Cross-platform version of clojure.core.memoize.

In CLJ this re-exports some of the public functions from clojure.core.memoize. In CLJS it implements the same design in CLJS.

There are also some extra memoization tools here, like [[fast-memo]] and [[fast-bounded]].

(ns metabase.util.memoize
   #?@(:clj  ([clojure.core.memoize :as memoize])
       :cljs ([metabase.util.memoize.impl.js :as memoize]))
   [metabase.util.memoize.impl.bounded :as bounded]
   [metabase.util.namespaces :as shared.ns]))

Memoizes a function with zero overhead on a hit, but keeping to a bounded size.

This is intended for functions that have many calls and nearly always hit. We want to use [[memo]] but are concerned about leaking memory if the set of inputs isn't bounded.

It works by checking the cache size only on a miss: if it has reached the (configurable) threshold, then **discard the cache* and start over with an empty map. There's no bookkeeping overhead on a *hit, which keeps the frequent hits very fast. The cost is that it will occasionally recompute even the most frequently hit values.

The threshold is intended to be big enough to hold everything forever! It's just there as a safety valve in case the input set is larger than expected.

This is not quite a drop-in replacement for [[memo]] (or clojure.core/memoize) because those will never call the inner function twice for the same arguments, but this will.

Default :bounded/threshold is 1024.

(defn bounded
  ([f] (bounded f :bounded/threshold 1024))
  ([f tkey threshold]
   (assert (= tkey :bounded/threshold) (str "wrong parameter tkey " tkey))
   (memoize/memoizer f (bounded/bounded-cache-factory {} threshold) {})))

Variant of [[memo]] that optimizes a common special case: a function with only a single argument, where that argument makes a good map key.

In CLJ, this uses ConcurrentHashMap.computeIfAbsent in Clojure for a significant speedup. Note that this also doesn't support the memoization API like memo-swap!, memoized? etc. The key should have a good Object.hashCode; Clojure values like strings and keywords have this built in.

See this thread for an analysis of the performance

In CLJS, this is identical to [[memo]], but it's defined in both dialects for convenience.

(defn fast-memo
  #?(:clj  (let [cache      (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.)
                 mapping-fn (reify java.util.function.Function
                              (apply [_this k]
                                (f k)))]
             (fn [k]
               (.computeIfAbsent cache k mapping-fn)))
     :cljs (memoize/memo f)))

Variant of [[bounded]] that optimizes a common special case: a function with only a single argument, where that argument makes a good map key.

In CLJ, this uses ConcurrentHashMap.computeIfAbsent in Clojure for a significant speedup. Note that this also doesn't support the memoization API like memo-swap!, memoized? etc. The key should have a good Object.hashCode; Clojure values like strings and keywords have this built in.

In CLJS, this is identical to [[bounded]], but it's defined in both dialects for convenience.

(defn fast-bounded
  ([f] (fast-bounded f :bounded/threshold 1024))
  ([f tkey threshold]
   (assert (= tkey :bounded/threshold) (str "wrong parameter tkey " tkey))
   #?(:clj  (let [cache      (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.)
                  mapping-fn (reify java.util.function.Function
                               (apply [_this k]
                                 (f k)))]
              (fn [k]
                (when (>= (.size cache) threshold)
                  ;; If the cache gets too large, empty it in place.
                  (.clear cache))
                (.computeIfAbsent cache k mapping-fn)))
      :cljs (bounded f tkey threshold))))