| (deftest e2e-test
(mt/with-model-cleanup [Collection]
;; setup
(model-tracking/track! 'Collection)
(testing "insert"
(t2/insert! Collection {:name "Test tracking" :description "My awesome collection"})
(testing "should be tracked"
(is (=? [{:name "Test tracking"
:description "My awesome collection"}]
(get-in (model-tracking/changes) [:collection :insert]))))
(testing "should take affects"
(is (= 1 (t2/count Collection :name "Test tracking")))))
(testing "update"
(t2/update! Collection {:name "Test tracking"} {:description "Amazing collection"})
(testing "changes should be tracked"
(is (= [{:description "Amazing collection"}]
(get-in (model-tracking/changes) [:collection :update]))))
(testing "should take affects"
(is (= "Amazing collection" (t2/select-one-fn :description Collection :name "Test tracking")))))
(testing "delete"
(let [coll-id (t2/select-one-pk Collection :name "Test tracking")]
(t2/delete! Collection coll-id)
(testing "should be tracked"
(is (=? [{:description "Amazing collection"
:name "Test tracking",
:id coll-id}]
(get-in (model-tracking/changes) [:collection :delete]))))
(testing "should take affects"
(is (nil? (t2/select-one Collection :id coll-id))))))
(testing "untrack should stop all tracking for"
(testing "insert"
(t2/insert! Collection {:name "Test tracking" :description "My awesome collection"})
(testing "changes not should be tracked"
(is (empty? (model-tracking/changes))))
(testing "should take affects"
(is (= 1 (t2/count Collection :name "Test tracking")))))
(testing "update"
(t2/update! Collection {:name "Test tracking"} {:description "Amazing collection"})
(testing "changes not should be tracked"
(is (empty? (model-tracking/changes))))
(testing "should take affects"
(is (= "Amazing collection" (t2/select-one-fn :description Collection :name "Test tracking")))))
(testing "delete"
(let [coll-id (t2/select-one-pk Collection :name "Test tracking")]
(t2/delete! Collection coll-id)
(testing "changes not should be tracked"
(is (empty? (model-tracking/changes))))
(testing "should take affects"
(is (nil? (t2/select-one Collection :id coll-id))))))))) |