(ns metabase-enterprise.advanced-config.file.interface
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]))

Spec that should be used to validate the config section with section-name, e.g. :users. Default spec is [[any?]].

Sections are validated BEFORE template expansion, so as to avoid leaking any sensitive values in spec errors. Write your specs accordingly!

Implementations of this method live in other namespaces. For example, the section spec for the :users section lives in [[metabase.models.user]].

(defmulti section-spec
  {:arglists '([section-name])}
(defmethod section-spec :default

Execute initialization code for the section of the init config file with the key section-name and value section-config.

Implementations of this method live in other namespaces, for example the method for the :users section (to initialize Users) lives in [[metabase.models.user]].

(defmulti initialize-section!
  {:arglists '([section-name section-config])}
  (fn [section-name _section-config]
    (keyword section-name)))

if we don't know how to initialize a particular section, just log a warning and proceed. This way we can be forward-compatible and handle sections that might be unknown in a particular version of Metabase.

(defmethod initialize-section! :default
  [section-name _section-config]
  (log/warn (u/format-color :yellow "Ignoring unknown config section %s." (pr-str section-name))))