(ns metabase-enterprise.impersonation.util
   [metabase-enterprise.impersonation.driver :as impersonation.driver]
   [metabase.api.common :refer [*current-user-id* *is-superuser?*]]
   [metabase.premium-features.core :refer [defenterprise]]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))

Returns a boolean if the current user has a connection impersonation policy which should be enforced for the provided database. Will throw an error if [[api/current-user-id]] is not bound.

(defenterprise impersonation-enforced-for-db?
  :feature :advanced-permissions
   (when-not *is-superuser?*
     (if *current-user-id*
       (seq (impersonation.driver/enforced-impersonations-for-db db-or-id))
       ;; If no *current-user-id* is bound we can't check for impersonations, so we should throw in this case to avoid
       ;; returning `false` for users who should actually be using impersonation.
       (throw (ex-info (str (tru "No current user found"))
                       {:status-code 403}))))))

Returns a boolean if the current user is in a group that has a connection impersonation in place for any database. Note: this function does not check whether the impersonation is enforced for the current user, since another group's permissions may supercede it. Will throw an error if [[api/current-user-id]] is not bound.

TODO: this function should only return true if an impersonation policy is enforced for the user

(defenterprise impersonated-user?
  :feature :advanced-permissions
   (when-not *is-superuser?*
     (if *current-user-id*
       (let [group-ids (t2/select-fn-set :group_id :model/PermissionsGroupMembership :user_id *current-user-id*)]
          (when (seq group-ids)
            (t2/select :model/ConnectionImpersonation :group_id [:in group-ids]))))
       ;; If no *current-user-id* is bound we can't check for impersonations, so we should throw in this case to avoid
       ;; returning `false` for users who should actually be using impersonation.
       (throw (ex-info (str (tru "No current user found"))
                       {:status-code 403}))))))