(ns metabase.lib.convert
   #?@(:clj ([metabase.util.log :as log]))
   [clojure.data :as data]
   [clojure.set :as set]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [malli.error :as me]
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.normalize :as mbql.normalize]
   [metabase.lib.dispatch :as lib.dispatch]
   [metabase.lib.hierarchy :as lib.hierarchy]
   [metabase.lib.normalize :as lib.normalize]
   [metabase.lib.options :as lib.options]
   [metabase.lib.schema :as lib.schema]
   [metabase.lib.schema.expression :as lib.schema.expression]
   [metabase.lib.schema.ref :as lib.schema.ref]
   [metabase.lib.util :as lib.util]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr])
  #?@(:cljs [(:require-macros [metabase.lib.convert :refer [with-aggregation-list]])]))
(def ^:private ^:dynamic *pMBQL-uuid->legacy-index*
(def ^:private ^:dynamic *legacy-index->pMBQL-uuid*
(defn- clean-location [almost-stage error-type error-location]
  (let [operate-on-parent? #{:malli.core/missing-key :malli.core/end-of-input}
        location (if (operate-on-parent? error-type)
                   (drop-last 2 error-location)
                   (drop-last 1 error-location))
        [location-key] (if (operate-on-parent? error-type)
                         (take-last 2 error-location)
                         (take-last 1 error-location))]
    (if (seq location)
      (update-in almost-stage
                 (fn [error-loc]
                   (let [result (assoc error-loc location-key nil)]
                       (vector? error-loc) (into [] (remove nil?) result)
                       (map? error-loc) (u/remove-nils result)
                       :else result))))
      (dissoc almost-stage location-key))))
(def ^:private stage-keys
  #{:aggregation :breakout :expressions :fields :filters :order-by :joins})
(defn- clean-stage-schema-errors [almost-stage]
  (binding [lib.schema.expression/*suppress-expression-type-check?* true]
    (loop [almost-stage almost-stage
           removals []]
      (if-let [[error-type error-location] (->> (mr/explain ::lib.schema/stage.mbql almost-stage)
                                                (filter (comp stage-keys first :in))
                                                (map (juxt :type :in))
        (let [new-stage  (clean-location almost-stage error-type error-location)
              error-desc (pr-str (or error-type
                                     ;; if `error-type` is missing, which seems to happen sometimes,
                                     ;; fall back to humanizing the entire error.
                                     (me/humanize (mr/explain ::lib.schema/stage.mbql almost-stage))))]
          ;; TODO: Bring this back, for all the idents. We can't enforce this strictly when they're not being added
          ;; by the BE for pre-existing queries.
          #_(when (= (last error-location) :ident)
              (throw (ex-info "Ident error" {:loc error-location
                                             :error-desc error-desc
                                             :diff (first (data/diff almost-stage new-stage))})))
          #?(:cljs (js/console.warn "Clean: Removing bad clause due to error!" error-location error-desc
                                    (u/pprint-to-str (first (data/diff almost-stage new-stage))))
             :clj  (log/warnf "Clean: Removing bad clause in %s due to error %s:\n%s"
                              (u/colorize :yellow (pr-str error-location))
                              (u/colorize :yellow error-desc)
                              (u/colorize :red (u/pprint-to-str (first (data/diff almost-stage new-stage))))))
          (if (= new-stage almost-stage)
            (recur new-stage (conj removals [error-type error-location]))))
(defn- clean-stage-ref-errors [almost-stage]
  (reduce (fn [almost-stage [loc _]]
            (clean-location almost-stage ::lib.schema/invalid-ref loc))
          (lib.schema/ref-errors-for-stage almost-stage)))
(defn- clean-stage [almost-stage]
  (-> almost-stage

If true (this is the default), the query is cleaned. When converting queries at later stages of the preprocessing pipeline, this cleaning might not be desirable.

(def ^:dynamic *clean-query*

Runs the provided function with cleaning of queries disabled.

This is preferred over directly cleaning the query.

