(ns dev.fe-helpers)

Returns the root Redux state, the JS object holding the complete state of the app.

This is hacky - it reaches deep into the internals of Redux, and may break in the future. That seems acceptable for a dev time helper.

(defn redux-state
  (let [root  (js/document.querySelector "#root")
        store (.. root -_reactRootContainer -_internalRoot -current -child -memoizedProps -store)]
    (.getState store)))

Retrieves the current query's card from the Redux state.

Undefined behavior if there is not currently a single question loaded in the UI.

(defn current-card
  (.. (redux-state) -qb -card))

Gets the legacy query for the currently loaded question.

(defn current-legacy-query-js
  (.-dataset_query (current-card)))

Gets the MLv2 query for the currently loaded question.

Hack: This relies on a dev-mode-only global property that's set whenever a Question object is converted to MLv2.

(defn current-query
  (.-__MLv2_query js/window))