Malli schemas for string, temporal, number, and boolean literals.

(ns metabase.lib.schema.literal
       ([java-time.api :as t]))
   #?@(:clj ([metabase.lib.schema.literal.jvm]))
   [metabase.lib.schema.common :as common]
   [metabase.lib.schema.expression :as expression]
   [metabase.lib.schema.mbql-clause :as mbql-clause]
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]
   [metabase.util.time.impl-common :as u.time.impl-common]))
(defmethod expression/type-of-method :dispatch-type/nil
(defmethod expression/type-of-method :dispatch-type/boolean
   (defn- big-int? [x]
     (or (instance? java.math.BigInteger x)
         (instance? clojure.lang.BigInt x))))
(mr/def ::integer
  #?(:clj [:multi
           {:dispatch big-int?}
           [true  :metabase.lib.schema.literal.jvm/big-integer]
           [false :int]]
     :cljs :int))
(defmethod expression/type-of-method :dispatch-type/integer

we should probably also restrict this to disallow NaN and positive/negative infinity, I don't know in what universe we'd want to allow those if they're not disallowed already.

(mr/def ::non-integer-real
  #?(:clj [:or
     :cljs :double))
(defmethod expression/type-of-method :dispatch-type/number
  ;; `:type/Float` is the 'base type' of all non-integer real number types in [[metabase.types]] =(

TODO -- these temporal literals could be a little stricter, right now they are pretty permissive, you shouldn't be allowed to have month 13 or 02-29 for example

   {:error/message "date string literal"}
   {:error/message "timezone offset string literal"}
(mr/def ::string.time
    {:error/message "local time string literal"}
    {:error/message "offset time string literal"}
(mr/def ::string.datetime
    {:error/message "local date time string literal"}
    {:error/message "offset date time string literal"}
(defmethod expression/type-of-method :dispatch-type/string
  (condp mr/validate s
    ::string.datetime #{:type/Text :type/DateTime}     #{:type/Text :type/Date}
    ::string.time     #{:type/Text :type/Time}
(mr/def ::date
  #?(:clj  [:or
             {:error/message    "instance of java.time.LocalDate"
              :encode/serialize str}]
(mr/def ::time
  #?(:clj [:or
           {:doc/title "time literal"}
            {:error/message    "instance of java.time.LocalTime"
             :encode/serialize str}]
            {:error/message    "instance of java.time.OffsetTime"
             :encode/serialize str}]]
     :cljs ::string.time))
(mr/def ::datetime
  #?(:clj [:or
            {:error/message    "instance of java.time.LocalDateTime"
             :encode/serialize str}]
            {:error/message    "instance of java.time.OffsetDateTime"
             :encode/serialize str}]
            {:error/message    "instance of java.time.ZonedDateTime"
             :encode/serialize #(str (t/offset-date-time %))}]]
     :cljs ::string.datetime))
(mr/def ::temporal

these are currently only allowed inside :absolute-datetime

(mr/def ::string.year-month
   {:error/message "year-month string literal"}
(mr/def ::string.year
   {:error/message "year string literal"}

:effective-type is required for :value clauses. This was not a rule in the legacy MBQL schema, but in actual usage they basically always have :base-type; in MLv2 we're trying to use :effective-type everywhere instead; These clauses are useless/pointless without type information anyway, so let's enforce this rule going forward. Conversion can take care of :base-type <=> :effective-type as needed.

(mr/def ::value.options
   [:ref ::common/options]
    [:effective-type ::common/base-type]]])

[:value ] clauses are mostly used internally by the query processor to add type information to literals, to make it easier for drivers to process queries; see the [[metabase.query-processor.middleware.wrap-value-literals]] middleware. It is also used to differentiate nil (as in no clause or value) from something intended to be NULL in a compiled query, and to associate type information with that nil. Even if this is mostly used internally, the schema still needs to know about it.

The schema itself does not currently enforce that the actual matches up with the :effective-type in the options map; this is only enforced in the QP. For now, it assumes you know what you are doing and takes your word for it when you say something has a given :effective-type.

(mbql-clause/define-mbql-clause :value
   {:error/message "Value :value clause"}
   #_tag   [:= {:decode/normalize common/normalize-keyword} :value]
   #_opts  [:ref ::value.options]
   #_value any?])
(mr/def ::literal