(defn without-cleaning
  (binding [*clean-query* false]
(defn- clean [almost-query]
  (if-not *clean-query*
    (loop [almost-query almost-query
           stage-index 0]
      (let [current-stage (nth (:stages almost-query) stage-index)
            new-stage (clean-stage current-stage)]
        (if (= current-stage new-stage)
          (if (= stage-index (dec (count (:stages almost-query))))
            (recur almost-query (inc stage-index)))
          (recur (update almost-query :stages assoc stage-index new-stage) stage-index))))))

Coerce something to pMBQL (the version of MBQL manipulated by Metabase Lib v2) if it's not already pMBQL.

(defmulti ->pMBQL
  {:arglists '([x])}
  :hierarchy lib.hierarchy/hierarchy)
(defn- default-MBQL-clause->pMBQL [mbql-clause]
  (let [last-elem (peek mbql-clause)
        last-elem-option? (map? last-elem)
        [clause-type & args] (cond-> mbql-clause
                               last-elem-option? pop)
        options (if last-elem-option?
    (lib.options/ensure-uuid (into [clause-type options] (map ->pMBQL) args))))
(defmethod ->pMBQL :default
  (if (and (vector? x)
           (keyword? (first x)))
    (default-MBQL-clause->pMBQL x)
(defmethod ->pMBQL :mbql/query

In legacy MBQL, join :alias was optional, and if unspecified, this was the default alias used. In reality all joins normally had an explicit :alias since the QB would generate one and you generally need one to do useful things with the join anyway.

Since the new pMBQL schema makes :alias required, we'll explicitly add the implicit default when we encounter a join without an alias, and remove it so we can round-trip without changes.

(def legacy-default-join-alias

Join :aliases had to be unique in legacy MBQL, but they were optional. Since we add [[legacy-default-join-alias]] to each join that doesn't have an explicit :alias for pMBQL compatibility now, we need to deduplicate the aliases if it is used more than once.

Only deduplicate the default __join aliases; we don't want the [[lib.util/unique-name-generator]] to touch other aliases and truncate them or anything like that.

(defn- deduplicate-join-aliases
  (let [unique-name-fn (lib.util/unique-name-generator)]
    (mapv (fn [join]
            (cond-> join
              (= (:alias join) legacy-default-join-alias) (update :alias unique-name-fn)))

If a query stage has a legacy card__<id> :source-table, convert it to a pMBQL-style :source-card.

(defn- stage-source-card-id->pMBQL
  (if (string? (:source-table stage))
    (-> stage
        (assoc :source-card (lib.util/legacy-string-table-id->card-id (:source-table stage)))
        (dissoc :source-table))

Impl for [[with-aggregation-list]].

(defn do-with-aggregation-list
  [aggregations thunk]
  (let [legacy->pMBQL (into {}
                            (map-indexed (fn [idx [_tag {ag-uuid :lib/uuid}]]
                                           [idx ag-uuid]))
        pMBQL->legacy (into {}
                            (map-indexed (fn [idx [_tag {ag-uuid :lib/uuid}]]
                                           [ag-uuid idx]))
    (binding [*legacy-index->pMBQL-uuid* legacy->pMBQL
              *pMBQL-uuid->legacy-index* pMBQL->legacy]

Macro for capturing the context of a query stage's :aggregation list, so any legacy [:aggregation 0] indexed refs can be converted correctly to UUID-based pMBQL refs.

