(ns dev.memory
   [metabase.util.log :as log])
   (java.lang.management ManagementFactory)))

measurement requires reflection as we don't know the concrete class we can't using binding for this variable as it needs to be set at compile time.

(set! *warn-on-reflection* false)

Measure the cumulative bytes allocated by a thread, ignoring whether its been collected.

(defn- get-thread-allocated-bytes
  (let [mx-bean   (ManagementFactory/getThreadMXBean)
        ;; `getId`` is deprecated, we will need to update to `threadId` at some point.
        thread-id (.getId (Thread/currentThread))]
    ;; this method is only defined for some platform implementations.
    (assert (.isThreadAllocatedMemorySupported mx-bean))
    (.getThreadAllocatedBytes mx-bean thread-id)))

Format bytes as megabytes

(defn mb-str
  (format "%.3f MB" (/ (double bytes) 1024 1024)))

Measure the number of bytes allocated when calling the given function.

(defn measure-thread-allocations
  (let [before (get-thread-allocated-bytes)
        result (f)
        after  (get-thread-allocated-bytes)]
    {:result      result
     :allocations (- after before)}))

Measure the number of bytes allocated when evaluating the given body.

(defmacro measuring-thread-allocations
  [& body]
  `(let [m# (measure-thread-allocations #(do ~@body))]
     (log/warnf "Allocated: %s" (mb-str (:allocations m#)))
     (:result m#)))
(def ^{:dynamic true
       :private true} *memory-log-level* -1)
(defn- used-mb
  (let [rt (Runtime/getRuntime)
        mb (* 1024.0 1024.0)]
    (/ (- (.totalMemory rt) (.freeMemory rt)) mb)))

Executes body-fn and logs memory usage before and after execution. Returns the result of body-fn.

(defn log-memory-usage
  [body-fn context]
  (binding [*memory-log-level* (inc *memory-log-level*)]
    (let [indent (apply str (repeat *memory-log-level* "  "))
          before (used-mb)
          print-stats (fn
                         (log/infof "%s%s | Memory before:: %.2f MB "
                                    indent context stats))
                        ([before after]
                         (log/infof "%s%s | Memory after:: %.2f MB (delta: %.2f MB)"
                                    indent context after (- after before))))
          _ (print-stats before)
          result (body-fn)
          after (used-mb)
          _ (print-stats before after)]

Executes body and logs memory usage before and after execution. Returns the result of body.

(defmacro with-memory-logging
  [context & body]
  `(log-memory-usage (fn [] ~@body) ~context))
  ;; almost correct, at least a constant error
   (byte-array (* 1024 1024))))