Malli schemas for string, temporal, number, and boolean literals. | (ns metabase.lib.schema.literal (:require #?@(:clj ([java-time.api :as t])) #?@(:clj ([metabase.lib.schema.literal.jvm])) [metabase.lib.schema.common :as common] [metabase.lib.schema.expression :as expression] [metabase.lib.schema.mbql-clause :as mbql-clause] [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr] [metabase.util.time.impl-common :as u.time.impl-common])) |
(defmethod expression/type-of-method :dispatch-type/nil [_nil] :type/*) | |
(defmethod expression/type-of-method :dispatch-type/boolean [_bool] :type/Boolean) | |
#?(:clj (defn- big-int? [x] (or (instance? java.math.BigInteger x) (instance? clojure.lang.BigInt x)))) | |
(mr/def ::integer #?(:clj [:multi {:dispatch big-int?} [true :metabase.lib.schema.literal.jvm/big-integer] [false :int]] :cljs :int)) | |
(defmethod expression/type-of-method :dispatch-type/integer [_int] :type/Integer) | |
we should probably also restrict this to disallow NaN and positive/negative infinity, I don't know in what universe we'd want to allow those if they're not disallowed already. | (mr/def ::non-integer-real #?(:clj [:or :double :metabase.lib.schema.literal.jvm/float :metabase.lib.schema.literal.jvm/big-decimal] :cljs :double)) |
(defmethod expression/type-of-method :dispatch-type/number [_non-integer-real] ;; `:type/Float` is the 'base type' of all non-integer real number types in [[metabase.types]] =( :type/Float) | |
TODO -- these temporal literals could be a little stricter, right now they are pretty permissive, you shouldn't be
allowed to have month | (mr/def [:re {:error/message "date string literal"} u.time.impl-common/local-date-regex]) |
(mr/def [:re {:error/message "timezone offset string literal"} u.time.impl-common/zone-offset-part-regex]) | |
(mr/def ::string.time [:or [:re {:error/message "local time string literal"} u.time.impl-common/local-time-regex] [:re {:error/message "offset time string literal"} u.time.impl-common/offset-time-regex]]) | |
(mr/def ::string.datetime [:or [:re {:error/message "local date time string literal"} u.time.impl-common/local-datetime-regex] [:re {:error/message "offset date time string literal"} u.time.impl-common/offset-datetime-regex]]) | |
(defmethod expression/type-of-method :dispatch-type/string [s] (condp mr/validate s ::string.datetime #{:type/Text :type/DateTime} #{:type/Text :type/Date} ::string.time #{:type/Text :type/Time} :type/Text)) | |
(mr/def ::date #?(:clj [:or [:time/local-date {:error/message "instance of java.time.LocalDate" :encode/serialize str}]] :cljs | |
(mr/def ::time #?(:clj [:or {:doc/title "time literal"} ::string.time [:time/local-time {:error/message "instance of java.time.LocalTime" :encode/serialize str}] [:time/offset-time {:error/message "instance of java.time.OffsetTime" :encode/serialize str}]] :cljs ::string.time)) | |
(mr/def ::datetime #?(:clj [:or ::string.datetime [:time/local-date-time {:error/message "instance of java.time.LocalDateTime" :encode/serialize str}] [:time/offset-date-time {:error/message "instance of java.time.OffsetDateTime" :encode/serialize str}] [:time/zoned-date-time {:error/message "instance of java.time.ZonedDateTime" :encode/serialize #(str (t/offset-date-time %))}]] :cljs ::string.datetime)) | |
(mr/def ::temporal [:or ::date ::time ::datetime]) | |
these are currently only allowed inside | |
(mr/def ::string.year-month [:re {:error/message "year-month string literal"} u.time.impl-common/year-month-regex]) | |
(mr/def ::string.year [:re {:error/message "year string literal"} u.time.impl-common/year-regex]) | |
| (mr/def ::value.options [:merge [:ref ::common/options] [:map [:effective-type ::common/base-type]]]) |
[:value The schema itself does not currently enforce that the actual | (mbql-clause/define-mbql-clause :value [:tuple {:error/message "Value :value clause"} #_tag [:= {:decode/normalize common/normalize-keyword} :value] #_opts [:ref ::value.options] #_value any?]) |
(mr/def ::literal [:or :nil :boolean :string ::integer ::non-integer-real ::temporal]) | |