   (defmacro with-aggregation-list
     [aggregations & body]
     `(do-with-aggregation-list ~aggregations (fn [] ~@body))))
(defn- from-indexed-idents [stage list-key idents-key]
  (let [idents (get stage idents-key)]
    (->> (get stage list-key)
         (map-indexed (fn [i x]
                        (if-let [ident (or (get idents i)
                                           ;; Conversion from JSON keywordizes all keys, including these numbers!
                                           (get idents (keyword (str i))))]
                          (lib.options/update-options x assoc :ident ident)
(defmethod ->pMBQL :mbql.stage/mbql
  (let [aggregations (from-indexed-idents stage :aggregation :aggregation-idents)
        expr-idents  (:expression-idents stage)
        expressions  (->> stage
                          (mapv (fn [[k v]]
                                  (let [expr (-> v
                                                 (lib.util/top-level-expression-clause k))]
                                    (if-let [ident (get expr-idents k)]
                                      (lib.options/update-options expr assoc :ident ident)
    (metabase.lib.convert/with-aggregation-list aggregations
      (let [stage (-> stage
                      (m/assoc-some :expressions expressions
                                    :aggregation aggregations
                                    :breakout    (from-indexed-idents stage :breakout :breakout-idents)))
            stage (reduce
                   (fn [stage k]
                     (if-not (get stage k)
                       (update stage k ->pMBQL)))
                   (dissoc stage :aggregation-idents :breakout-idents :expression-idents)
                   (disj stage-keys :aggregation :breakout :expressions))]
        (cond-> stage
          (:joins stage) (update :joins deduplicate-join-aliases))))))
(defmethod ->pMBQL :mbql.stage/native
  (m/update-existing stage :template-tags update-vals (fn [tag] (m/update-existing tag :dimension ->pMBQL))))
(defmethod ->pMBQL :mbql/join
  (let [join (-> join
                 (update :conditions ->pMBQL)
                 (update :stages ->pMBQL))]
    (cond-> join
      (:fields join) (update :fields (fn [fields]
                                       (if (sequential? fields)
                                         (mapv ->pMBQL fields)
                                         (keyword fields))))
      (not (:alias join)) (assoc :alias legacy-default-join-alias))))
(defmethod ->pMBQL :dispatch-type/sequential
  (mapv ->pMBQL xs))
(defmethod ->pMBQL :dispatch-type/map
  (if (:type m)
    (-> (lib.util/pipeline m)
        (update :stages (fn [stages]
                          (mapv ->pMBQL stages)))
        (assoc :lib.convert/converted? true)
    (update-vals m ->pMBQL)))
(defmethod ->pMBQL :field
  [[_tag x y]]
  (let [[id-or-name options] (if (map? x)
                               [y x]
                               [x y])]
    (lib.options/ensure-uuid [:field options id-or-name])))
(defmethod ->pMBQL :value
  [[_tag value opts]]
  ;; `:value` uses `:snake_case` keys in legacy MBQL for some insane reason (actually this was to match the shape of
  ;; the keys in Field metadata), at least for the three type keys enumerated below.
  ;; See [[metabase.legacy-mbql.schema/ValueTypeInfo]].
  (let [opts (set/rename-keys opts {:base_type     :base-type
                                    :semantic_type :semantic-type
                                    :database_type :database-type})
        ;; in pMBQL, `:effective-type` is a required key for `:value`. `:value` SHOULD have always had `:base-type`,
        ;; but on the off chance it did not, get the type from value so the schema doesn't fail entirely.
        opts (assoc opts :effective-type (or (:effective-type opts)
                                             (:base-type opts)
                                             (lib.schema.expression/type-of value)))]
    (lib.options/ensure-uuid [:value opts value])))
(doseq [tag [:case :if]]
  (defmethod ->pMBQL tag
    [[_tag pred-expr-pairs options]]
    (let [default (:default options)]
      (cond-> [tag (dissoc options :default) (mapv ->pMBQL pred-expr-pairs)]
        :always lib.options/ensure-uuid
        (some? default) (conj (->pMBQL default))))))
(defmethod ->pMBQL :expression
  [[tag value opts]]
  (lib.options/ensure-uuid [tag opts value]))
(defn- get-or-throw!
  [m k]
  (let [result (get m k ::not-found)]
    (if-not (= result ::not-found)
      (throw (ex-info (str "Unable to find key " (pr-str k) " in map.")
                      {:m m
                       :k k})))))
(defmethod ->pMBQL :aggregation
  [[tag aggregation-index opts, :as clause]]
   [tag opts (or (get *legacy-index->pMBQL-uuid* aggregation-index)
                 (throw (ex-info (str "Error converting :aggregation reference: no aggregation at index "
                                 {:clause clause})))]))
(defmethod ->pMBQL :aggregation-options
  [[_tag aggregation options]]
  (let [[tag opts & args] (->pMBQL aggregation)]
    (into [tag (merge opts options)] args)))
(defmethod ->pMBQL :time-interval
  [[_tag field n unit options]]
  (lib.options/ensure-uuid [:time-interval (or options {}) (->pMBQL field) n unit]))
(defmethod ->pMBQL :relative-time-interval
  [[_tag & [_column _value _bucket _offset-value _offset-bucket :as args]]]
  (lib.options/ensure-uuid (into [:relative-time-interval {}] (map ->pMBQL) args)))

