Shared stuff used by various EE-only API routes.

(ns metabase-enterprise.api.routes.common
   [metabase.public-settings.premium-features :as premium-features]
   [metabase.util.i18n :as i18n]))

Wraps Ring handler. Check that we have a premium token with feature (a keyword; see [[metabase.public-settings.premium-features]] for a current known features) or return a 401 if it is not.

(context "/whatever" [] (+require-premium-feature :sandboxes (deferred-tru "Sandboxes") whatever/routes))

Very important! Make sure you only wrap handlers inside [[compojure.core/context]] forms with this middleware (as in example above). Otherwise it can end up causing requests the handler would not have handled anyway to fail. Use [[when-premium-feature]] instead if you want the handler to apply if we have the premium feature but pass-thru if we do not.

(defn +require-premium-feature
  [feature feature-name handler]
  (assert (i18n/localized-string? feature-name), "`feature-name` must be i18ned")
   (fn [request respond raise]
     (premium-features/assert-has-feature feature feature-name)
     (handler request respond raise))
   (meta handler)))

Wraps Ring handler. Only applies handler if we have a premium token with feature; if not, passes thru to the next handler.

(+when-premium-feature :sandboxes (+auth table/routes))

This is typically used to replace OSS versions of API endpoints with special implementations that live in EE-land. If the endpoint only exists in EE you should use [[+require-premium-feature]] instead which will give the API user a useful error message if the endpoint is not available because they do not have the token feature in question, rather than a generic 'endpoint does not exist' 404 error.

In general, it's probably better NOT to swap out API endpoints, because it's not obvious at all that it happened, and it makes it hard for us to nicely structure our contexts in [[metabase-enterprise.api.routes/routes]]. So only do this if there's absolutely no other way (which is probably not the case).

(defn ^:deprecated +when-premium-feature
  [feature handler]
  (fn [request respond raise]
    (if-not (premium-features/has-feature? feature)
      (respond nil)
      (handler request respond raise))))