpoints or by the QP (this code is used in the ;; `row-level-restrictions` middleware). So include `:type` and `:status-code` information in the ExceptionInfo ;; data so it can be passed along if applicable. (when table-col-base-type (when-not (isa? (keyword (:base_type col)) table-col-base-type) (let [msg (tru "Sandbox Questions can''t return columns that have different types than the Table they are sandboxing.")] (throw (ex-info msg {:type qp.error-type/bad-configuration :status-code 400 :message msg :new-col col :expected table-col-base-type :actual (:base_type col)})))))) |
Merges a single sandboxing policy into the permissions graph. Adjusts permissions at the database or schema level, ensuring table-level permissions are set appropriately. | (defn- merge-sandbox-into-graph [graph group-id table-id db-id schema perm-location sandbox-value] (let [db-path (concat [group-id db-id] perm-location) db-perm (get-in graph db-path) schema-perm (get db-perm schema) default-table-perm (if (keyword? db-perm) db-perm (when (keyword schema-perm) schema-perm)) ;; If perms were set at the database or schema-level before, we might need to add granular values for all tables ;; in the database or schema, so they show correctly in the UI. tables (when (or (keyword? db-perm) (keyword? schema-perm)) (t2/select [:model/Table :id :db_id :schema] {:where [:and [:= :db_id db-id] (when (keyword? schema-perm) [:= :schema schema])]})) ;; Remove the overarching database or schema permission so that we can add the granular table-level permissions graph (cond (and tables (keyword? db-perm)) (m/dissoc-in graph db-path) (and tables (keyword? schema-perm)) (m/dissoc-in graph (concat db-path [(or schema "")])) :else graph) ;; Apply granular permissions to each table granular-graph (if tables (reduce (fn [g {:keys [id schema]}] (assoc-in g (concat db-path [(or schema "") id]) default-table-perm)) graph tables) graph)] ;; Set `:segmented` (aka sandboxed) permissions for the target table (assoc-in granular-graph (concat db-path [(or schema "") table-id]) sandbox-value))) |
Augments a provided permissions graph with active sandboxing policies. | (defenterprise add-sandboxes-to-permissions-graph :feature :sandboxes [graph & {:keys [group-ids group-id db-id audit?]}] (let [sandboxes (t2/select :model/GroupTableAccessPolicy {:select [:s.group_id :s.table_id :t.db_id :t.schema] :from [[:sandboxes :s]] :join [[:metabase_table :t] [:= :s.table_id]] :where [:and (when group-id [:= :s.group_id group-id]) (when group-ids [:in :s.group_id group-ids]) (when db-id [:= :t.db_id db-id]) (when-not audit? [:not [:= :t.db_id audit/audit-db-id]])]})] ;; Incorporate each sandbox policy into the permissions graph. (reduce (fn [acc {:keys [group_id table_id db_id schema]}] (merge-sandbox-into-graph acc group_id table_id db_id schema [:view-data] :sandboxed)) graph sandboxes))) |
Make sure the result metadata data columns for the Card associated with a sandbox match up with the columns in the Table that's getting sandboxed The base types of the Card columns can derive from the respective base types of the columns in the Table itself, but you cannot return an entirely different type. Extra columns in the sandboxing Card are ignored. | (mu/defn check-columns-match-table ([{card-id :card_id, table-id :table_id}] ;; not all sandboxes have Cards (when card-id ;; not all Cards have saved result metadata (when-let [result-metadata (t2/select-one-fn :result_metadata :model/Card :id card-id)] (check-columns-match-table table-id result-metadata)))) ([table-id :- ms/PositiveInt result-metadata-columns] ;; prevent circular refs (classloader/require 'metabase.query-processor) (let [table-cols (table-field-names->cols table-id)] (doseq [col result-metadata-columns :let [table-col (get table-cols (:name col))]] (check-column-types-match col table-col))))) |
If a Card is updated, and its result metadata changes, check that these changes do not violate the constraints placed on sandboxes (the Card cannot add fields or change types vs. the original Table). | (defenterprise pre-update-check-sandbox-constraints :feature :sandboxes [{new-result-metadata :result_metadata, card-id :id}] (when new-result-metadata (when-let [gtaps-using-this-card (not-empty (t2/select [:model/GroupTableAccessPolicy :id :table_id] :card_id card-id))] (let [original-result-metadata (t2/select-one-fn :result_metadata :model/Card :id card-id)] (when-not (= original-result-metadata new-result-metadata) (doseq [{table-id :table_id} gtaps-using-this-card] (try (check-columns-match-table table-id new-result-metadata) (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e (throw (ex-info (str (tru "Cannot update Card: Card is used for Sandboxing, and updates would violate sandbox rules.") " " (.getMessage e)) (ex-data e) e)))))))))) |
Create new | (defenterprise upsert-sandboxes! :feature :sandboxes [sandboxes] (doall (for [sandbox sandboxes] (if-let [id (:id sandbox)] ;; Only update `card_id` and/or `attribute_remappings` if the values are present in the body of the request. ;; This allows existing values to be "cleared" by being set to nil (do (when (some #(contains? sandbox %) [:card_id :attribute_remappings]) (t2/update! :model/GroupTableAccessPolicy id (u/select-keys-when sandbox :present #{:card_id :attribute_remappings}))) (t2/select-one :model/GroupTableAccessPolicy :id id)) (first (t2/insert-returning-instances! :model/GroupTableAccessPolicy sandbox)))))) |
(t2/define-before-insert :model/GroupTableAccessPolicy [{:keys [table_id group_id], :as gtap}] (let [db-id (database/table-id->database-id table_id)] ;; Remove native query access to the DB when saving a sandbox (when (= (data-perms/table-permission-for-groups #{group_id} :perms/create-queries db-id table_id) :query-builder-and-native) (data-perms/set-database-permission! group_id db-id :perms/create-queries :query-builder))) (u/prog1 gtap (check-columns-match-table gtap))) | |
(t2/define-before-update :model/GroupTableAccessPolicy [{:keys [id], :as updates}] (u/prog1 updates (let [original (t2/original updates) updated (merge original updates)] (when-not (= (:table_id original) (:table_id updated)) (throw (ex-info (tru "You cannot change the table ID of a sandbox once it has been created.") {:id id :status-code 400}))) (when (:card_id updates) (check-columns-match-table updated))))) | |