:offset is the same in legacy and pMBQL, but we need to update the expr it wraps.

(defmethod ->pMBQL :offset
  [[tag opts expr n, :as clause]]
  {:pre [(= (count clause) 4)]}
  [tag opts (->pMBQL expr) n])

These four expressions have a different form depending on the number of arguments.

(doseq [tag [:contains :starts-with :ends-with :does-not-contain]]
  (lib.hierarchy/derive tag ::string-comparison))
(defmethod ->pMBQL ::string-comparison
  [[tag opts & args :as clause]]
  (if (> (count args) 2)
    ;; Multi-arg, pMBQL style: [tag {opts...} x y z ...]
    (lib.options/ensure-uuid (into [tag opts] (map ->pMBQL args)))
    ;; Two-arg, legacy style: [tag x y] or [tag x y opts].
    (let [[tag x y opts] clause]
      (lib.options/ensure-uuid [tag (or opts {}) (->pMBQL x) (->pMBQL y)]))))

Convert a legacy 'inner query' to a full legacy 'outer query' so you can pass it to stuff like [[metabase.legacy-mbql.normalize/normalize]], and then probably to [[->pMBQL]].

(defn legacy-query-from-inner-query
  [database-id inner-query]
  (merge {:database database-id, :type :query}
         (if (:native inner-query)
           {:native (set/rename-keys inner-query {:native :query})}
           {:query inner-query})))

Coerce something to legacy MBQL (the version of MBQL understood by the query processor and Metabase Lib v1) if it's not already legacy MBQL.

(defmulti ->legacy-MBQL
  {:arglists '([x])}
  :hierarchy lib.hierarchy/hierarchy)

Does keyword k have a:lib/, :lib.columns/ or a :metabase.lib.*/ namespace?

(defn- metabase-lib-keyword?
  (and (qualified-keyword? k)
       (when-let [symb-namespace (namespace k)]
         (or (= symb-namespace "lib")
             (= symb-namespace "lib.columns")
             (str/starts-with? symb-namespace "metabase.lib.")))))

Remove any keys starting with the :lib/ or :metabase.lib.*/ namespaces from map m.

No args = return transducer to remove keys from a map. One arg = update a map m.

(defn- disqualify
   (remove (fn [[k _v]]
             (metabase-lib-keyword? k))))
   (into {} (disqualify) m)))

Map of option keys in pMBQL to their legacy names. Keys are renamed before [[disqualify]] drops all namespaced keys.

(def ^:private options-preserved-in-legacy
  {:metabase.lib.field/original-temporal-unit :original-temporal-unit})

Convert an options map in an MBQL clause to the equivalent shape for legacy MBQL. Remove :lib/* keys and :effective-type, which is not used in options maps in legacy MBQL.

