(deftest migration-sql-by-id-test
(doseq [[id test] {"v50.2024-05-08T09:00:01"
{:postgres {:forward "ALTER TABLE task_history ALTER COLUMN status DROP DEFAULT;"
:rollback "Rollback impossible liquibase.exception.RollbackImpossibleException: No inverse to liquibase.change.core.DropDefaultValueChange created"}
:h2 {:forward "ALTER TABLE task_history ALTER COLUMN status SET DEFAULT NULL;"
:rollback "Rollback impossible liquibase.exception.RollbackImpossibleException: No inverse to liquibase.change.core.DropDefaultValueChange created"}
:mysql {:forward "ALTER TABLE task_history ALTER status DROP DEFAULT;"
:rollback "Rollback impossible liquibase.exception.RollbackImpossibleException: No inverse to liquibase.change.core.DropDefaultValueChange created"}
:mariadb {:forward "ALTER TABLE task_history ALTER status DROP DEFAULT;"
:rollback "Rollback impossible liquibase.exception.RollbackImpossibleException: No inverse to liquibase.change.core.DropDefaultValueChange created"}}
{:postgres {:forward "ALTER TABLE collection ADD archived_directly BOOLEAN;\nCOMMENT ON COLUMN collection.archived_directly IS 'Whether the item was trashed independently or as a subcollection';"
:rollback "ALTER TABLE collection DROP COLUMN archived_directly;"}
:h2 {:forward "ALTER TABLE collection ADD archived_directly BOOLEAN;\nCOMMENT ON COLUMN collection.archived_directly IS 'Whether the item was trashed independently or as a subcollection';"
:rollback "ALTER TABLE collection DROP COLUMN archived_directly;"}
:mysql {:forward "ALTER TABLE collection ADD archived_directly TINYINT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the item was trashed independently or as a subcollection';"
:rollback "ALTER TABLE collection DROP COLUMN archived_directly;"}
:mariadb {:forward "ALTER TABLE collection ADD archived_directly TINYINT(1) NULL COMMENT 'Whether the item was trashed independently or as a subcollection';"
:rollback "ALTER TABLE collection DROP COLUMN archived_directly;"}}}
[db-type expected] test]
(testing (str "migration SQL for " (name db-type))
(is (= expected
(dev.migrate/migration-sql-by-id id db-type)))))) |