Improve feedback loop for dealing with png rendering code. Will create images using the rendering that underpins pulses and subscriptions and open those images without needing to send them to slack or email. | (ns dev.render-png (:require [ :as csv] [ :as io] [dev.util :as dev.u] [hiccup.core :as hiccup] [ :as channel.render] [ :as img] [ :as png] [ :as style] [ :as email.result-attachment] [metabase.models.card :as card] [metabase.notification.payload.execute :as notification.payload.execute] [metabase.query-processor :as qp] [metabase.test :as mt] [metabase.util.markdown :as markdown] [toucan2.core :as t2]) (:import ( File))) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
Given a byte array, writes it to a temporary file, then opens that file in the default application for png files. | (defn open-png-bytes [bytes] (let [tmp-file (File/createTempFile "card-png" ".png")] (with-open [w ( tmp-file)] (.write w ^bytes bytes)) (.deleteOnExit tmp-file) (dev.u/os-open tmp-file))) |
Given a card ID, renders the card to a png and opens it. Be aware that the png rendered on a dev machine may not match what's rendered on another system, like a docker container. | (defn render-card-to-png [card-id] (let [{:keys [dataset_query result_metadata], card-type :type, :as card} (t2/select-one :model/Card :id card-id) query-results (qp/process-query (cond-> dataset_query (= card-type :model) (assoc-in [:info :metadata/model-metadata] result_metadata))) png-bytes (channel.render/render-pulse-card-to-png (channel.render/defaulted-timezone card) card query-results 1000)] (open-png-bytes png-bytes))) |
Render a pulse card as a data structure | (defn render-pulse-card [card-id] (let [{:keys [dataset_query] :as card} (t2/select-one :model/Card :id card-id) query-results (qp/process-query dataset_query)] (channel.render/render-pulse-card :inline (channel.render/defaulted-timezone card) card nil query-results))) |
Take a html string, then open it in the browser. | (defn open-html [html-str] (let [tmp-file (File/createTempFile "card-html" ".html")] (with-open [w (io/writer tmp-file)] (.write w ^String html-str)) (.deleteOnExit tmp-file) (dev.u/os-open tmp-file))) |
Take a hiccup data structure, render it as html, then open it in the browser. | (defn open-hiccup-as-html [hiccup] (open-html (hiccup/html hiccup))) |
Given a dashboard ID, renders each dashcard, including Markdown, to its own temporary png image, and opens each one. | (defn render-dashboard-to-pngs [dashboard-id] (let [user (t2/select-one :model/User) dashboard (t2/select-one :model/Dashboard :id dashboard-id) dashboard-results (notification.payload.execute/execute-dashboard (:id dashboard) (:id user) nil)] (doseq [{:keys [card dashcard result] :as dashboard-result} dashboard-results] (let [render (if card (channel.render/render-pulse-card :inline (channel.render/defaulted-timezone card) card dashcard result) {:content [:div {:style (style/style {:font-family "Lato" :font-size "0.875em" :font-weight "400" :font-style "normal" :color "#4c5773" :-moz-osx-font-smoothing "grayscale"})} (markdown/process-markdown (:text dashboard-result) :html)] :attachments nil}) png-bytes (-> render (png/render-html-to-png 1000)) tmp-file ( "card-png" ".png")] (with-open [w ( tmp-file)] (.write w ^bytes png-bytes)) (.deleteOnExit tmp-file) (dev.u/os-open tmp-file))))) |
(def ^:private table-style-map {:border "1px solid black" :border-collapse "collapse" :padding "5px"}) | |
(def ^:private table-style (style/style table-style-map)) | |
(def ^:private csv-row-limit 10) | |
(defn- csv-to-html-table [csv-string] (let [rows (csv/read-csv csv-string)] [:table {:style table-style} (for [row (take (inc csv-row-limit) rows)] ;; inc row-limit to include the header and the expected # of rows [:tr {:style table-style} (for [cell row] [:td {:style table-style} cell])])])) | |