(defn- options->legacy-MBQL
  (->> (cond-> m
         ;; Following construct ensures that transformation mbql -> pmbql -> mbql, does not add base-type where those
         ;; were not present originally. Base types are added in [[metabase.lib.query/add-types-to-fields]].
         (contains? m :metabase.lib.query/transformation-added-base-type)
         (dissoc :metabase.lib.query/transformation-added-base-type :base-type)
         ;; Removing the namespaces from a few
         true (update-keys #(get options-preserved-in-legacy % %)))
       (into {} (comp (disqualify)
                      (remove (fn [[k _v]]
                                (#{:effective-type :ident} k)))))
(defmulti ^:private aggregation->legacy-MBQL
  {:arglists '([aggregation-clause])}
  :hierarchy lib.hierarchy/hierarchy)
(defmethod aggregation->legacy-MBQL :default
  [[tag options & args]]
  (let [inner (into [tag] (map ->legacy-MBQL) args)
        ;; the default value of the :case or :if expression is in the options
        ;; in legacy MBQL
        inner (if (and (#{:case :if} tag) (next args))
                (conj (pop inner) {:default (peek inner)})
    (if-let [aggregation-opts (not-empty (options->legacy-MBQL options))]
      [:aggregation-options inner aggregation-opts]
(defmethod aggregation->legacy-MBQL :offset
  (->legacy-MBQL clause))
(defn- clause-with-options->legacy-MBQL [[k options & args]]
  (if (map? options)
    (into [k] (concat (map ->legacy-MBQL args)
                      (when-let [options (not-empty (options->legacy-MBQL options))]
    (into [k] (map ->legacy-MBQL (cons options args)))))
(defmethod ->legacy-MBQL :default
    (and (vector? x)
         (keyword? (first x))) (clause-with-options->legacy-MBQL x)
    (map? x)                   (-> x
                                   (update-vals ->legacy-MBQL))
    :else x))
(doseq [tag [::aggregation ::expression]]
  (lib.hierarchy/derive tag ::aggregation-or-expression))
(doseq [tag [:count :avg :count-where :distinct
             :max :median :min :percentile
             :share :stddev :sum :sum-where]]
  (lib.hierarchy/derive tag ::aggregation))
(doseq [tag [:+ :- :* :/
             :case :if :coalesce
             :abs :log :exp :sqrt :ceil :floor :round :power :interval
             :relative-datetime :time :absolute-datetime :now :convert-timezone
             :get-week :get-year :get-month :get-day :get-hour
             :get-minute :get-second :get-quarter
             :datetime-add :datetime-subtract
             :concat :substring :replace :regex-match-first
             :length :trim :ltrim :rtrim :upper :lower]]
  (lib.hierarchy/derive tag ::expression))
(defmethod ->legacy-MBQL ::aggregation-or-expression
  (aggregation->legacy-MBQL input))
(defn- stage-metadata->legacy-metadata [stage-metadata]
  (into []
        (comp (map #(update-keys % u/->snake_case_en))
              (map ->legacy-MBQL))
        (:columns stage-metadata)))
(mu/defn- chain-stages [{:keys [stages]} :- [:map [:stages [:sequential :map]]]]
  ;; :source-metadata aka :lib/stage-metadata is handled differently in the two formats.
  ;; In legacy, an inner query might have both :source-query, and :source-metadata giving the metadata for that nested
  ;; :source-query.
  ;; In pMBQL, the :lib/stage-metadata is attached to the same stage it applies to.
  ;; So when chaining pMBQL stages back into legacy form, if stage n has :lib/stage-metadata, stage n+1 needs
  ;; :source-metadata attached.
  (let [inner-query (first (reduce (fn [[inner stage-metadata] stage]
                                     [(cond-> (->legacy-MBQL stage)
                                        inner          (assoc :source-query inner)
                                        stage-metadata (assoc :source-metadata (stage-metadata->legacy-metadata stage-metadata)))
                                      ;; Get the :lib/stage-metadata off the original pMBQL stage, not the converted one.
                                      (:lib/stage-metadata stage)])
    (cond-> inner-query
      ;; If this is a native query, inner query will be used like: `{:type :native :native #_inner-query {:query ...}}`
      (:native inner-query) (set/rename-keys {:native :query}))))
(defmethod ->legacy-MBQL :dispatch-type/map [m]
  (into {}
        (comp (disqualify)
              (map (fn [[k v]]
                     [k (->legacy-MBQL v)])))
(defmethod ->legacy-MBQL :aggregation [[_ opts agg-uuid :as ag]]
  (if (map? opts)
      (let [opts     (options->legacy-MBQL opts)
            base-agg [:aggregation (get-or-throw! *pMBQL-uuid->legacy-index* agg-uuid)]]
        (if (seq opts)
          (conj base-agg opts)
      (catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs :default) e
        (throw (ex-info (lib.util/format "Error converting aggregation reference to pMBQL: %s" (ex-message e))
                        {:ref ag}
    ;; Our conversion is a bit too aggressive and we're hitting legacy refs like [:aggregation 0] inside
    ;; source_metadata that are only used for legacy and thus can be ignored
(defmethod ->legacy-MBQL :dispatch-type/sequential [xs]
  (mapv ->legacy-MBQL xs))
(defmethod ->legacy-MBQL :field [[_ opts id]]
  ;; Fields are not like the normal clauses - they need that options field even if it's null.
  ;; TODO: Sometimes the given field is in the legacy order - that seems wrong.
  (let [[opts id] (if (or (nil? opts) (map? opts))
                    [opts id]
                    [id opts])]
     (->legacy-MBQL id)
     (options->legacy-MBQL opts)]))
(defmethod ->legacy-MBQL :value
  [[_tag opts value]]
  (let [opts (-> opts
                 ;; as mentioned above, `:value` in legacy MBQL expects `snake_case` keys for type info keys.
                 (set/rename-keys  {:base-type     :base_type
                                    :semantic-type :semantic_type
                                    :database-type :database_type})
    ;; in legacy MBQL, `:value` has to be three args; `opts` has to be present, but it should can be `nil` if it is
    ;; empty.
    [:value value opts]))

