(ns metabase-enterprise.advanced-permissions.query-processor.middleware.permissions
   [clojure.set :as set]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [metabase.api.common :as api]
   [metabase.lib.metadata.protocols :as lib.metadata.protocols]
   [metabase.models.data-permissions :as data-perms]
   [metabase.models.query.permissions :as query-perms]
   [metabase.public-settings.premium-features :refer [defenterprise]]
   [metabase.query-processor.error-type :as qp.error-type]
   [metabase.query-processor.store :as qp.store]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]]))
(def ^:private max-rows-in-limited-downloads 10000)

Returns true if this query is being used to generate a CSV/JSON/XLSX export.

(defn- is-download?
  (some-> query :info :context name (str/includes? "download")))
(defmulti ^:private current-user-download-perms-level :type)
(defmethod current-user-download-perms-level :default
(defmethod current-user-download-perms-level :native
  [{database :database}]
  (data-perms/native-download-permission-for-user api/*current-user-id* database))
(defmethod current-user-download-perms-level :query
  [{db-id :database, :as query}]
  (let [{:keys [table-ids card-ids native?]} (query-perms/query->source-ids query)
        table-perms (if native?
                      ;; If we detect any native subqueries/joins, even with source-card IDs, require full native
                      ;; download perms
                      #{(data-perms/native-download-permission-for-user api/*current-user-id* db-id)}
                      (set (map (fn table-perms-lookup [table-id]
                                  (data-perms/table-permission-for-user api/*current-user-id* :perms/download-results db-id table-id))
        card-perms  (set
                     ;; If we have any card references in the query, check perms recursively
                     (map (fn card-perms-lookup [card-id]
                            (let [{query :dataset-query} (lib.metadata.protocols/card (qp.store/metadata-provider) card-id)]
                              (current-user-download-perms-level query)))
        perms       (set/union table-perms card-perms)]
     ;; The download perm level for a query should be equal to the lowest perm level of any table referenced by the query.
    (or (perms :no)
        (perms :ten-thousand-rows)

Pre-processing middleware to apply row limits to MBQL export queries if the user has ten-thousand-rows download perms. This does not apply to native queries, which are instead limited by the [[limit-download-result-rows]] post-processing middleware.

(defenterprise apply-download-limit
  :feature :advanced-permissions
  [{query-type :type, {original-limit :limit} :query, :as query}]
  (if (and (is-download? query)
           (= query-type :query)
           (= (current-user-download-perms-level query) :ten-thousand-rows))
    (assoc-in query
              [:query :limit]
              (apply min (filter some? [original-limit max-rows-in-limited-downloads])))

Post-processing middleware to limit the number of rows included in downloads if the user has limited download perms. Mainly useful for native queries, which are not modified by the [[apply-download-limit]] pre-processing middleware.

(defenterprise limit-download-result-rows
  :feature :advanced-permissions
  [query rff]
  (if (and (is-download? query)
           (= (current-user-download-perms-level query) :ten-thousand-rows))
    (fn limit-download-result-rows* [metadata]
      ((take max-rows-in-limited-downloads) (rff metadata)))

Middleware for queries that generate downloads, which checks that the user has permissions to download the results of the query, and aborts the query or limits the number of results if necessary.

If this query is not run to generate an export (e.g. :export-format is :api) we return user's download permissions in the query metadata so that the frontend can determine whether to show the download option on the UI.

(defenterprise check-download-permissions
  :feature :advanced-permissions
  (fn [query rff]
    (let [download-perms-level (if api/*current-user-id*
                                 (current-user-download-perms-level query)
                                 ;; If no user is bound, assume full download permissions (e.g. for public questions)
      (when (and (is-download? query)
                 (= download-perms-level :no))
        (throw (ex-info (tru "You do not have permissions to download the results of this query.")
                        {:type qp.error-type/missing-required-permissions
                         :permissions-error? true})))
      (qp query
          (fn rff* [metadata] (rff (some-> metadata
                                           ;; Convert to API-style value names for the FE, for now
                                           (assoc :download_perms (case download-perms-level
                                                                    :no :none
                                                                    :ten-thousand-rows :limited
                                                                    :one-million-rows :full)))))))))