| (ns metabase-enterprise.billing.api (:require [clj-http.client :as http] [clojure.core.memoize :as memoize] [clojure.string :as str] [java-time.api :as t] [metabase.api.common :as api] [metabase.api.macros :as api.macros] [metabase.premium-features.core :as premium-features] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.date-2.parse :as u.date.parse] [metabase.util.i18n :as i18n] [metabase.util.json :as json] [toucan2.core :as t2]) (:import [com.fasterxml.jackson.core JsonParseException])) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
(def ^:private ^String metabase-billing-info-url "https://store-api.metabase.com/api/v2/metabase/billing_info") | |
(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([token email language])} fetch-billing-status* (memoize/ttl ^{::memoize/args-fn (fn [[token email language]] [token email language])} (fn [token email language] (try (some-> metabase-billing-info-url (http/get {:basic-auth [email token] :language language :content-type :json}) :body json/decode+kw) (catch JsonParseException _ {:content nil}))) :ttl/threshold (u/minutes->ms 5))) | |
(defn- valid-thru [] (some->> (premium-features/token-status) :valid-thru u.date.parse/parse (t/format "MMMM d, YYYY"))) | |
Returns content that powers the billing page in certain circumstances. | (defn billing-status [] (let [max-users (premium-features/max-users-allowed) ;; There is a defsetting for user count, but it is only updated every 5 minutes, and this should be exactly up ;; to date here: total-users (t2/count :model/User :is_active true, :type :personal)] {:version "v1" :content [{:name "Users included in your plan" :value max-users :format "integer" :display "value"} {:name "Users available" :value (- max-users total-users) :format "integer" :display "value"} {:name "Token expiration date" :value (valid-thru) :format "string" :display "value"} {:name "Plan" :value "Enterprise Airgap" :format "string" :display "value"}]})) |
(api.macros/defendpoint :get "/" "Get billing information. This acts as a proxy between `metabase-billing-info-url` and the client, using the embedding token and signed in user's email to fetch the billing information." [] (let [token (premium-features/premium-embedding-token) email (t2/select-one-fn :email :model/User :id api/*current-user-id*) language (i18n/user-locale-string)] (if (and token (str/starts-with? token "airgap_")) (billing-status) (fetch-billing-status* token email language)))) | |