:offset is the same in legacy and pMBQL, but we need to update the expr it wraps.

(defmethod ->legacy-MBQL :offset
  [[tag opts expr n, :as clause]]
  {:pre [(= (count clause) 4)]}
  [tag opts (->legacy-MBQL expr) n])
(defmethod ->legacy-MBQL ::string-comparison
  [[tag opts & args]]
  (if (> (count args) 2)
    (into [tag (disqualify opts)] (map ->legacy-MBQL args)) ; Multi-arg, pMBQL style: [tag {opts...} x y z ...]
    ;; Two-arg, legacy style: [tag x y] or [tag x y opts].
    (let [opts (disqualify opts)]
      (cond-> (into [tag] (map ->legacy-MBQL args))
        (seq opts) (conj opts)))))
(defn- update-list->legacy-boolean-expression
  [m pMBQL-key legacy-key]
  (cond-> m
    (= (count (get m pMBQL-key)) 1) (m/update-existing pMBQL-key (comp ->legacy-MBQL first))
    (> (count (get m pMBQL-key)) 1) (m/update-existing pMBQL-key #(into [:and] (map ->legacy-MBQL) %))
    :always (set/rename-keys {pMBQL-key legacy-key})))
(defmethod ->legacy-MBQL :mbql/join [join]
  (let [base (cond-> (disqualify join)
               (and *clean-query* (str/starts-with? (:alias join) legacy-default-join-alias)) (dissoc :alias))]
    (merge (-> base
               (dissoc :stages :conditions)
               (update-vals ->legacy-MBQL))
           (-> base
               (select-keys [:conditions])
               (update-list->legacy-boolean-expression :conditions :condition))
           (chain-stages base))))

If a pMBQL query stage has :source-card convert it to legacy-style :source-table "card__<id>".

(defn- source-card->legacy-source-table
  (if-let [source-card-id (:source-card stage)]
    (-> stage
        (dissoc :source-card)
        (assoc :source-table (str "card__" source-card-id)))
(defn- stage-expressions->legacy-MBQL [expressions]
  (into {}
        (for [expression expressions
              :let [legacy-clause (->legacy-MBQL expression)]]
          [(lib.util/expression-name expression)
           ;; We wrap literals in :value ->pMBQL so unwrap this
           ;; direction. Also, `:aggregation-options` is not allowed
           ;; inside `:expressions` in legacy, we'll just have to toss
           ;; the extra info.
           (if (#{:value :aggregation-options} (first legacy-clause))
             (second legacy-clause)
(defn- idents-by-index [clause-list]
  (when (seq clause-list)
    (into {} (map-indexed (fn [i clause]
                            [i (lib.options/ident clause)]))
(defmethod ->legacy-MBQL :mbql.stage/mbql
  (metabase.lib.convert/with-aggregation-list (:aggregation stage)
    (reduce #(m/update-existing %1 %2 ->legacy-MBQL)
            (-> stage

