(ns dev.portal
  (:require [portal.api :as p]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

The handle to portal. Can be used as @p to get the selected item.

  (p/open {:port 5678}))

Listen by default.

(add-tap #'p/submit)

Register some useful functions for use in the portal window.

(doseq [f [#'reverse #'vec]]
  (p/register! f))

Sometimes the portal window stops responding. Closing the window and running this function brings up a new, responsive window preserving the contents.

(defn unfreeze
  (p/open p))

Tap value as a portal log message.

The options :level, :ns, :line, :column and :time can be used to override the defaults (:info level, the current namespace, line -1, column -1 and the current time.)

(defn send-log
  ([value] (send-log value nil))
  ([value {:keys [level ns line column time]
           :or {level  :info
                ns     (ns-name *ns*)
                line   -1
                column -1
                time   (java.util.Date.)}}]
   #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:discouraged-var]}
   (tap> {:result value
          :level  level
          :ns     ns
          :line   line
          :column column
          :time   time})))

Send value as a log message to portal using the place of the call as source (namespace, line, column) of the message.

(defmacro log
  [value & [opts]]
  `(send-log ~value ~(merge (meta &form)
                            {:ns (list 'quote (ns-name *ns*))}

Sends debug events from dev.debug-qp/process-query-debug to portal.

This is a simplistic function that send known transformation events to portal as a log message. The diff of the second and third parameters form the message and the location of the definition of the var in the first parameter is used as origin. Any other events are sent to portal as is.

A typical use looks like this:

(debug-qp/process-query-debug a-query :printer portal/debug-qp-log)

(defn debug-qp-log
  [[tag middleware-var before after :as event]]
  (if (#{:dev.debug-qp/transformed-query, :dev.debug-qp/transformed-metadata
         :dev.debug-qp/transformed-result, :dev.debug-qp/transformed-row}
    (send-log (with-meta [before after]
                {:portal.viewer/default :portal.viewer/diff})
              (update (meta middleware-var) :ns #(.name %)))
    (send-log event)))

Drop-in replacement for -> that sends diffs to Portal at each stage.

(defmacro diff->
  [x & forms]
  #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:discouraged-var]}
  (loop [x x, forms forms]
    (if forms
      (let [form     (first forms)
            threaded (let [args       (when (and (list? form)
                                                 (next form))
                                        (for [arg-form (rest form)]
                                          [(gensym "arg") arg-form]))
                           before-sym (gensym "before")
                           after-sym  (gensym "after")]
                       `(let [~before-sym ~x
                              ~@(when (seq args)
                                  (mapcat identity args))
                              ~after-sym ~(if (seq args)
                                             ;; Has args: a list with their new symbols!
                                             `(-> ~before-sym ~(list* (first form) (map first args)))
                                             ;; No args: just inline the form.
                                             `(-> ~before-sym ~form))]
                          (tap> [~(list `quote form)
                                 ~@(when (seq args)
                                     `[(into {} [~@(for [[sym form] args]
                                                     [(list `quote form) sym])])])
                                 ^{:portal.viewer/default :portal.viewer/diff}
                                 [~before-sym ~after-sym]])
        (recur threaded (next forms)))