(def ^:private result-attachment #'email.result-attachment/result-attachment) | |
(defn- render-csv-for-dashcard [part] (-> part (assoc-in [:card :include_csv] true) result-attachment first :content slurp csv-to-html-table)) | |
(defn- render-one-dashcard [{:keys [card dashcard result] :as dashboard-result}] (letfn [(cellfn [content] [:td {:style (style/style (merge table-style-map {:max-width "400px"}))} content])] (if card (let [base-render (channel.render/render-pulse-card :inline (channel.render/defaulted-timezone card) card dashcard result) html-src (-> base-render :content) img-src (-> base-render (png/render-html-to-png 1200) img/render-img-data-uri) csv-src (render-csv-for-dashcard dashboard-result)] [:tr (cellfn (:name card)) (cellfn [:img {:style (style/style {:max-width "400px"}) :src img-src}]) (cellfn html-src) (cellfn csv-src)]) [:tr (cellfn nil) (cellfn [:div {:style (style/style {:font-family "Lato" :font-size "13px" #_"0.875em" :font-weight "400" :font-style "normal" :color "#4c5773" :-moz-osx-font-smoothing "grayscale"})} (markdown/process-markdown (:text dashboard-result) :html)]) (cellfn nil)]))) | |
Given a dashboard ID, renders all of the dashcards to hiccup datastructure. | (defn render-dashboard-to-hiccup [dashboard-id] (let [user (t2/select-one :model/User) dashboard (t2/select-one :model/Dashboard :id dashboard-id) dashboard-results (notification.payload.execute/execute-dashboard (:id dashboard) (:id user) nil) render (->> (map render-one-dashcard (map #(assoc % :dashboard-id dashboard-id) dashboard-results)) (into [[:tr [:th {:style (style/style table-style-map)} "Card Name"] [:th {:style (style/style table-style-map)} "PNG"] [:th {:style (style/style table-style-map)} "HTML"] [:th {:style (style/style table-style-map)} "CSV"]]]) (into [:table {:style (style/style table-style-map)}]))] render)) |
Given a dashboard ID, renders all of the dashcards into an html document. | (defn render-dashboard-to-html [dashboard-id] (hiccup/html (render-dashboard-to-hiccup dashboard-id))) |
Given a dashboard ID, renders all of the dashcards to an html file and opens it. | (defn render-dashboard-to-html-and-open [dashboard-id] (let [html-str (render-dashboard-to-html dashboard-id) tmp-file (File/createTempFile "card-html" ".html")] (with-open [w (io/writer tmp-file)] (.write w ^String html-str)) (.deleteOnExit tmp-file) (dev.u/os-open tmp-file))) |
(comment ;; This form has 3 cards: ;; - A plain old question ;; - A model with user defined metadata ;; - A question based on that model ;; ;; The expected rendered results should be: ;; - The plain question will not have custom formatting applied ;; - The model and derived query will have custom formatting applied (mt/dataset sample-dataset (mt/with-temp [:model/Card {base-card-id :id} {:dataset_query {:database (mt/id) :type :query :query {:source-table (mt/id :orders) :expressions {"Tax Rate" [:/ [:field (mt/id :orders :tax) {:base-type :type/Float}] [:field (mt/id :orders :total) {:base-type :type/Float}]]}, :fields [[:field (mt/id :orders :tax) {:base-type :type/Float}] [:field (mt/id :orders :total) {:base-type :type/Float}] [:expression "Tax Rate"]] :limit 10}}} :model/Card {model-card-id :id} {:dataset true :dataset_query {:type :query :database (mt/id) :query {:source-table (format "card__%s" base-card-id)}} :result_metadata [{:name "TAX" :display_name "Tax" :base_type :type/Float} {:name "TOTAL" :display_name "Total" :base_type :type/Float} {:name "Tax Rate" :display_name "Tax Rate" :base_type :type/Float :semantic_type :type/Percentage :field_ref [:field "Tax Rate" {:base-type :type/Float}]}]} :model/Card {question-card-id :id} {:dataset_query {:type :query :database (mt/id) :query {:source-table (format "card__%s" model-card-id)}}}] (render-card-to-png base-card-id) (render-card-to-png model-card-id) (render-card-to-png question-card-id)))) | |