                (m/assoc-some :aggregation-idents (idents-by-index (:aggregation stage)))
                (m/update-existing :aggregation #(mapv aggregation->legacy-MBQL %))
                (m/assoc-some :breakout-idents (idents-by-index (:breakout stage)))
                (m/update-existing :breakout #(mapv ->legacy-MBQL %))

                (m/assoc-some :expression-idents (->> (:expressions stage)
                                                      (into {} (map (juxt lib.util/expression-name
                (m/update-existing :expressions stage-expressions->legacy-MBQL)
                (update-list->legacy-boolean-expression :filters :filter))
            (disj stage-keys :aggregation :breakout :filters :expressions))))
(defmethod ->legacy-MBQL :mbql.stage/native [stage]
  (-> stage
      (update-vals ->legacy-MBQL)))
(defmethod ->legacy-MBQL :mbql/query [query]
    (let [base        (disqualify query)
          parameters  (:parameters base)
          inner-query (chain-stages base)
          query-type  (if (-> query :stages last :lib/type (= :mbql.stage/native))
      (merge (dissoc base :stages :parameters :lib.convert/converted?)
             (cond-> {:type query-type}
               (seq inner-query) (assoc query-type inner-query)
               (seq parameters)  (assoc :parameters parameters))))
    (catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs :default) e
      (throw (ex-info (lib.util/format "Error converting MLv2 query to legacy query: %s" (ex-message e))
                      {:query query}

TODO: Look into whether this function can be refactored away - it's called from several places but I (Braden) think legacy refs shouldn't make it out of lib.js.

(mu/defn legacy-ref->pMBQL :- ::lib.schema.ref/ref
  "Convert a legacy MBQL `:field`/`:aggregation`/`:expression` reference to pMBQL. Normalizes the reference if needed,
  and handles JS -> Clj conversion as needed."
  ([query legacy-ref]
   (legacy-ref->pMBQL query -1 legacy-ref))
  ([query        :- ::lib.schema/query
    stage-number :- :int
    legacy-ref   :- some?]
   (let [legacy-ref                  (->> #?(:clj legacy-ref :cljs (js->clj legacy-ref :keywordize-keys true))
                                          (mbql.normalize/normalize-fragment nil))
         {aggregations :aggregation} (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)]
     (with-aggregation-list aggregations
         (->pMBQL legacy-ref)
         (catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs :default) e
           (throw (ex-info (lib.util/format "Error converting legacy ref to pMBQL: %s" (ex-message e))
                           {:query                    query
                            :stage-number             stage-number
                            :legacy-ref               legacy-ref
                            :legacy-index->pMBQL-uuid *legacy-index->pMBQL-uuid*}
(defn- from-json [query-fragment]
  #?(:cljs (if (object? query-fragment)
             (js->clj query-fragment :keywordize-keys true)
     :clj  query-fragment))

Given a JSON-formatted legacy MBQL query, transform it to pMBQL.

If you have only the inner query map ({:source-table 2 ...} or similar), call [[js-legacy-inner-query->pMBQL]] instead.

(defn js-legacy-query->pMBQL
  (let [clj-map (from-json query-map)]
    (if (= (:lib/type clj-map) "mbql/query")
      (lib.normalize/normalize clj-map)
      (-> clj-map (u/assoc-default :type :query) mbql.normalize/normalize ->pMBQL))))

Given a JSON-formatted inner query, transform it to pMBQL.

If you have a complete legacy query ({:type :query, :query {...}} or similar), call [[js-legacy-query->pMBQL]] instead.

(defn js-legacy-inner-query->pMBQL
  (js-legacy-query->pMBQL {:type  :query
                           :query (from-json inner-query)}))