(ns metabase.lib.cache
  #?@(:clj  ((:import
              [java.util Collections Map WeakHashMap]
              [java.util.function Function]))
      :cljs ((:require [goog.object :as gobject]))))
   (def ^:private atom-function
       (apply [_this _arg]
         (atom {})))))

Caching wrapper for use in [[side-channel-cache]].


Attaches the cache to the host by mutating the JS property __mbcache. The value is an (atom {}) with any CLJS value as the subkey.


Attaches the cache to the host's metadata, if present. See [[attach-query-cache]]. Does nothing if that key is not found. The outer cache is a synchronized WeakHashMap, whose keys are the host maps. This is necessary because Clojure metadata survives assoc etc. but we want the caching to be distinct for each instance of the query. Inside that is an (atom {}) keyed by subkey.

(defn- atomic-map-cache-fn
  #?(:cljs ([^js host]
            (if-let [cache (.-__mbcache host)]
              (set! (.-__mbcache host) (atom {}))))
     :clj  ([host]
            (when-let [^Map outer-cache (-> host meta :lib/__cache)]
              (.computeIfAbsent outer-cache host atom-function))))
  ([cache subkey _x]       (get @cache subkey))
  ([cache subkey _x value] (swap! cache assoc subkey value)))

Attaches the cache to a newly constructed query.

This uses metadata on CLJ and does nothing on CLJS.

   (defn- js-weak-map-cache-fn
     "Caching wrapper for use in [[side-channel-cache*]].
     Uses a two-layer cache: the outer layer is a vanilla JS object with string `subkey`s as its keys. The values are
     `WeakMap`s, using the input value `x` as the key and holding the cached result.
     For example, this works for caching by `:database-id` and then by legacy query object."
     ([^js host]                 (if-let [cache (.-__mbcache host)]
                                   (set! (.-__mbcache host) #js {})))
     ([^js cache subkey x]       (when-let [inner-cache (gobject/get cache subkey)]
                                   (.get inner-cache x)))
     ([^js cache subkey x value] (let [inner-cache (gobject/setWithReturnValueIfNotSet cache subkey #(js/WeakMap.))]
                                   (.set inner-cache x value)))))
(defn attach-query-cache
  #?(:cljs query
     :clj  (vary-meta query (fn [mmeta]
                              (cond-> mmeta
                                (not (contains? mmeta :lib/__cache))
                                (assoc :lib/__cache (Collections/synchronizedMap (WeakHashMap.))))))))

Removes the cache from the given query. Does nothing if no cache is present.

(defn discard-query-cache
  #?(:cljs query
     :clj  (when query
             (vary-meta query dissoc :lib/__cache))))

(CLJS only; this is a pass-through in CLJ.)

Attaches a JS property __mbcache to host (a JS object or CLJS map) if it doesn't already have one.

This cache forms a "personal" cache attached to host. subkey is used as the key into that cache, and on a cache miss the value is computed with (f x).

If the host is a CLJS value like a map, the cache is ignored by CLJS since it's a raw JS property. Any change to the CLJS map will return a new object, effectively invalidating the cache.

If the host is a JS object, it cannot have had Object.freeze() called on it before the first call to [[side-channel-cache*]]. The host JS object must also be treated as immutable, since if it is modified the cache will contain outdated values. You have been warned.

The caches are passed both subkey and the input value x to use as keys. Which of these are actually used as keys is up to the cache-fn.

If there is no existing value in the cache for subkey and x, (f x) is called the result is cached for subkey and x.

Options: - The optional :cache-fn option defines how the cache is implemented. It should be a function with 0-arity, 3-arity, and 4-arity forms, and works like this: - (cache-fn) returns a new, empty cache. - (cache-fn cache subkey x) looks up subkey and x (the input value) in the cache. Returns the value, or nil. - (cache-fn cache subkey x value) caches value as the value for subkey and x. Returns nothing - the cache is mutable.

By default, the cache is an (atom {}) with get and (swap! ... assoc ...); see [[atomic-map-cache-fn]]. - :force? true causes the caching to be used even if the host does not meet the usual safety check of being a vanilla JS object or a CLJS map. (Eg. if the host is an instance of a JS class.)

(defn- side-channel-cache*
  [subkey host x f {:keys [cache-fn force?]
                    :or {cache-fn atomic-map-cache-fn}}]
  (if (or force?
          (map? host)
          #?(:cljs (object? host)))
    (if-let [cache (cache-fn host)]
      (if-let [cached (cache-fn cache subkey x)]
        ;; Cache miss - generate the value and cache it.
        (let [value (f x)]
          (cache-fn cache subkey x value)
      (f x))
    (f x)))

Creates a cache on the given host that will be used to cache the results of some MBQL lib calls.

See [[atomic-map-cache-fn]] for more details on how the caches are created and stored.

The cache is intended to be a "personal" cache attached to the host. subkey is intended to capture the context such as which function is being called. On a cache miss, the value is computed with (f x) and its result cached.

NOTE: x is the argument to f but it is generally not used as a cache key!

The 3-arity uses x as both the cache host and the value passed to f. The 5-arity has separate host and x.

If there is no existing value at subkey in the cache, this will call (f x) and cache the result at subkey.

The inner cache is an (atom {}) and any CLJ(S) value can be used as the subkey; typically strings are used.

CLJS Notes

If the host is a CLJS value like a map, the cache is ignored by CLJS since it's a raw JS property. Any change to the CLJS map will return a new object, effectively invalidating the cache.

If the host is a JS object, it cannot have had Object.freeze() called on it before the first call to [[side-channel-cache*]]. The host JS object must also be treated as immutable, since if it is modified the cache will contain outdated values. You have been warned.

Options: - :force? true causes the caching to be used even if the host does not meet the usual safety check of being a vanilla JS object or a Clojure map. (Eg. if the host is an instance of a JS class.) - :cache-fn specifies the style of caching to be used. It defaults to atomic-map-cache-fn.

(defn side-channel-cache
  ([subkey x f]
   (side-channel-cache subkey x f false))
  ([subkey x f force?]
   (side-channel-cache* subkey x x f
                        {:cache-fn atomic-map-cache-fn
                         :force?   force?}))
  ([subkey host x f opts]
   (side-channel-cache* subkey host x f
                        (merge {:cache-fn atomic-map-cache-fn} opts))))